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Bill | H.3779 |
To view the text of House, No. 3779, please copy and paste the following URL into the ... |
Bill | H.3779 |
An Act relative to broadened eligibility for relief from disproportionate property tax burdens
SECTION 1. Subsection (k) of section 6 of chapter 62 of the General Laws, as appearing in the ... a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3779) of [PETITIONERS LIST] [BACKING TEXT ... |
Bill | H.4449 |
public health matters
Order relative to authorizing the committee on Public Health to make an investigation and study of certain House documents concerning public health ... |
Bill | H.4880 |
Study Order
Order relative to liquor licenses, professional licensing, fraud and other matters relative to consumer protection and professional licensure ... |
Bill | H.4244 |
House study order
Order relative to authorizing the committee on Revenue to make an investigation and study of certain House documents concerning revenue matters ... |
Bill | H.3779 |
An Act providing for informed consent for opioid treatment for pain
Chapter 111 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following section:- Section ... a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3779) of Alan Silvia and others relative to ... |
Bill | H.4347 |
An Act relative to retail licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages at continuing care retirement communities
SECTION 1. Section 1 of chapter 138 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2012 Official ... on a motion of Mr. McMurtry of Dedham, for a bill with the same title (House, No. 3779 ... |
Bill | H.3779 |
An Act relative to credit card processors
SECTION 1. Section 1 of chapter 140D of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2018 ... petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3779) of Danielle W. Gregoire and Susan Williams ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 6/23/2017 (11:00 AM) | Senate Journal
Met at nine minutes past eleven o’clock A.M. (Mr. Brownsberger in the Chair ... Petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3779) of Joseph D. McKenna relative to the ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 5/1/2023 (11:00 AM) | Senate Journal
Met at five minutes past eleven o’clock A.M. (Mr. DiDomenico in the Chair ... of the Department of Transitional Assistance (House, No. 3779,-- on petition),-- was read ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 7/24/2014 | House Journal
JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE ... Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 6/30/2022 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 7/28/2014 | Senate Journal
NOTICE: - While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the data herein ... House, No. 4347,-- on House, No. 3779); Were severally read and, under Senate Rule 26 ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 10/31/2011 | House Journal
Supplemental appropriation bill,— disapproval and amendments ... Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 11/21/2013 | House Journal
Robert and Chris DeCarlo and Nicole Lafauci ... JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE ... Met at eight minutes after eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 4/27/2023 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o ’ cl ock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Garballey of Arlington in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 5/13/2019 (11:00 AM) | Senate Journal
Met according to adjournment eleven o’clock A.M. (Mr. Collins in the Chair ... The Chair (Mr. Collins), members, guests and staff then recited the pledge of allegiance to the flag ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 4/20/2023 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 4/18/2023 (11:00 AM) | Senate Journal
Met at ten minutes past eleven o’clock A.M. (Mr. Timilty in the Chair) (having been appointed by the President, under authority conferred by Senate Rule 4, to perform the duties ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 5/20/2021 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 2/22/2018 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 5/13/2019 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority ... |
Bill | H.3779 |
An Act relative to motor vehicle leasing parity
SECTION 1. Chapter 90 of the general laws, as so appearing in the 2014 edition, shall be amended by striking section 7N and replacing it with the following section:- Section 7N ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 11/7/2001 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment, at eleven o’clock A.M., with Mr. O’Flaherty of Chelsea in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to ... |
Not followable in MyLegislature. | Journal | 3/18/2024 | House Journal
Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority ... |