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January 20, 2025 Clouds | 21°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Transportation

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1806  An Act relative to the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee William N. Brownsberger
H.4010  An Act financing improvements to municipal roads and bridges Charles D. Baker
S.1822  An Act relative to betterments for transportation improvements Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.1824  An Act promoting electric vehicle adoption James B. Eldridge
S.1835  An Act to regulate the use of unmanned aerial vehicles Robert L. Hedlund
S.1840  An Act professionalizing the delivery of core services of the Registry of Motor Vehicles Brian A. Joyce
S.1844  An Act directing the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to install sound barriers in Quincy and Braintree John F. Keenan
S.1849  An Act to study the feasibility of high-speed rail access between Springfield and Boston Eric P. Lesser
S.1851  An Act to explore alternative funding sources to ensure safe and reliable transportation Jason M. Lewis
S.1856  An Act relative to 2-person train crew size Thomas M. McGee
S.1857  An Act directing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to assess the current status of the Commonwealth’s transportation system Thomas M. McGee
S.1867  An Act relative to the composition of the board of directors of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.1873  An Act relative to the collection of mobility study data conducted in connection with construction projects funded by MassDOT Michael F. Rush
S.1875  An Act facilitating the completion of the New Bedford/Fall River commuter rail extension project Mark C. Montigny
S.1878  An Act promoting fairness and equity in transportation planning Karen E. Spilka
S.1881  An Act to provide greater protection in registry of motor vehicle hearings Karen E. Spilka
S.1886  An Act relative to MassDOT audit Bruce E. Tarr
S.1904  An Act relative to drivers license information James E. Timilty
H.15  An Act relative to the MassDOT internal special audit unit Inspector General
H.23  An Act relative to motor vehicles and aircraft Office of the State Treasurer
H.2941  An Act relative to the soundproofing program facilitated by the Massachusetts Port Authority Bruce J. Ayers
H.2943  An Act directing certain payments to cities and towns by the Massport authority Bruce J. Ayers
H.2953  An Act creating the Massachusetts Rail Transit Fund Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.2964  An Act establishing a commission on police jurisdiction on Massachusetts Port Authority properties Nick Collins
H.2965  An Act establishing a special commission on transportation in the city of Boston Nick Collins
H.2966  An Act relative to the collection of mobility study data conducted in connection with construction projects funded by MassDOT Edward F. Coppinger
H.2983  An Act Relative to the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee Lori A. Ehrlich
H.2984  An Act to explore alternative funding sources to ensure safe and reliable transportation Tricia Farley-Bouvier
H.2987  An Act relative to the Registry of Motor Vehicles fees Kimberly N. Ferguson
H.2999  An Act establishing a payroll tax to increase funding of mass transportation and establishing a transportation finance advisory board Sean Garballey
H.3002  An Act establishing a more equitable public transit fare structure Sean Garballey
H.3003  An Act relative to contract assistance for Central Artery debt of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Sean Garballey
H.3008  An Act relative to the Massachusetts Port Authority Community Advisory Committee Jonathan Hecht
H.3020  An Act relative to a pay per stop T commission Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.3021  An Act Relative to the Ride Service of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Louis L. Kafka
H.3022  An Act relative to the display of motor vehicle number plates Louis L. Kafka
H.3025  An Act establishing an taskforce on the transportation of elders, veterans, and those with disabilities Louis L. Kafka
H.3026  An Act relative to improving passenger rail service between Springfield and Boston Peter V. Kocot
H.3047  An Act relative to access to Registry of Motor Vehicle information Paul McMurtry
H.3053  An Act relative to Massachusetts drivers license information Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.3057  An Act increasing access to medical care for veterans Jerald A. Parisella
H.3058  An Act requiring an actuarial study of the MBTA retirement fund Jerald A. Parisella
H.3080  An Act establishing the commuter rail patrons bill of rights Tom Sannicandro
H.3085  An Act Promoting Electric Vehicle Adoption Frank I. Smizik
H.3089  An Act relative to the use of liquid calcium chloride on state highways Todd M. Smola
H.3094  An Act relative to accessibility determination for ‘THE RIDE’ Program Theodore C. Speliotis
H.3098  An Act to establish an office of maritime planning and policy development William M. Straus
H.3100  An Act directing the board of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to assess the current status of the Commonwealth's transportation system William M. Straus
H.3107  An Act to establish a joint legislative commission to investigate and study the performances and practices of the Registry of Motor Vehicles John C. Velis
H.3117  An Act relative to certain properties in the Commonwealth Joseph F. Wagner
H.3537  An Act further regulating ride sharing programs Nick Collins
H.3540  An Act relative to the composition of the board of directors of the Massachusetts Port Authority Daniel Cullinane
H.3545  An Act relative to the MassPort Citizen Advisory Group Walter F. Timilty
H.3980  An Act requiring gas stations to provide air compressors for free public use Paul McMurtry