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March 13, 2025 Clouds | 39°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.209  An Act to modify the reporting requirements of the Gaming Commission law William N. Brownsberger
S.211  An Act relative to the workforce competitiveness trust fund Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.217  An Act to enhance education and combat addiction at slot parlors and casinos Jason M. Lewis
S.223  An Act relative to early education funding Michael O. Moore
S.226  An Act to clarify and enhance privacy protections for electronic health records Marc R. Pacheco
S.241  An Act An act relative to gaming Bruce E. Tarr
S.242  An Act relative to thoroughbred horse breeding James E. Timilty
S.2040  relative to studying the impacts of changing the Massachusetts time zone John F. Keenan
H.283  An Act relative to the use of slot machines in veterans' organizations Thomas J. Calter
H.287  An Act relative to thoroughbred horse breeding Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.289  An Act relative to veterans' and other private clubs Danielle W. Gregoire
H.301  An Act relative to charitable gaming Joseph F. Wagner