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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Joint Committee on Elder Affairs 189th (2015 - 2016)

Displaying 25 Bills
Bill No. Bill Title Sponsor Arrived Hearing Schedule
S.353  An Act to provide the elderly access to electronic billing services Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/27/2015 10:00 AM
S.354  An Act relative to the funding of senior center development Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/27/2015 10:00 AM
S.362  An Act relative to the prescription drug coverage for seniors and the disabled Montigny, Mark C. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
S.363  An Act to establish safe staffing levels at skilled nursing facilities Montigny, Mark C. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
S.365  An Act to repeal the nursing home tax Ross, Richard J. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
S.366  An Act relative to residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities Ross, Richard J. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
S.367  An Act establishing a statewide adopt-a-senior program Rush, Michael F. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/27/2015 10:00 AM
S.368  An Act to create a statewide assisted living facility master plan Tarr, Bruce E. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
S.369  An Act relative to psychotropic medications Tarr, Bruce E. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
S.370  An Act to strengthen the Massachusetts home care program Welch, James T. (SEN) 4/15/2015 Scheduled for
10/27/2015 10:00 AM
S.386  An Act to ensure appropriate capital payment for nursing facilities Kennedy, Thomas P. (SEN) 9/28/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
H.515  An Act to increase the personal needs allowance for residents of long term care facilities Benson, Jennifer E. (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
H.516  An Act relative to training of elder services workers in dementia and Alzheimer’s Brodeur, Paul (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
10/27/2015 10:00 AM
H.517  An Act relative to mandatory reporting of elder abuse Chan, Tackey (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
H.520  An Act relative to stabilizing the Commonwealth’s nursing facilities Golden, Thomas A. (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
H.522  An Act to prevent and respond to bullying of elderly and disabled residents of public or privately-owned, subsidized multifamily housing developments Heroux, Paul (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
H.523  An Act relative to senior hoarding Hogan, Kate (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
H.524  An Act relative the elimination of nursing home fees Lombardo, Marc T. (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
H.530  An Act relative to establishing multi-disciplinary teams with district attorneys to investigate elder abuse Poirier, Elizabeth A. (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
H.532  An Act requiring automated external defibrillators in assisted living residences Rogers, John H. (HOU) 3/10/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
S.2139  An Act providing limited health services for residents of assisted living residences Jehlen, Patricia D. (SEN) 8/2/2016
H.3229  An Act relative to providing generators to persons in assisted living facilities Vega, Aaron (HOU) 3/27/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
H.3405  An Act relative to the construction and rehabilitation of senior centers O'Day, James J. (HOU) 5/18/2015 Scheduled for
10/19/2015 11:00 AM
H.3622  An Act relative to discounts for prescription drugs Fernandes, John V. (HOU) 6/25/2015 Scheduled for
11/5/2015 10:00 AM
H.4420  An Act relative to providing dental care to senior citizens Chan, Tackey (HOU) 6/20/2016 Scheduled for
6/22/2016 10:00 AM