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H.4926 |
Decker, Marjorie
relative to amending chapter 413 of the Acts of 1991 authorizing the city council of the city of Cambridge to amend chapter 14.04 of the Cambridge mu...
duties of the Cambridge Human Rights Commission 14.04.030 Definitions 14.04.040 Unlawful practices 14.04.050 Complaint procedures 14.04.060 Remedies 14.04 ... |
H.1775 A |
Decker, Marjorie C.
An Act relative to amending chapter 413 of the Acts of 1991 authorizing the city council of the city of Cambridge to amend chapter 14.04 of the Cambr...
of Cambridge is hereby authorized to amend Chapter 14.04.010 through Chapter 14.04.090 of the Cambridge Municipal Code entitled ... SECTION 2. Title 14 - FAIR HOUSING ... |
SD.2510 |
Tax Expenditure Review Commission |
Communication from the Tax Expenditure Review Commission (pursuant to Section 14(e) of Chapter 14 of the General Laws) submitting a status update for... | |
HD.5084 |
Department of Revenue |
A communication from the Department of Revenue (see Section 14 of Chapter 14 of the General Laws) submitting its 2024 biennial report of the Tax Expe... | |
S.1882 |
Montigny, Mark C.
An Act to establish February 14 as Frederick Douglass Day
issue a proclamation setting apart February 14 as Frederick Douglass Day, in recognition ... and Patrick M. O'Connor for legislation to establish February 14 as Frederick Douglass Day ... |
H.4571 |
Baker, Charles D. |
An Act designating September 14, 2020 as a legal holiday
or special law to the contrary, September 14, 2020 shall be considered a “legal holiday ... to 11, inclusive, of chapter 136 of the General Laws shall not apply to September 14, 2020 ... |
H.3459 |
Stanley, Thomas M.
An Act designating the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official county song of the commonwealth.
The song, “14 Counties of Massachusetts”, words and music by Alissa Coates and Darci ... for legislation to designate the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official ... |
H.2831 |
Stanley, Thomas M.
An Act designating the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official county song of the Commonwealth
The song, “14 Counties of Massachusetts”, words and music by Alissa Coates and Darci ... for legislation to designate the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official ... |
H.1717 |
Stanley, Thomas M.
An Act designating the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official county song of the Commonwealth
The song, “14 Counties of Massachusetts”, words and music by Alissa Coates and Darci ... for legislation to designate the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official ... |
H.3998 |
An Act relative to amending chapter 413 of the Acts of 1991 authorizing the city council of the city of Cambridge to amend chapter 14.04 of the Cambr...
SECTION 7. Paragraph 1 of subsection A of section 14.04.040 of chapter 413 of the acts of ... Paragraph 5 of section 14.04.050 of chapter 413 of the acts of 1991 is hereby amended by ... |
SD.2521 |
Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development |
Health Care Workforce Transformation Fund and activities supported in FY 14 and FY 15
Report of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development submitting its report on the strategy for administration and allocation for the Health Care Workforce ... |
H.2789 |
Stanley, Thomas M.
An Act designating the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official county song of the Commonwealth
The song, “14 Counties of Massachusetts”, words and music by Alissa Coates and Darci ... for legislation to designate the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official ... |
H.3235 |
Stanley, Thomas M.
An Act designating the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official county song of the Commonwealth
The song, “14 Counties of Massachusetts”, words and music by Alissa Coates and Darci ... for legislation to designate the song “14 Counties of Massachusetts” as the official ... |
H.1388 |
Marsi, John J.
An Act extend nursing home resident overnights with their family from 10 to 14
The division of medical assistance, under authority granted in section 12 of chapter 118E of Massachusetts general laws, shall amend the Massachusetts long term care regulations ... |
H.2659 |
Walsh, Marian
An Act relative to indemnification and defense of public employees.
following paragraph to the end, thereof:—Add a new Section 14 to M.G.L.A. c. 258 §14 Collective Bargaining AgreementsA public employer and ... |
H.3264 |
Brady, Michael D.
An Act relative to rehabilitation periods for substance abusers
by striking out, in line 34, the figure “14” and inserting in place thereof the following ... By Mr. Brady of Brockton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3264) of Michael D ... |
SD.2447 |
Department of Public Health |
plan of correction submitted pursuant to inspection of Hampden County Sheriff’s Department on November 14, 2012 | |
H.4470 |
Murphy, Charles A.
An Act Relative to Unemployment Insurance Rates.
SECTION 1. Notwithstanding section 14 of chapter 151A of the General Laws, the experience ... therefor under subsection (b) of said section 14 shall be the rate which appears in the ... |
H.3460 |
Golden, Thomas A.
An Act requiring insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment
by striking out, in line 34, the figure “14” and inserting in place thereof the following ... By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3460) of Thomas A ... |
S.774 |
Kennedy, Edward J.
An Act relative to requiring insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment
by striking out, in line 34, the figure “14” and inserting in place thereof the following ... By Mr. Kennedy, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 774) of Edward J. Kennedy for ... |
S.1257 |
Kennedy, Edward J.
An Act relative to requiring insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment
by striking out, in line 34, the figure “14” and inserting in place thereof the following ... By Mr. Kennedy, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1257) of Edward J. Kennedy ... |
SD.2645 |
Lovely, Joan B.
Order relative to procedures to be followed when considering the proposed rules of the Senate for 2025-2026 (Senate, No. 14)
Rules of the Senate for 2025-2026 (Senate, No. 14), shall be placed in the Orders of the ... The question will be on acceptance of the report ... The Clerk shall further specify the ... |
HD.4884 |
State of Nebraska |
A communication from the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature transmitting resolution 14, passed on January 28, 2022, applying to the Congress, under the ... | |
SD.3007 |
Nebraska Unicameral Legislature |
Communication from the Clerk of the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature transmitting a copy of Legislative Resolution 14 adopted by said legislative body... | |
H.2394 |
Golden, Thomas A.
An Act relative to requiring insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment
by striking out, in line 34, the figure “14” and inserting in place thereof the following ... By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2394) of Thomas A ... |