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H.4670 |
Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture (J) |
an investigation and study of House documents numbered 693 and 702, relative to e-waste ... to make an investigation and study of certain House documents concerning e-waste issues ... |
H.4372 |
Madden, Timothy R.
An Act to change the town lines between the towns of Aquinnah and Chilmark
of a car way to the “fill pier” Thence: S 84° 11’ 45” E 35.68 feet to a bound to be set ”Aquinnah-Chilmark 12” (Having a coordinate value of N 128299.98, E 1567416.66 ... |
H.1374 |
Heroux, Paul
An Act To Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation S.E.S.A.M.E
SECTION 1. This Act maybe cited as the Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation (S.E.S.A.M.E.) Act of 2015 ... This Act shall apply to all positions for employment ... |
H.841 |
Heroux, Paul
An Act to stop educator sexual abuse, misconduct and xxploitation S.E.S.A.M.E
SECTION 1. This Act maybe cited as the Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation (S.E.S.A.M.E.) Act of 2015 ... This Act shall apply to all positions for employment ... |
H.3466 |
Campanale, Kate D.
An Act prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under the age of 18
include such devices whether manufactured as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under any other product name ... |
H.1180 |
Kane, Hannah
An Act prohibiting the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under the age of 18
include such devices whether manufactured as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under any other product name ... |
H.3469 |
Hecht, Jonathan
An Act to promote disclosure of toxins in e-cigarettes
include such devices whether manufactured as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, or under any other product name ... |
H.1481 |
Keenan, John D.
An Act Designating the Samuel E. Zoll Building.
be designated and known as the Samuel E. Zoll Building in honor of the Honorable Samuel E. Zoll the former chief justice the district ... The division of capital asset management and ... |
S.2217 |
Rush, Michael F.
An Act improving the usage of state property
to a point; thence N 39<= 18' 21" E a distance of one thousand one hundred eighty two ... Roxbury section of said city is shown Parcel E on a plan to be recorded with the Suffolk ... |
S.2233 |
Donoghue, Eileen M.
authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management to grant to the city of Lowell easements over certain parcels of land
baseline thence, turning and running N60º39’05”E 8.42 feet to a point said point being N60º39’05”E and 37.83 feet from station 15+73.96 of said ... |
S.2111 |
Revenue (J) |
Committee on Revenue
1309) of Gale D. Candaras and Bruce E. Tarr for legislation relative to certified appeal ... M. Murphy, James M. Cantwell and Bruce E. Tarr relative to repealing the sales tax on the ... |
S.1297 |
Fargo, Susan C.
An Act relative to the retirement of Charles E. Williams
non-contributory or contributory system, Charles E. Williams of Waltham shall be deemed ... relative to the retirement of Charles E. Williams [Joint Committee on Public Service |
S.2650 |
Environment and Natural Resources |
Order relative to authorizing the joint committee on Environment and Natural Resources to make an investigation and study of certain current Senate d...
accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 579) of Bruce E. Tarr for legislation to set NDMA levels ... by bill, Senate, No. 587) of Bruce E. Tarr for legislation to create the commercial ... |
S.2552 |
Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure (J) |
Order relative to authorizing the joint committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure to make an investigation and study of certain cur...
of Sonia Chang-Diaz, Kay Khan and Bruce E. Tarr for legislation relative to identity fraud ... No. 150) of Richard J. Ross and Bruce E. Tarr for legislation to increase penalties for ... |
S.2290 |
Revenue (J) |
Revenue matters
of Viriato M. deMacedo, Mathew Muratore, Bruce E. Tarr, Robert L. Hedlund and others for ... James B. Eldridge, Leonard Mirra, Bruce E. Tarr and others for legislation to encourage ... |
H.4448 |
Ways and Means (H) |
An Act authorizing the city of Lynn to use certain park land for school purposes
of 435.00 feet; thence turning and running N 39° 00' 00" E a distance of 325.00 feet; thence turning and running N 81° 30' 00" E a distance of 381.42 feet to a point on ... |
H.4127 |
Cahill, Daniel
An Act authorizing the city of Lynn to use certain park land for school purposes
of 435.00 feet; thence turning and running N 39° 00' 00" E a distance of 325.00 feet; thence turning and running N 81° 30' 00" E a distance of 381.42 feet to a point on ... |
H.4293 |
Collins, Nick
An Act conveying a certain parcel of land on East First Street in the South Boston section of the City of Boston
of 1308.50 feet, thence turning and running; S 31° 36’ 26” E a distance of 22.29 feet, thence turning and running; N 88° 23’ 28” E a ... |
H.1300 |
Cabral, Antonio F. D.
An Act making gun law violations subject to dangerousness hearing determinations.
of sections ten, ten A, ten D, ten E, eleven B, eleven C, eleven E, twelve, twelve D, or twelve E of Chapter two hundred sixty nine or sections ... |
H.3792 |
Story, Ellen
An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to acquire certain parcels of land in the town of Amherst
feet for 18.08 feet, thence N38º38’51”E (N38º38’51”E NAD-83-96 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System Mainland zone = N51º42’17”E 1915 Magnetic Meridian) SHLO line for 127.02 ... |
S.2234 |
Judiciary (J) |
issues related to the Judiciary
Sheila C. Harrington and Christine E. Canavan for legislation relative to parental ... 640) of Gale D. Candaras and Bruce E. Tarr for legislation relative to the exploitation ... |
H.2646 |
Lewis, Jason M.
An Act to eliminate the tax deduction for direct to consumer pharmaceutical marketing
Laws is hereby amended by deleting clauses (e) through (f) and inserting in place thereof the following clauses:- (e) the deduction allowed by section 199 of the ... |
S.1558 |
Lewis, Jason M.
An Act to eliminate the tax deduction for direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing
f) the deduction described in section 163(e)(5) of the Code, to the extent increased by amendments to section 163(e)(5)(F) and section 163(i)(1) of the ... |
S.1701 |
Lewis, Jason M.
An Act to eliminate the tax deduction for direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing
f) the deduction described in section 163(e)(5) of the Code, to the extent increased by amendments to section 163(e)(5)(F) and section 163(i)(1) of the ... |
S.1915 |
Lewis, Jason M.
An Act to eliminate the tax deduction for direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing
f) the deduction described in section 163(e)(5) of the Code, to the extent increased by amendments to section 163(e)(5)(F) and section 163(i)(1) of the ... |