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January 20, 2025 Clouds | 19°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Revenue

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1453  An Act improving the fairness of our tax laws Sonia Chang-Diaz
S.1459  An Act to sustain community preservation revenue Cynthia S. Creem
S.1463  An Act relative to the improvement in the process for collecting delinquent property taxes Sal N. DiDomenico
S.1473  An Act relative to retaliatory taxation Benjamin B. Downing
S.1479  An Act relative to the inventory tax Ryan C. Fattman
S.1480  An Act stimulating small business investment Ryan C. Fattman
S.1482  An Act relative to certain endowment funds in private institutions of higher learning Anne M. Gobi
S.1496  An Act to abolish the sting tax Brian A. Joyce
S.1500  An Act relative to homeowners associations Brian A. Joyce
S.1508  An Act to eliminate the tax deduction for direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical marketing Jason M. Lewis
S.1509  An Act relative to excessive executive compensation Jason M. Lewis
S.1510  An Act to pro-rate the corporate excise tax Jason M. Lewis
S.1516  An Act relative to essential health benefits Barbara A. L'Italien
S.1524  An Act closing a corporate tax haven loophole Mark C. Montigny
S.1528  An Act relative to the filing of annual returns by small public charities Michael O. Moore
S.1543  An Act modernizing the corporate excise tax Michael J. Rodrigues
S.1546  An Act to clarify the net-worth measure of the corporate excise Michael J. Rodrigues
S.1558  An Act to promote business continuity and recovery after a disaster Michael F. Rush
S.1560  An Act to promote business growth Michael F. Rush
S.1564  An Act extending single sales factor apportionment to all retail and wholesale corporations Karen E. Spilka
S.1565  An Act to clarify the net-worth measure of the corporate excise Karen E. Spilka
S.1567  An Act to reform state economic substance rules Karen E. Spilka
S.1577  An Act clarifying the application of the throw out rule for corporate excise sales factor apportionment purposes Bruce E. Tarr
S.1584  An Act extending single sales factor apportionment to all retail and wholesale corporations Bruce E. Tarr
S.1591  An Act to phase out the corporate excise tax on property of net worth Bruce E. Tarr
S.1592  An Act relative to corporate excise tax reform Bruce E. Tarr
S.1597  An Act removing impediments to corporate growth Bruce E. Tarr
S.1599  An Act An act creating an incentive for job creation Bruce E. Tarr
S.1601  An Act extending net operating losses to financial institutions and utility corporations Bruce E. Tarr
S.1603  An Act to promote economic growth in the Commonwealth Bruce E. Tarr
H.2457  An Act relative to the minimum corporate tax Kate D. Campanale
H.2458  An Act relative to the schedule of payment of estimated corporate taxes Kate D. Campanale
H.2477  An Act closing a certain corporate tax haven loophole Josh S. Cutler
H.2480  An Act relative to estimated quarterly corporate tax payments Angelo L. D'Emilia
H.2548  An Act to Clarify the Net-worth Measure of the Corporate Excise Randy Hunt
H.2549  An Act Clarifying the Application of the Throw Out Rule for Corporate Excise Sales Factor Apportionment Purposes Randy Hunt
H.2560  An Act relative to the gradual elimination of the inventory tax Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2562  An Act Relative to Corporate Minimum Tax Exemption Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2573  An Act relative to a three year corporate minimum tax exemption James M. Kelcourse
H.2587  An Act to sustain community preservation revenue Stephen Kulik
H.2588  An Act relative to the property tax classification of small businesses David Paul Linsky
H.2605  An Act relative to the improvement in the process for collecting delinquent property taxes John J. Mahoney
H.2622  An Act to establish tax transparency and strengthen the reporting requirements of public charities and to establish reporting requirements for the trustees and directors of public charities Michael J. Moran
H.2642  An Act exempting inventory from taxation Shaunna L. O'Connell
H.2650  An Act extending net operating losses to financial institutions Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.2653  An Act reforming economic substance rules Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.2664  An Act relative to the corporate excise tax Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.2701  An Act Relative to the Taxation of Inventory in Manufacturing Jonathan D. Zlotnik