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January 17, 2025 Clouds | 27°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on the Judiciary -- 5-9-2023 5/9/2023 1:00 PM 06:34:02
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1389  An Act authorizing the Department of Highways to acquire land in the city of Quincy and the town of Milton for the purpose of flood control and prevention Bruce J. Ayers
H.1404  An Act protecting homeowners from unnecessary foreclosures Daniel Cahill
H.1405  An Act relative to uniform real property electronic recordings Daniel Cahill
H.1410  An Act preventing unnecessary vacancies in foreclosed homes Peter Capano
H.1411  An Act to increase transparency in the Massachusetts land record systems to protect the property rights of homeowners and businesses Gerard J. Cassidy
H.1432  An Act relative to escheat Josh S. Cutler
H.1465  An Act relative to rent escrow David F. DeCoste
H.1483  An Act protecting buyers from unknowingly purchasing property in a flood zone Dylan A. Fernandes
H.1529  An Act relative to the leasing of accessory dwelling units Carlos González
H.1530  An Act relative to nonprofit receivership authorization Carlos González
H.1549  An Act relative to mortgage discharge by out-of-state mortgagees Natalie M. Higgins
H.1589  An Act relative to eminent domain Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1593  An Act relative to the defense of private property rights through the prevention of abusive eminent domain takings in the Commonwealth Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1655  An Act increasing fair housing protections for victims of abusive behavior Jay D. Livingstone
H.1665  An Act relative to notice of contract, dissolution of lien Christopher M. Markey
H.1670  An Act relative to streamline the judicial review of local land use decisions Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr.
H.1672  An Act to ensure backyard privacy Joseph D. McKenna
H.1675  An Act to promote housing stability Paul McMurtry
H.1682  An Act relative to summary process and rental assistance Samantha Montaño
H.1686  An Act to further clear titles to real property affected by technical irregularities in recorded instruments Frank A. Moran
H.1689  An Act protecting titles to real estate in Massachusetts Frank A. Moran
H.1690  An Act promoting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing (HOMES) Michael J. Moran
H.1695  An Act relative to landlords accountability with regard to drug houses James M. Murphy
H.1700  An Act to modernize the administration of registered land under chapter 185 of the General Laws Brian W. Murray
H.1715  An Act modernizing time-share extension and termination procedures Sarah K. Peake
H.1726  An Act to further clear titles to real property affected by technical irregularities in recorded instruments Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.1731  An Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts David M. Rogers
H.1763  An Act maintaining parity in legal services for small property owners Alan Silvia
H.1799  An Act relative to rental protections for elderly, disabled and low-to-middle income tenants Steven Ultrino
H.1815  An Act to equalize counsel in eviction proceedings Susannah M. Whipps
H.3590  An Act to increase the protection of homestead Kip A. Diggs
S.1017  An Act establishing a foreclosure review division Edward J. Kennedy
S.1021  An Act relative to rental protections for elderly, disabled and low-to-middle income tenants Jason M. Lewis
S.1043  An Act protecting titles to real estate in Massachusetts Paul W. Mark
S.1048  An Act relative to summary process and rental assistance Liz Miranda
S.1074  An Act to further clear titles to real property affected by technical irregularities in recorded instruments Michael O. Moore
S.1104  An Act protecting homeowners from unnecessary foreclosures Jacob R. Oliveira
S.908  An Act to increase transparency in the Massachusetts land record systems to protect the property rights of homeowners and businesses Michael D. Brady
S.912  An Act to amend the foreclosure statute to require judicial foreclosure Michael D. Brady
S.921  An Act protecting equity for homeowners facing foreclosure Joanne M. Comerford
S.933  An Act to modernize the administration of registered land under Chapter 185 of the General Laws Cynthia Stone Creem
S.937  An Act to clarify the rights of joint owners of real property and abolish certain inconsistent or archaic rules Cynthia Stone Creem
S.946  An Act modernizing time-share extension and termination procedures Julian Cyr
S.956  An Act promoting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing (HOMES) Lydia Edwards
S.994  An Act preventing unnecessary vacancies in foreclosed homes Adam Gomez
S.999  An Act relative to vacant receivership property Adam Gomez