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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.5007 |
Mark, Paul W. |
18 Degrees Pittsfield
than $250,000 shall be expended for 18 Degrees in Pittsfield for community development ... |
H.2013 |
Binienda, John J. |
Amending Rule 18
after the words “Assistant Minority Floor Leader” and replacing it with the following: “, Ranking minority member of Ways and Means, Ranking minority member of the committee on ... |
H.4179 |
Murphy, James M. |
Route 53 to Route 18 resurfacing
intersection of Broad St and Washington St to the intersection of Route 18 and Route 53 |
S.2216 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Exemption of under 18 years of age
by inserting in line 31 after the word "service" the following:-"including but not limited to emergency medical services |
H.4725 |
Garlick, Denise C. |
Further Amendment to 18
by striking the amendment in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:- Ms. Garlick of Needham moves to amend the bill by inserting after section 77 the ... |
S.2393 |
L'Italien, Barbara A. |
Clarifying access for students aged 18-22
by striking, in line 76, the word “may” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “shall be allowed to” and by inserting, in line 82, after the word “program” the ... |
H.4879 |
Vitolo, Tommy |
Zoning Change Threshold
to further amend the bill in said section 18 in line 1010 by inserting after the word ... to further amend the bill in said section 18 in lines 1026 through 1027 by striking the ... |
S.175 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
restaurant to collect and pay excise upon sales of meals purchased on October 18-23, 2013 ... of the General Laws, shall remain in effect for sales on the days of October 18-23, 2013 ... |
S.2185 |
Lewis, Jason M. |
OUI of toxic vapors
having the property of releasing toxic vapors as defined in section 18 of chapter 270 ... out, in lines 4 and in lines 17 and 18, the words “the vapors of glue” and inserting in ... |
H.4165 |
Brady, Michael D. |
Assessment Uniformity Amendment
Chapter 25 is hereby amended in Section 18 by striking the second sentence in paragraph ... Said Chapter 25 is hereby amended in Section 18 by adding at the end thereof the following ... |
H.4200 |
Diehl, Geoff |
An Amendment ensuring Benefits through Enhanced Selective Service Registration
such permit or license and who is at least 18 years of age but less than 26 years of age ... is at least 16 years of age but less than 18 years of age the registrar shall notify the ... |
H.3382 |
Barrows, F. Jay |
Amendment to H3382
by striking section 18 of the bill and inserting in place thereof the following:— "SECTION 18 ... Section 1 of chapter 64A of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by ... |
H.4640 |
Hill, Bradford R. |
Minimum Wage
not apply to anyone under the age of 18 and further the wage of $11 shall be considered the minimum wage for employees under the age of 18 |
H.4000 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
Juvenile First Degree Murder
before the person had attained the age of 18 shall be granted a parole permit unless all ... before the person had attained the age of 18 years at the time of the murder shall be ... |
H.3382 |
Barrows, F. Jay |
Amendment to H3382
by striking section 18 of the bill and inserting in place thereof the following:— "SECTION 18 ... Section 1 of chapter 64A of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by ... |
H.4479 |
Hecht, Jonathan |
Child-resistant packaging
in section 18 in line 153 by inserting after the word “inclusive” the words “, as amended ... And further moves to amend the bill in section 18 in line 159 by inserting after the word ... |
S.2800 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Better Outcomes for Young Adults
72 of the Acts of 2018, the words “18 years of age or older” and inserting in place ... birthday, be imposed until such child reaches age 18 or 19 in the case of a child whose ... |
H.3600 |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. |
Marijuana Purchasing Restrictions
sections: "SECTION X. Section 5I of chapter 18 of the General Laws, as appearing in the ... |
H.3858 |
Lyons, James J. |
Making the legislature subject to the public records law
further amended by striking out section 18 and inserting in place thereof the following section:- SECTION 18 ... This chapter shall not apply to declarations, affidavits and other ... |
H.4725 |
Malia, Elizabeth A. |
Harm Reduction
to persons who have attained the age of 18 years and”; and further moves to amend said ... by striking out in (d) the words: “to persons over the age of 18 pursuant to section 27 |
H.4400 |
Lyons, James J. |
Making the legislature subject to the public records law
further amended by striking out section 18 and inserting in place thereof the following section:- SECTION 18 ... This chapter shall not apply to declarations, affidavits and other ... |
H.4400 |
Malia, Elizabeth A. |
Harm Reduction
to persons who have attained the age of 18 years and”; and further moves to amend said ... by striking out in (d) the words: “to persons over the age of 18 pursuant to section 27 |
H.4743 |
Domb, Mindy |
Consumer Education
of substance addiction services established in section 18 of chapter 17” and inserting in ... |
S.3 |
Fattman, Ryan C. |
Asset Limits
by striking Sections 18, 19, and 32 |
H.4179 |
Diehl, Geoff |
Providing for the Safety and Health of Abington Residents
a plan to widen four miles of Route 18 within a mile from an abutting residential area an ... Coburn Lane and Thayer Street on the northbound side of Route 18 in the town of Abington ... |