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December 22, 2024 Clouds | 15°F
The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Financial Services

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1010  An Act relating to mutual company dividends Daniel J. Hunt
H.1042  An Act relative to group market plans for automobile and homeowners insurance John J. Mahoney
H.1048  An Act reducing the costs for small business Joseph D. McKenna
H.1056  An Act relative to the supplemental application requirement for dwelling fire insurance policies Aaron Michlewitz
H.1070  An Act relative to investments by fraternal benefit societies Mathew J. Muratore
H.1074  An Act relative to modernization of insurance laws Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.1075  An Act to establish the Massachusetts secure choice retirement program and expand the Massachusetts CORE plan to all employers Tram T. Nguyen
H.1076  An Act relative to secure choice retirement savings plan James J. O'Day
H.1079  An Act providing protections to victims of domestic violence in connection with property insurance claims Sarah K. Peake
H.1093  An Act relative to unemployment insurance benefits for replacement workers Jeffrey N. Roy
H.1103  An Act to encourage retirement planning Angelo M. Scaccia
H.1105  An Act relative to insurance companies and death certificates Todd M. Smola
H.1106  An Act relative to annuity benefit insurance Todd M. Smola
H.1108  An Act relative to home insurance rates Todd M. Smola
H.2679  An Act amending the banking laws and related statutes Daniel Cahill
H.3560  An Act to facilitate alternatives to foreclosure David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf
H.3588  An Act regarding the assignment of insurance proceeds Peter J. Durant
H.3675  An Act relative to interstate branching of a credit union and the Massachusetts Credit Union Insurance Corporation Louis L. Kafka
H.3716  An Act to clarify auto insurance liability during claims investigations Joseph D. McKenna
H.4057  Communication from the Division of Banks (under the provisions of section 171 of Chapter 6A of the General Laws) submitting amendments to 209 CMR 50.00: Parity with Federal Credit Unions (Parity Regulations). Financial Services Division of Banks
H.53  An Act relative to life insurance proceeds Office of the State Treasurer
H.904  An Act relative to civil liability for improper flood hazard determinations Bruce J. Ayers
H.905  An Act relative to an investigation to review flood insurance rates Bruce J. Ayers
H.906  An Act relative to an investigation of flood insurance by the attorney general Bruce J. Ayers
H.908  An Act requiring mental health parity for disability policies Ruth B. Balser
H.921  An Act to reform title insurance Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.922  An Act relative to homeowners’ insurance Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.928  An Act relating to modernizing business to business commercial insurance transactions Daniel Cahill
H.933  An Act relative to unclaimed life insurance benefits Tackey Chan
H.936  An Act relative to mortgage licensing and exemptions Edward F. Coppinger
H.937  An Act relative to Medicaid Edward F. Coppinger
H.952  An Act to conform private with public subrogation policy Marjorie C. Decker
H.954  An Act to provide reverse mortgages on co-op apartments Marjorie C. Decker
H.958  An Act to amend credit card merchant agreements Paul J. Donato
H.978  An Act requiring liability insurance for landscapers William C. Galvin
S.539  An Act relative to transparency in homeowners insurance rate setting Michael J. Barrett
S.547  An Act to facilitate alternatives to foreclosure Harriette L. Chandler
S.566  An Act to establish a resolution trust fund for receipt of reasonable mortgage payments Julian Cyr
S.568  An Act relative to fraternal benefit societies Viriato M. deMacedo
S.569  An Act relative to cancellation of service contracts Viriato M. deMacedo
S.571  An Act relative to unfair and deceptive insurance practices Sal N. DiDomenico
S.574  An Act relative to secure choice retirement savings plan Sal N. DiDomenico
S.602  An Act to establish the Massachusetts secure choice retirement program and expand the Massachusetts CORE plan to all employers Patricia D. Jehlen
S.615  An Act requiring mental health parity for disability policies Joan B. Lovely
S.619  An Act providing protections to victims of domestic violence in connection with property insurance claims Joan B. Lovely
S.621  An Act relative to executive compensation for mutual companies Mark C. Montigny
S.626  An Act relative to group market plans for automobile and homeowners insurance Michael O. Moore
S.627  An Act relative to civil liability for improper flood hazard determinations Patrick M. O'Connor
S.630  An Act relative to disability insurance benefits Patrick M. O'Connor
S.635  An Act relative to homeowners' fire insurance policies Marc R. Pacheco
S.637  An Act relative to interstate branching of a credit union and the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation Michael J. Rodrigues
S.639  An Act relative to the supplemental application requirement for dwelling fire insurance policies Michael J. Rodrigues
S.643  An Act relative to preventing fraud Michael F. Rush
S.644  An Act relative to vacated foreclosed residential property Michael F. Rush