State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 234
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 234
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.38 | SD.1635 | An Act Removing Barriers to Financial Stability and Asset Development for Low to Moderate Income Families | |
S.58 | SD.515 | An Act relating to anti-human trafficking and protection. | |
S.136 | SD.697 | An Act to reduce unwanted communications from creditors to protect the peace and privacy of residents. | |
S.183 | SD.1163 | An Act further regulating pawn shops and dealers of second articles. | |
S.200 | SD.452 | By Mr. Pacheco, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 200) of Marc R. Pacheco, Byron Rushing, Harriette L. Chandler, Kay Khan and other members of the General Court for legislation to clarify and enhance privacy protections for electronic health records. Economic Development and Emerging Technologies. | |
H.247 | HD.2229 | An Act to certify community health workers in Massachusetts. | |
H.266 | HD.989 | An Act regulating psychotherapy. | |
S.278 | SD.1968 | An Act to fulfill the promise of education reform: adequate funding for student success. | |
H.317 | HD.3374 | An Act regulating the direct shipment of wine. | |
H.333 | HD.1819 | An Act related to economic development and fiscal accountability. | |
S.447 | SD.1306 | An Act protecting consumers from unsolicited loans. | |
H.483 | HD.3250 | An Act Relative to the Prevention of Bullying. | |
H.523 | HD.769 | An Act relative to the Massachusetts YouthBuild program. | |
S.525 | SD.1787 | An Act relative to the Disclosure of Consumer Loans. | |
S.537 | SD.1677 | An Act To Assure Equitable Heath Coverage For All Children. | |
H.605 | HD.4249 | An Act protecting school children from environmental toxins. | |
H.619 | HD.4292 | An Act relative to municipal relief. | |
H.660 | HD.2035 | An Act relative to the agreement among states to elect the President by national popular vote. | |
S.666 | SD.1309 | An Act Preserving Publicly Assisted Affordable Housing. | |
H.731 | HD.1879 | An Act to limit outdoor night lighting, conserve energy, and reduce light pollution. | |
H.757 | HD.3093 | An Act for a competitive economy through safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. | |
H.776 | HD.1138 | An Act establishing the Massachusetts Food Policy Council. | |
S.810 | SD.1563 | An Act to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth. | |
S.811 | SD.1586 | An Act to establish community based grant programs to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth. | |
S.821 | SD.1449 | An Act Relative to HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention in the Commonwealth . | |
H.852 | HD.2238 | An Act to protect groundwater levels. | |
H.853 | HD.2966 | An Act protecting certain public parks. | |
S.931 | SD.566 | An Act regarding the Commonwealth Fusion Center and other intelligence data centers. | |
H.1028 | HD.1528 | An Act to improve asthma management . | |
H.1087 | HD.1077 | An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for all children. | |
H.1101 | HD.2073 | An Act to include dental benefits in all commonwealth care plans. | |
H.1175 | HD.3189 | An Act to promote educational parity within institutions of higher learning . | |
S.1176 | SD.1843 | An Act relative to binding arbitration. | |
H.1232 | HD.1191 | An Act to protect tenants in foreclosed properties from evictions. | |
H.1237 | HD.1069 | An Act relative to public housing. | |
H.1276 | HD.1458 | An Act relative to confinement conditions and treatment of prisoners with mental illness. | |
S.1388 | SD.1788 | An Act requiring certain disclosures to be made by a tax preparer facilitating the advance of monies prior to the receipt of an income tax refund. | |
H.1510 | HD.3480 | An Act to establish a temporary moratorium on foreclosures in the Commonwealth. | |
S.1687 | SD.389 | An Act relative to gender based discrimination and hate crimes. | |
S.1712 | SD.731 | An Act further regulating debt collection. | |
H.1728 | HD.431 | An Act relative to gender based discrimination and hate crimes. | |
H.1729 | HD.3209 | An Act to Amend the Foreclosure Statute to Require Judicial Foreclosure. | |
H.1745 | HD.3877 | An Act updating the public health laws. | |
H.1746 | HD.3885 | An Act relative to consent and counseling for certain minors. | |
H.1750 | HD.2855 | An Act prohibiting tethering, leashing, and other restraints of prisoners in work release programs. | |
H.1754 | HD.3731 | An Act to Reform the "School Zone" Law for Drug Offenses. | |
H.1755 | HD.3732 | An Act to Repeal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws for Drug Offenses. | |
H.1815 | HD.1726 | An Act establishing paid sick days. | |
H.1851 | HD.1131 | An Act opposing unneccesary language restrictions in the workplace. | |
S.1953 | SD.1938 | An Act Relative to Safe Transportation Infrastructure. | |
S.1988 | SD.1905 | An Act Relative to Improved Sidewalk Accessibility. | |
H.2034 | HD.2168 | An Act relative to security of name changes and requests. | |
H.2054 | HD.1151 | An Act restricting the sale of tobacco products at locations where health professionals are employed. | |
H.2160 | HD.3216 | An Act to regulate the medical use of marijuana by patients approved by physicians and certified by the department of public health. | |
H.2171 | HD.3730 | An Act relative to realistic allowable costs for funerals of indigents. | |
H.2240 | HD.2313 | relative to an investigation and study of the Department of Correction | |
H.2846 | HD.964 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution dedicating 1% of income tax to education | |
H.2959 | HD.3849 | An Act An Act Relative to Establishing a Searchable Website of State Expenditures. | |
H.3064 | HD.1820 | An Act to limit outdoor night lighting, conserve energy, and reduce light pollution. | |
H.3170 | HD.1181 | An Act Relative to Vehicles of Visiting Nurses. | |
H.3227 | HD.2769 | An Act to preserve the right of way for the North South Rail Link. | |
H.3262 | HD.1034 | An Act relative to financing transportation in Massachusetts and eliminating tolls. | |
H.3266 | HD.956 | An Act naming the state transportation library the George M. Sanborn Library. | |
H.3326 | HD.985 | An Act improving the finances of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. | |
H.3362 | HD.1203 | An Act relative to historic preservation. | |
H.3363 | HD.2090 | An Act relative to the MBTA's Copley and Science Park Stations. | |
H.3364 | HD.2112 | An Act relative to the development of air rights over the Massachusetts Turnpike. | |
H.3365 | HD.2176 | An Act relative to safe transportation infrastructure. | |
H.3434 | HD.1266 | An Act relative to providing health education in schools. | |
H.3463 | HD.1366 | An Act preserving publicly assisted affordable housing. | |
H.3476 | HD.819 | An Act establishing a board of registration in naturopathy. | |
H.3523 | HD.1260 | An Act to reform CORI, restore economic opportunity, and improve public safety. | |
H.3537 | HD.1248 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to the subject matter of initiative petitions | |
H.3573 | HD.1557 | An Act preserving publicly assisted affordable housing. | |
H.3585 | HD.1433 | An Act pertaining to people with mental illness in hospital emergency rooms. | |
H.3665 | HD.1498 | An Act regarding the preparation of certain ballots in the City of Boston. | |
H.3751 | HD.2648 | An Act relative to a local options meals tax. | |
H.3758 | HD.3221 | An Act to create an annual City Year day. | |
H.3805 | HD.1174 | An Act addressing LGBT elder inclusion. | |
H.3831 | HD.3908 | An Act To Promote Equity in Pension Benefits. | |
H.3954 | HD.4117 | An Act establishing the substance abuse health protection fund. | |
H.4013 | HD.4149 | An Act relative to the establishment of cultural districts. | |
H.4033 | HD.4144 | An Act relative to transportation finance and equity. | |
H.4750 | HD.4572 | An Act to Maintain the Operation of Public Swimming Pools. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.