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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

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Legislator William N. Brownsberger Senator • Suffolk and Middlesex
Legislator William N. Brownsberger Senator • Suffolk and Middlesex
Bill HD.3617 A communication from the city of Cambridge transmitting Resolutions (adopted by the city council of said city) urging the 113th Congress to enact com...

Bill H.3951 Resolutions providing for a declaration of the intent of the House of Representatives relative to the amount and distribution of local aid to the com...

Filed by Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill -- House, March 12, 2014 ...

Bill HD.4896 A communication from Zoo New England (see sections 7 and 8 of Chapter 92B of the General Laws) submitting the 2019 Annual Report and Audit of the Com...

Bill SD.2284 Report of the Office of the Comptroller (under the provisions of Sections 1A and 1B of Chapter 38 of the Acts of 2013) submitting a report on the com...

Placed on file with the Senate Clerk ...

Hearing The Special Joint Committee on Redistricting will conduct a virtual public hearing on the 2021 Redistricting process. To sign up to testify, please complete this form: Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 11:00 AM Virtual Hearing
Hearing The Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture will host a virtual hearing on Tuesday May 4, 2021 at 1PM. Persons seeking to provide oral testimony must pre-register via the form below: The deadline to pre-register is 5:00 P.M. on Friday, April 30th. Once registered, you will receive further instructions on how to participate. Written testimony may also be submitted to the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture by email to: Written testimony will be accepted through the end of the day May 4th. Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 1:00 PM Virtual Hearing
Bill H.3399 special procedures for consideration of the House Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2016 for the maintenance of departments, boards, com...

on Ways and Means, no proposition on a subject different from the amendment under ... of Rule 20A, any amendment removed by a member from a consolidated amendment shall be offered as an ...

Bill H.3999 special procedures for consideration of the House Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2015 for the maintenance of departments, boards, com...

on Ways and Means, no proposition on a subject different from the amendment under ... of Rule 20A, any amendment removed by a member from a consolidated amendment shall be offered as an ...

Hearing COVID-19 and Miscellaneous Bills Written testimony will be accepted for the following bills from 9:00am, April 21 to 5:00pm, April 28. Please use the following google form to submit testimony: Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 9:00 AM Electronic Hearing
Hearing The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs: Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony. Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Thursday, November 19th at 5:00 PM. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola at or Matthew Amato at Friday, November 20, 2020, 1:00 PM Virtual Hearing
Hearing The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs: Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony. Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Tuesday, May 26th at 5:00 PM. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office at or Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office at Wednesday, May 27, 2020, 11:00 AM Virtual Hearing
Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 3/28/2006 House Journal

the same committee, on House, No. 3241, a Resolve providing for an investigation and study relative to a com- munity based recycling program (House, No. 4805 ... Third reading b i l l ...

Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 2/25/2010 House Journal

As a society, may we be united in a com- mon effort to improve the quality of life, both ... 1 of chapter 62C held on any single day in the commonwealth shall constitute a single show ...

Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 10/15/2009 House Journal

May the common good remain a priority on our common agenda ... endorsement that the Senate had appointed a com- mittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the ...

Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 1/25/2018 House Journal

Municipali­ ties and Regional Government, on a petition, a Bill establishing a com­ munity safe school fund (House, No. 1082 ...

Bill S.6 Proposed Joint Rules to be adopted as permanent rules for the Senate and House of Representatives for 2011-2012

Resources and Agriculture; A committee on Financial Services; A committee on Health Care Financing; A committee on Higher Education; A committee on Housing; A committee ...

Bill H.2015 relative to Joint Rules governing the 2013-2014 legislative sessions

Resources and Agriculture; A committee on Financial Services; A committee on Health Care Financing; A committee on Higher Education; A committee on Housing; A committee ...

Bill H.2016 House Order No. 2015, relative to Joint Rules governing the 2013-2014 legislative sessions, as amended by the House. January 23, 2013.

Resources and Agriculture; A committee on Financial Services; A committee on Health Care Financing; A committee on Higher Education; A committee ...

Bill S.9 Text of the Senate amendment (Ethics and Rules), as amended to the House order relative to Joint Rules governing the 2013-2014 legislative sessions (...

Resources and Agriculture; A committee on Financial Services; A committee on Health Care Financing; A committee on Higher Education; A committee on Housing; A committee ...

Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 10/11/2012 House Journal

Antony, a com- mune in the southern suburbs of Paris, is the sister community to the town ... the implementation of the directive to develop a system of appointment of counsel in which ...

Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 4/27/2015 Senate Journal

UNCORRECTED PROOF OF THE JOURNAL OF THE ... A Message from His Excellency the Governor recommending legislation relative to for a reliable, sustainable Massachusetts Bay Transportation ...

Not followable in MyLegislature. Journal 10/11/2017 House Journal

By Mr. Madaro of Boston, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Adrian Madaro for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Ann Marie Campos, an ... We thank You for the efforts ...

Bill S.8 Text of the Senate amendment (Ethics and Rules) to the House order relative to Joint Rules governing the 2013-2014 legislative sessions (House, No. 2...

Resources and Agriculture; A committee on Financial Services; A committee on Health Care Financing; A committee on Higher Education; A committee on Housing; A committee ...