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February 10, 2025 Snow | 31°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Financial Services

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.925  An Act relative to mortgage review boards and a small business loan review board within the Division of Banks Daniel Cahill
H.1012  An Act relative to establishing a financial technology task force Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1034  An Act to strengthen the state credit union charter John J. Lawn, Jr.
H.1060  An Act modernizing the credit union laws Aaron Michlewitz
H.1065  An Act enhancing the mission of credit unions and promoting fair competition among financial institutions Frank A. Moran
H.1073  An Act relative to the licensing and supervision of debt management services in the Commonwealth David M. Nangle
H.1077  An Act relative to the board of directors of the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation James J. O'Day
H.1113  An Act relative to providing for the security of public deposits Thomas M. Stanley
H.1122  An Act relative to capital of credit unions Jonathan D. Zlotnik
H.1123  An Act relative to mergers of credit unions and banks, and charter conversions of insured depository institutions Jonathan D. Zlotnik
H.2705  An Act relative to public funds Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.3923  An Act relative to the prohibition of predatory financial practices David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf
H.3876  An Act relative to equitable access to personal banking services David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf
S.554  An Act relative to licensure simplification Nick Collins
S.575  An Act to strengthen the state credit union charter Sal N. DiDomenico
S.581  An Act modernizing the Credit Union Laws James B. Eldridge
S.608  An Act to protect credit unions Eric P. Lesser
S.642  An Act relative to credit and debit cards Michael J. Rodrigues