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March 26, 2025 Clouds | 39°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Health Care Financing

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.79  Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution for a constitutional right to health care Michael S. Day
H.629  An Act relative to pharmaceutical pricing William M. Straus
H.1133  An Act to ensure prescription drug cost transparency and affordability Christine P. Barber
H.1145  An Act relative to the treatment of epilepsy and seizure disorders Michael S. Day
H.1148  An Act regarding Massachusetts drug price relief William J. Driscoll, Jr.
H.1154  An Act to reduce drug costs through transparency Carmine Lawrence Gentile
H.1162  An Act to promote transparency in prescription drug prices Kate Hogan
H.1167  An Act relative to prescription drug price transparency Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1168  An Act establishing a commission to review contracts between pharmaceutical benefit managers and MassHealth Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1178  An Act relative to promoting transparency in the pharmaceutical industry Ronald Mariano
H.1193  An Act providing for the establishment of a drug cost review commission Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1195  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to chronic disease care self-management Todd M. Smola
H.3551  An Act to promote transparency and cost control of pharmaceutical drug prices José F. Tosado
H.3654  An Act relative to compensation for victims of opioids James J. O'Day
S.695  An Act to improve the accessibility and affordability of pharmaceutical drugs of public health concern Eric P. Lesser
S.696  An Act to promote transparency and cost control of pharmaceutical drug prices Eric P. Lesser
S.703  An Act to define modest meals and refreshments in prescriber education settings Jason M. Lewis
S.706  An Act to ensure prescription drug cost transparency and affordability Jason M. Lewis
S.711  An Act relative to coverage for chronic illness Mark C. Montigny
S.712  An Act to promote transparency and prevent price gouging of pharmaceutical drug prices Mark C. Montigny
S.715  An Act relative to pharmaceutical price transparency and cost sharing Patrick M. O'Connor
S.721  An Act relative to mandatory prescription drug coverage Bruce E. Tarr
S.728  An Act providing affordable access to generic medicines Dean A. Tran
S.733  An Act relative to consumer protection for prescription drug purchases James T. Welch