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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.3400 |
Sannicandro, Tom |
Outside section 94 changes
to amend the bill by striking out section 94 and inserting in place thereof the following section: "SECTION 94 ... (a) There shall be a special commission on higher education quality ... |
S.4 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Protecting the Environment
bottles” as defined in section 321 of chapter 94 and not having a refund value as provided in section 322 of chapter 94 and ... |
H.4000 |
Chan, Tackey |
Division of Standards
of section 184D of said chapter 94; provided, that notwithstanding said subsection (h) of said section 184D of said chapter 94, the division shall not fund the municipal grant ... |
S.2265 |
Brewer, Stephen M. |
Corrective Amendment
words:-“with or”; and in said section 94, by striking out, in line 1255, the words “or ... forth in subsection (2)”; and in said section 94 by striking out, in lines 1269 to 1271 ... |
H.4100 |
Winslow, Daniel B. |
To encourage a clean environment in Massachusetts
3 of said section 321 of said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking ... c) of said section 323 of said chapter 94 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby ... |
S.4 |
Hedlund, Robert L. |
Improve Recycling
Section 321 of chapter 94 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2008 Official Edition ... c) of said section 323 of said chapter 94 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby ... |
S.3 |
Moran, Susan L. |
Nip Recycling
the following sections:- SECTION X. Chapter 94 of the General Laws, as appearing in the ... SECTION X. Said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby further amended in section 322 by ... |
H.3400 |
Binienda, John J. |
deposits pursuant to section 323D of chapter 94 of the general laws for a program to ... the purposes of this item and said chapter 94, a redemption center shall be any business ... |
S.2829 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Modernizing the Container Deposit Law
Section 321 of chapter 94 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by ... Section 323 of said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the ... |
S.2185 |
Keenan, John F. |
Clarifying selection criteria for school resource officers
by striking in line 94 the word "solely |
H.4200 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
Methyl Alcohol
moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:- “SECTION XX ... Sections 303A to 303E, inclusive, of chapter 94 of the General Laws are hereby repealed |
S.2467 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Notification by the Commissioner of Public Health
by inserting in line 94 after the words "45 days" the following words:- ", or as soon as ... |
H.4200 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
Cold Storage Warehouse
moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:- “SECTION XX ... Sections 66 to 73, inclusive, of chapter 94 of the General Laws are hereby repealed |
H.4700 |
Ciccolo, Michelle L. |
Utilizing Unclaimed Bottle Deposits for Environmental Protection
Section 323D of chapter 94 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition ... Said chapter 94 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after ... |
H.3800 |
Howitt, Steven S. |
Prohibiting Discrimination in Public Accommodations
moves to amend the bill by adding the following ... is hereby further amended by striking lines 94-100, inclusively, and inserting, in line 94, after the word “control;” the following ... |
H.4257 |
Moran, Michael J. |
Chapter 57 Definitions
by inserting after section 1 the following 2 sections:- “SECTION 1A ... data is reported under P.L. 94-171 2020 Census National Redistricting Data Summary File ... |
H.4000 |
Fernandes, John V. |
Tobacco Settlement
moves to amend the bill in section 94, in line 1024, after the words “Middlesex Superior ... |
H.4791 |
Paulino, Francisco E. |
Face-to-Face Meeting Offer in Property Tax Notices
in section [5], in line [94], by inserting after the word “[Taxes]” the words “[offering a ... |
S.2090 |
O'Connor Ives, Kathleen |
Cannabis Advisory Board Membership
In line 94 striking the word “and municipal law enforcement” and inserting in place ... |
H.4291 |
Provost, Denise |
Prompt completion of complaint assessments
in proposed rule 94(a)(2) to add, after the last sentence of the first paragraph, "Such ... |
H.3900 |
Ciccolo, Michelle L. |
An Act to restore the environmental fund with unclaimed bottle deposits
Section 323D of chapter 94 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition ... SECTION 3. Section 326 of said chapter 94, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking ... |
S.2258 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Stregthening infrastructure relative to meat and poultry production
section: SECTION 1. Section 118 of chapter 94 of the general laws, as appearing in the ... sections 118 through 131, inclusive, of chapter 94 and section 116 of chapter 128, of the ... |
S.2546 |
(2nd Redraft)
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Impossibility of performance
in section 5, by striking out, in line 94, the words “or (iii)” and inserting in place ... |
H.4291 |
Provost, Denise |
Providing for interim employee protections
in proposed rule 94(c) by adding the following "if the EEO Officer believes that interim ... |
H.3400 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
Higher Education Commission Minority Leader Appointment
move to amend the bill in section 94 by inserting, in line 1398, by inserting after the ... |