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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.3860 |
Michlewitz, Aaron |
Parcel 12 Amendment
properly cap the ramp at I-93 off ramp Parcel 12 off of Cross street in the City, as laid ... |
S.2308 |
Feeney, Paul R. |
in place thereof the following words:- “June 12”; and in section 12, by striking out, in line 38, the words ... |
H.4897 |
O'Day, James J. |
Route 12 Beautification Study
a beautification study of the Route 12 corridor in Worcester beginning at the intersection ... |
S.2800 |
Moore, Michael O. |
Section 12 Restraint
to restrain or subdue a person pursuant to section 12 of chapter 123 of the general laws |
H.4599 |
Arciero, James |
12 North Main Historic Property
and stabilization of the historic property located at 12 North Main Street in the town of ... |
H.4000 |
Frost, Paul K. |
Route 12 Corridor in Auburn
an economic development study of the Route 12 Corridor in the Town of Auburn, focusing on ... |
H.3400 |
Holmes, Russell E. |
12 month continuous eligibility for CHIP
project seeking authority to provide 12 months of continuous eligibility from the date of ... to be eligible for assistance for a period of 12 months or until the child turns 19 |
H.4219 |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. |
K-12 Grant Administration
in item 1599-3004 by striking in line 304 the following:- “the department of elementary and secondary education” and inserting in place thereof the following:- “Massachusetts ... |
H.4930 |
Day, Michael S. |
further to 12
by striking out the amendment in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:- Mr. Day of Stoneham moves to amend the bill by inserting after section 9 the ... |
H.4700 |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia |
Berkshire Education Resources K-12 (B.E.R.K.)
expended for Berkshire Education Resources K-12 (B.E.R.K.) for use providing research and ... |
H.4789 |
Arciero, James |
12 North Main Street Westford Redevelopment
the redevelopment of the property located at 12 North Main Street in the town of Westford ... |
H.55 |
Fattman, Ryan C. |
Further amendment to #12
by adding at the end the following section: "Section XX ... Notwithstanding any special or general law to the contrary, the office of the inspector general, the attorney general, and ... |
H.4000 |
Arciero, James |
12 North Main Street Westford Environmental Cleanup
and cleanup of the property located at 12 North Main Street in the town of Westford"; and ... |
H.57 |
Frost, Paul K. |
Establishing a 12-month residency requirement
Massachusetts residency for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the date ... forms of documentation, issued at least 12 months before the application date including ... |
H.4179 |
Rosa, Dennis A. |
Route 12 in Leominster Engineering Plan for Reconstruction and Repaving
the reconstruction and repaving of Route 12 in Leominster between the Leominster/Sterling line and the intersection of Union Street and Route 12 |
H.4266 |
Coakley-Rivera, Cheryl A. |
Tethering 12 hour limit
not limited to any structure, dog house, pole or tree for longer than 12 consecutive hours ... a dog may leave a dog chained or tethered outside for longer than 12 consecutive hours ... |
H.3860 |
Rosa, Dennis A. |
Reconstruction of Route 12 in the City of Leominster
be expended for the reconstruction of Route 12 in the City of Leominster from Union Street ... |
H.4100 |
Straus, William M. |
Winery Farm Licenses
area remaining under the control of the §12 license-holder; (c) the holder of the special license and not the §12 licensee, shall be solely liable for all activities ... |
S.4 |
Rodrigues, Michael J. |
Winery Farm Licenses
area remaining under the control of the §12 license-holder; (c) the holder of the special license and not the §12 licensee, shall be solely liable for all activities ... |
S.3 |
Mark, Paul W. |
Berkshire Education Resources K-12
by adding the following words:- “; provided further, that not less than $100,000 be expended for Berkshire Educational Resources K12 to provide research and organizational ... |
H.4249 |
Nguyen, Tram T. |
Racially and Culturally Inclusive K-12 Curriculum
by adding the following section: SECTION XXXX ... Section 1E of chapter 69 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2018 Official Edition, is hereby amended in line 1 by inserting ... |
S.3 |
Donnelly, Kenneth J. |
HomeBASE Bar on Future Assistance
words:- in the form of ongoing rental assistance intended to last for 12 or more months ... and by striking out the words “or 12 months for a family that received assistance only for ... |
H.4978 |
Parisella, Jerald A. |
Other Airborne Hazards
in section 12, in line 297, by inserting after the words “open burn pits” the words “or other airborne hazards”; in section 12, in line 298, by inserting after the ... |
S.3 |
Chandler, Harriette L. |
Contraceptive ACCESS Education
about individual eligibility to receive a 12-month prescription for contraceptives in the ... include, but not be limited to, the availability of a 12-month supply of contraceptives ... |
S.2265 |
Moore, Michael O. |
Coming Into Compliance with NICS
place thereof the following: -“subsection (e) of section 12, subsection (b) of section 15 |