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Date | Branch | Result Summary |
3/3/2025 | House | House Journal
Whipps and Francisco E. Paulino for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to a succession plan for a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant-Governor ... |
2/6/2025 | House | House Journal
oaths of office, and was now duly qualified as a member of the House of Representatives ... he had re-appointed former Representative John A. Lepper of Attleboro to the Commission ... |
1/1/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
At a General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, begun and holden at Boston on the ... Thank you for this honor, and a special thank you to my cousin Senator Karen Spilka for ... |
3/10/2025 | House | House Journal
someone who needed support, or just to lend a hand, James was someone who would never say “No” to a neighbor or a friend ... |
3/13/2025 | House | House Journal
Following a perfect season, the Generals went on to win the Division 3B championship and ... Chapter 214 of the Acts of 2024) providing a report on an expenditure in funds from the ... |
3/6/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
Luke is a junior at Scituate High School and former State House tour guide and was ... and the Health Safety Net 2025 annual report (a copy having been forwarded to the Chair of ... |
1/6/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
Siting Board Trust Fund FY 2024 report (a copy having been forwarded to the Chair of the ... Low-Income Services Solar Program 2024 report (a copy having been forwarded to the Senate ... |
3/3/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
SD2451 Report of the Department of ... By Mr. Mark, a petition (accompanied by proposal, Senate, No. 8) of Paul W. Mark for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to ... |
3/17/2025 | House | House Journal
of the town) for legislation to establish a recall procedure for elective town offices in ... city of Somerville be authorized to establish a program to provide certain tenants and ... |
2/12/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
of non-consensual explicit visual material by a minor (a copy having been forwarded to the Senate Chair of ... |
2/27/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
The team finished their season with a 19-4-2 record and were recognized for their hard ... introduced, in the rear of the Chamber, a group of residents from her district that were ... |
2/6/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
from the County Registers Technological Fund (a copy having been forwarded to the Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means) (a copy will be forwarded to the Senate Chair ... |
2/10/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
After the bill as amended is ordered to a third reading, it shall immediately be read a third time and the question shall then ... |
1/30/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
tax revenue for the current fiscal year (a copy having been forwarded to the Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means) ( a copy will be forwarded to the Senate Chair ... |
1/27/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
the members, guests and staff stood in a moment of silence and reflection to the memory of ... when she entered the Court system in 1945 as a junior clerk in the Suffolk Probate Court ... |
1/2/2025 (11:30 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
of the Clerk of the Senate on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at a half past two o’clock P.M. ... the members, guests and staff stood in a moment of silence and reflection to the memory of ... |
1/16/2025 (6:00 PM) | Senate | Senate Journal
In the Chamber of the House of ... officials with your spirit, which is a spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, heart smarts, with a spirt of gentle strength, compassion and ... |
2/3/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
in the second quarter of fiscal year 2025 (a copy having been forwarded to the Chair of ... Representative John A. Lepper of Attleboro has been re-appointed to serve as his designee ... |
1/21/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
Met at a quarter past eleven o’clock A.M. (Mr. Brownsberger in the Chair ... of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary) (a copy will be forwarded to the Senate Chair of ... |
1/6/2025 | House | House Journal
Peisch of Wellesley and Wong of Saugus as a special committee of the House to conduct Representatives-elect Carol A. Doherty, member-elect from the Third ... |
1/13/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
Peg created a positive and nurturing environment for her sons who grew up with a strong foundation built with respect, values and personal ... |
1/21/2025 | House | House Journal
the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services (under Section 151 of Chapter 178 of the Acts of 2024) submitting a report entitled: “A Study on Property Tax Abatements and Exemptions ... |
3/20/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
Marlena is a Junior at Salem State University and was visiting the State House as part of ... Act Three-Year Evidence-Based Plans 2021 report (a copy having been forwarded to the ... |
1/16/2025 | House | House Journal
collections and this will go about an hour and a half… As we gather for the State of the ... So tonight let us be a people of hope even though there can be so much to bring us down ... |
3/13/2025 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
Met at ten minutes past eleven ... 140 of the Acts of 2024) submitting its A Report on the Office of Community Corrections in FY 2025 (a copy having been forwarded to the Chair of ... |