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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.57 |
Vaughn, Marcus S. |
Establishing a Working Group on the Future Use of the Bay State Temporary Respite Center
center, appointed by the Speaker of the House; and a School Committee member for a town that hosts a temporary respite center, appointed by the Senate ... |
H.57 |
Frost, Paul K. |
Establishing a 6-month residency requirement
shall not be required for victims of domestic violence; or a person whose living situation has been affected by a fire or other natural disaster that occurred ... |
H.57 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Requiring a Competitive Bidding Process
by inserting the following new Section:- “SECTION XX ... the emergency housing assistance program shall be subject to a competitive bidding process |
H.57 |
Frost, Paul K. |
Establishing a 12-month residency requirement
shall not be required for victims of domestic violence; or a person whose living situation has been affected by a fire or other natural disaster that occurred ... |
H.57 |
Vaughn, Marcus S. |
Establishing A Working Group To Expand And Increase Access To The Wrentham Development Center
or caretaker, of an individual currently residing in a state-run medical facility for the treatment of a psychiatric and/or developmental disorder, appointed by ... |
H.57 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Addressing the Lunn Decision
that the person to be detained poses a threat to public safety; and further provided that such person be provided with a copy of such written request; and further ... |
H.57 |
LeBoeuf, David Henry Argosky |
Supporting families with disabilities
risk of harm due to domestic violence; or (iii) in a family with a family member who has a documented disability”; and also in section 6, in ... |
H.57 |
Sullivan-Almeida, Alyson M. |
SHIELD Amendment
offense as defined in 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(43), including, but not limited to, murder, rape, sexual abuse of a minor, illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms ... |
H.57 |
Decker, Marjorie C. |
Child Care and Early Intervention Services for Children Experiencing Homelessness
(c) A letter verifying shelter residency will qualify a family for a full-time childcare referral from the department of ... |
H.57 |
Decker, Marjorie C. |
Child Care and Early Intervention Services for Children Experiencing Homelessness
(c) A letter verifying shelter residency will qualify a family for a full-time childcare referral from the department of ... |
H.57 |
Soter, Michael J. |
Ensuring Public Safety in the Commonwealth
there is probable cause that such person is a removable alien, detain such person for a reasonable period of time after such person ... |
H.2026 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Opinion of the Justices
either branch of the general court has a conflicting opinion with a constitutional officer relative to the constitutionality ... |
H.57 |
Xiarhos, Steven George |
Strengthening Public Safety in the Commonwealth
general or special law to the contrary, a law enforcement agency of the commonwealth in receipt of a detainer request pertaining to an individual within ... |
H.57 |
Consalvo, Rob |
HOH with Disabilities
shall be granted by the secretary for a family with an individual who is: (i) qualified as a veteran under clause Forty-third of section 7 of ... This section shall apply to the Head ... |
H.57 |
Kerans, Sally P. |
Contract Oversight
(b) Within sixty days of execution of a contract for the provision of food or shelter in ... of housing and livable communities shall submit a copy of said contract to the house ... |
H.2026 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Formal Session Notification
the following:- "Members shall be provided with a minimum of two weeks notice before the ... matters delineated in this rule are scheduled to be taken up for consideration and a vote |
H.2024 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
9 P.M. Session Deadline
of this rule which shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of members present and voting by a recorded yea and nay vote ... |
H.2024 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
9 P.M. Session Deadline
of this rule which shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of members present and voting by a recorded yea and nay vote ... |
H.2026 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
General Court Audits
A copy of any and all audits of the general court conducted by the state auditor under ... published on the general court website in a conspicuous place within 72 hours of receipt ... |
H.2024 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Committee Poll Notifications
end of proposed rule 17A the following:- “(i) A list of matters and copies of all bills ... members at least 12 hours in advance that they should expect a poll to be released |
H.2024 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Time to Review Technical/Perfecting Amendments
All amendments submitted to the Clerk after a formal session is called to order shall be ... for at least 30 minutes only upon a roll call vote of two-thirds of House members present ... |
H.57 |
Barber, Christine P. |
Improvements to HomeBASE
up to $50,000 in the first 24-month period, or a higher cap as established in line item 7004-0108, and up to $25,000, or a higher cap as established in line item 7004-0108 ... |
H.2024 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
HWM Reports on Bills
bill it receives to the House with either a recommendation for approval or disapproval ... The committee shall have 60 days to report a bill or resolution, or no less than 30 days ... |
H.57 |
Markey, Christopher M. |
Ensuring Equitable Shelter Administration
in section 4, line 62, by inserting after “women ... office to provide such notice shall not be a basis for extending benefits beyond the time ... |
H.2026 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Roll Calls
matters taken up under the provisions of this rule shall be subject to a roll call vote |