About this step
The House Committee on Ways and Means examines the Governor's Proposal and releases its own recommmendations for the annual budget for deliberation by the House of Representatives. Prior to release of the House Ways and Means Budget, Joint Ways and Means Committee budget hearings are held across the state.

Dear Visitor:
Welcome to the Massachusetts House of Representatives Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Web Site. On this page you will find information and documents related to the House Ways and Means Budget and full text of all Amendments offered by Representatives to the budget document. You can access this information on April 10, 2013, after 12:00 pm by clicking on the associated links below. Thank you for visiting this page, and please check back often!
Robert A. DeLeo
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Brian S. Dempsey, Chairman
Stephen Kulik, Vice Chairman
Cheryl A. Coakley-Rivera, Assistant Vice Chairman
Committee Members
Angelo M. Scaccia
Gloria L. Fox
Thomas M. Petrolati
Robert M. Koczera
Christine E. Canavan
Robert F. Fennell
Kevin J. Murphy
John P. Fresolo
Walter F. Timilty
Thomas M. Stanley
William Smitty Pignatelli
Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.
Cleon H. Turner
Linda Campbell
Paul McMurtry
Lori A. Ehrlich
Sean Garballey
Michael D. Brady
Carolyn C. Dykema
Timothy R. Madden
Nick Collins
Carlos Henriquez
Rhonda Nyman
Viriato Manuel deMacedo
Angelo L. D'Emilia
Matthew A. Beaton
Geoff Diehl
David T. Vieira
Donald H. Wong