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HD.4257 |
Honan, Kevin G.
Housing - June 18
on Housing be granted until Wednesday, June 18, 2014, within which time to make its final ... By Mr. Honan of Boston, a petition (accompanied by order, House, No. [BILL NUMBER]) of ... |
H.976 |
Vincent, RoseLee
An Act relative to the trafficking of W-18
and others relative to the trafficking of W-18 or any derivative of W-18 and any mixture containing more than 10 grams of W-18 or a derivative of W-18 ... |
H.3472 |
Vincent, RoseLee
An Act relative to the trafficking of W-18
Vincent relative to the trafficking of W-18 or any derivative of W-18 and any mixture containing more than 10 grams of W-18 or a derivative of W-18 ... |
H.1606 |
Giannino, Jessica Ann
An Act relative to the trafficking of W-18
Ann Giannino relative to the trafficking of W-18 or any derivative of W-18 and any mixture containing more than 10 grams of W-18 or a derivative of W-18 ... |
H.4912 |
Koczera, Robert M.
renaming the Weld Street Exit on route 18
The Weld Street Exit on route 18 in the City of New Bedford shall be known and designated ... The Massachusetts Department of Transportation shall erect and maintain a suitable marker ... |
H.355 |
Bradley, Garrett J.
An Act raising the compulsory attendance age to 18.
however, all children under the age of 18 shall be required to attend school if they have ... |
H.1906 |
Bradley, Garrett J.
An Act raising the compulsory attendance age to 18
however, that all children under the age of 18 shall be required to attend school if they ... By Mr. Bradley of Hingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1906) of Garrett J ... |
H.338 |
Bradley, Garrett J.
An Act raising the compulsory attendance age to 18
however, that all children under the age of 18 shall be required to attend school if they ... By Mr. Bradley of Hingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 338) of Garrett J ... |
H.313 |
Bradley, Garrett J.
An Act raising the compulsory attendance age to 18
however, that all children under the age of 18 shall be required to attend school if they ... By Mr. Bradley of Hingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 313) of Garrett J ... |
HD.4389 |
Gaskey, John R.
An Act to repeal the ban on handgun ownership for adults age 18 through 20
It has been long standing law that the age of maturation is 18 years of age ... other rights, not only on adults aged 18-20, but on children as young as 11 years old ... |
H.4548 |
Mariano, Ronald
An act authorizing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to acquire certain parcels of land in the city known as the town of Weymouth.
(5) Parcel 18-TE-180, a parcel of land owned by the town of Weymouth adjoining Parcel 18-GR-W-7 and Parcel 18-GR-PUE-W-19, as described in ... |
H.4389 |
Mariano, Ronald
An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to acquire certain parcels of land in the town of Weymouth
Parcel 18-TE-180: A parcel of land supposed to be owned by Town of Weymouth adjoining Parcel 18-GR-W-7 and Parcel 18-GR-PUE-W-19, hereinbefore described ... |
HD.4388 |
Gaskey, John R.
An Act lowering the legal gambling age to 18 in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
age with the age of adulthood, granting individuals 18 years of age the same rights and ... minimum gambling age at 21 shall be amended accordingly to reflect the new legal age of 18 ... |
H.3630 |
Garlick, Denise C.
An Act amending the Charter of the Town of Needham, Part 3, Section 18, Moderator
and by authority of same, as follows: Section 1. Part 3 TOWN OFFICERS, Section 18 ... Moderator is amended in line 1 of Section 18 by deleting the words “A moderator shall be ... |
H.3466 |
Campanale, Kate D.
An Act prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under the age of 18
its forms to any person under the age of 18 or, not being his parent or guardian, gives a ... its forms to any person under the age of 18 shall be punished by a fine of not less than ... |
H.1180 |
Kane, Hannah
An Act prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under the age of 18
its forms to any person under the age of 18 or, not being his parent or guardian, gives a ... its forms to any person under the age of 18 shall be punished by a fine of not less than ... |
H.2388 |
Tucker, Paul
An Act repealing section 1-3 and 7-18 of Chapter 351 of the acts of 2016
By Mr. Tucker of Salem (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2388) of William Flynn relative to repealing certain provisions of the law regulating the ... |
H.3174 |
Gordon, Kenneth
An Act repealing section 1-3 and 7-18 of Chapter 351 of the acts of 2016
By Mr. Gordon of Bedford (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3174) of Kathryn Rifkin relative to repealing certain provisions of the law regulating the ... |
H.3199 |
Roy, Jeffrey
An Act repealing section 1-3 and 7-18 of Chapter 351 of the acts of 2016
By Mr. Roy of Franklin (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3199) of Linda L. Noel for legislation to further regulate the cultivation of marijuana and ... |
S.1683 |
Montigny, Mark C.
relative to designating Route 18 in New Bedford to honor the Edward M. Kennedy Historical Waterfront Boulevard
SECTION 1. The portion of Route 18 in New Bedford that runs from Elm Street to Walnut ... F. D. Cabral for legislation to designate Route 18 in New Bedford to honor the Edward M ... |
S.1763 |
Montigny, Mark C.
An Act relative to the designation of a portion of Route 18 in New Bedford as Kennedy Boulevard
SECTION 1. The portion of Route 18 from Interstate Route 195 to Route 6 in the City of ... The department of transportation shall erect and maintain suitable markers bearings the ... |
H.1697 |
Murphy, James M.
An Act to prohibit the sale of "energy drinks" to persons under the age of 18
to any persons under the age of eighteen (18) shall be punished by a fine not less than ... Murphy relative to penalties for the sale of energy drinks to persons under the age of 18 ... |
H.1908 |
Murphy, James M.
An Act to prohibit the sale of "energy drinks" to persons under the age of 18
to any persons under the age of eighteen (18) shall be punished by a fine not less than ... Murphy relative to penalties for the sale of energy drinks to persons under the age of 18 ... |
S.1841 |
Ways and Means (S) |
Text of the Senate amendment to House Bill expanding juvenile jurisdiction (House, No. 1432)
the words “17, or under the age of 18 and in state custody” and inserting in place thereof the follow figure:- 18 ... SECTION 18 ... |
H.524 |
Cabral, Antonio F. D.
An Act to require school attendance up to age 18 or until graduation
however, that all children under the age of 18 shall be required to attend school if they ... Priscila S. Sousa relative to requiring school attendance up to age 18 or until graduation ... |