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January 21, 2025 Clouds | 15°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Election Laws

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.334  relative to vote challengers Stanley C. Rosenberg
S.337  An Act providing for the reimbursement of expenditures related to special elections to fill vacancies in the state’s congressional delegation Karen E. Spilka
S.340  An Act on strengthening and clarifying residency requirements for the purpose of voting Bruce E. Tarr
H.605  An Act relative to party representation of election officers Robert M. Koczera
H.606  An Act relative to duplicative poll workers Robert M. Koczera
H.613  to provide for audits of election results Aaron Michlewitz
H.618  to provide for audits of election results Michael J. Moran
H.619  An Act relative to the central registry of voters Michael J. Moran
H.621  An Act relative to special municipal elections David M. Nangle
H.624  An Act relative to unaffiliated voters Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.635  An Act relative to the establishing of an election task force Angelo M. Scaccia
H.637  An Act relative to election emergencies Angelo M. Scaccia
H.638  An Act relative to special elections for senator and representative in Congress Angelo M. Scaccia
H.639  relative to political designations Angelo M. Scaccia
H.3307  An Act relative to public street listings F. Jay Barrows
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.598  An Act relative to voting by the instant runoff voting method Jay R. Kaufman
H.599  An Act relative to voting by the instant runoff voting method in primaries Jay R. Kaufman
H.640  An Act providing a local option for instant runoff voting in city or town elections Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.
H.645  An Act relative to voting by the instant runoff voting method Ellen Story
H.646  An Act relative to voting by the instant runoff voting method in primary elections Ellen Story
H.648  An Act relative to certain county elections for certain vacancies William M. Straus
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.319  An Act to ascertain and carry out the will of the people relative to the calling and holding of a constitutional convention James B. Eldridge
S.332  An Act to protect the integrity of initiative and referendum petitions Stanley C. Rosenberg
H.564  An Act permitting certain questions on presidential primary ballots Paul Brodeur
H.627  An Act to protect the integrity of initiative and referendum petitions Denise Provost
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.341  An Act relative to redistricting Bruce E. Tarr
H.597  establishing an independent redistricting commission and criteria for redistricting for congressional districts Bradley H. Jones, Jr.