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February 22, 2025 Clouds | 34°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Education

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.202  An Act enhancing school district transportation safety Benjamin B. Downing
S.212  An Act concerning funding replacement vocational and technical public high school instructional equipment Michael R. Knapik
S.213  An Act to provide for capital equipment replacement in vocational education as part of state aid to public schools Michael R. Knapik
S.226  An Act establishing college and career preparation programs and opportunities for postsecondary education Michael J. Rodrigues
S.229  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to making exceptions to certain public school transportation laws Richard J. Ross
S.253  An Act relative to the youthbuild program. Steven A. Tolman
H.157  Resolve establishing a special commission relative to reimbursements of school busing costs Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.173  An Act mandating the accreditation of secondary graphic communications education in vocational and technical schools. Benjamin Swan
H.1051  An Act relative to school transportation James J. Dwyer
H.1072  An Act Relative to a Commission on Advertisements Walter F. Timilty
H.1073  An Act relative to the Massachusetts YouthBuild program Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1078  An Act relative to school choice funding for vocational technical programs Martha M. Walz
H.1082  An Act relative to vocational technical education Martha M. Walz
H.1084  An Act regarding private school transportation Martha M. Walz
H.1913  providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to reimbursement of certain school busing costs Geraldine M. Creedon
H.1941  An Act establishing a school counseling leadership pilot project to accelerate college and career readiness in Massachusetts public schools Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.1945  An Act to assure college and career readiness through six-year career plans for all Massachusetts public school students Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.2712  An Act improving coordination of the youth workforce development system in the Commonwealth Cheryl A. Coakley-Rivera
H.2714  An Act relative to school transportation Carolyn C. Dykema
S.1956  An Act concerning media literacy in schools Katherine M. Clark