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March 08, 2025 Clear | 31°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1747  An Act combating climate change Michael J. Barrett
S.1748  An Act requiring the timely adoption of greenhouse gas emission limits for the year 2030 William N. Brownsberger
S.1752  An Act to increase container recycling in the Commonwealth Cynthia S. Creem
S.1760  An Act relative to creating a clean energy standard Benjamin B. Downing
S.1763  An Act relative to net metering Benjamin B. Downing
S.1764  An Act relative to renewable energy portfolio standards Benjamin B. Downing
S.1777  An Act relative to conditional expansion of the bottle bill John F. Keenan
S.1785  An Act to protect our environment and update our climate action plan Marc R. Pacheco
S.1786  An Act to protect our environment and reduce the carbon footprint of the commonwealth Marc R. Pacheco
S.1794  An Act relative to the green communities act Bruce E. Tarr
S.1795  An Act further defining water dependent uses Bruce E. Tarr
H.644  An Act relative to federally regulated renewable energy facilities Brendan P. Crighton
H.646  An Act improving recycling in the Commonwealth Mark J. Cusack
H.2853  An Act relative to hydrokinetic energy James M. Cantwell
H.2862  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to vegetation removal by public utility companies Josh S. Cutler
H.2875  An Act to increase recycling in the Commonwealth Gloria L. Fox
H.2880  An Act improving recycling in the Commonwealth Colleen M. Garry
H.2888  An Act relative to small farm energy production Peter V. Kocot
H.2890  An Act relative to renewable energy Stephen Kulik
H.2891  An Act relative to renewable energy certificates Stephen Kulik
H.2898  An Act relative to the siting of land based industrial wind turbines Brian R. Mannal
H.2899  An Act to establish a home heating commission Paul W. Mark
H.2905  An Act to further recycling across the Commonwealth Tom Sannicandro
H.2910  An Act relative to comprehensive siting reform for land based wind projects Frank I. Smizik
H.2913  An Act promoting transparency in wind generated electricity production Todd M. Smola
H.2914  An Act relative to accountability of public funds used for wind turbines Todd M. Smola
H.2916  An Act to expand the bottle bill Thomas M. Stanley
H.2919  An Act relieving the adverse effects of wind energy David T. Vieira
H.2920  An Act to amend Section 22, Section 10 (c) of Chapter 169 of the Acts of 2008 relative to Green Communities Chris Walsh