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February 18, 2025 Clouds | 17°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Senator Ryan C. Fattman Republican - Worcester and Hampden

Photo of  Ryan C. Fattman
Assistant Minority Leader

State House

24 Beacon St.
Room 213-A
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-1420
Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  SD.3025 By Mr. Tarr, a petition (accompanied by bill) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Bruce E. Tarr, Ryan C. Fattman, Patrick M. O'Connor, Bradley H. Jones, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to combat unjust acts of war by Russia. Public Service.
  SD.3053 By Mr. Tarr, a petition (accompanied by bill) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Bruce E. Tarr, Ryan C. Fattman, Patrick M. O'Connor and Bradley H. Jones, Jr. for legislation to establish a commuter tax credit. Revenue.
  SD.3054 By Mr. Tarr, a petition (accompanied by bill) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Bruce E. Tarr, Ryan C. Fattman, Patrick M. O'Connor and Bradley H. Jones, Jr. for legislation to improve the access and affordability of electric vehicles. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
  HD.4186 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others for legislation to extend paid family and medical leave to members of the armed forces. Labor and Workforce Development.
  HD.4416 By Mr. Durant of Spencer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Peter J. Durant and others that the Commonwealth shall not require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 as a condition of entry. Covid-19 and Emergency Preparedness and Management.
  HD.4548 By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Shawn Dooley and others for legislation to establish a transferable pediatric cancer research tax credit. Revenue.
  HD.4718 By Mr. Lombardo of Billerica, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Marc T. Lombardo and others for legislation to establish a sales tax exemption for at-home COVID-19 tests. Revenue.
  HD.5245 By Mr Turco of Winthrop, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Jeffrey Rosario Turco and others for legislation to repeal certain aspects of the gun laws. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.118  SD.2011 By Mr. Kennedy, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 118) of Edward J. Kennedy, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Michael O. Moore, John Cronin and other members of the General Court for legislation to concern food insecurity and supporting the restaurant industry. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
H.179  HD.323 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 179) of Michael J. Soter and others for legislation to further regulate eligibility for medical use marijuana. Cannabis Policy.
H.207  HD.2646 By Mr. Donahue of Worcester, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 207) of Daniel M. Donahue, Michael O. Moore and David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf that the Department of Transitional Assistance establish a restaurant meals program as part of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
S.236  SD.960 By Mr. O'Connor, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 236) of Patrick M. O'Connor, Carmine Lawrence Gentile, Steven S. Howitt, Ryan C. Fattman and other members of the General Court for legislation to establish a dental patient bill of rights. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
H.277  HD.374 By Messrs. Xiarhos of Barnstable and Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 277) of Steven G. Xiarhos, Timothy R. Whelan and others for legislation to further regulate the sharing of certain police reports by investigators of the Department of Children and Families. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
S.429  SD.1365 By Mr. Tarr, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 429) of Bruce E. Tarr, Mathew J. Muratore, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., Michael J. Soter and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to nursing facility workforce. Elder Affairs.
H.536  HD.1850 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 536) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to filing fees for limited liability companies during the state of emergency due to COVID-19. Economic Development and Emerging Technologies.
S.548  SD.1688 By Ms. Gobi, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 548) of Anne M. Gobi, Eric P. Lesser, Brian M. Ashe, Joanne M. Comerford and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to crumbling concrete foundations. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.
H.663  HD.2548 By Mr. McMurtry of Dedham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 663) of Paul McMurtry and Kathleen R. LaNatra for an investigation by a special commission (including members of the General Court) of the start and end times for school days at public elementary and secondary schools. Education.
H.700  HD.1359 By Mr. Sena of Acton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 700) of Danillo A. Sena and others relative to establishing an elementary and secondary school robotics grant program. Education.
S.714  SD.871 By Mr. O'Connor, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 714) of Patrick M. O'Connor, Carmine Lawrence Gentile, Steven S. Howitt, Ryan C. Fattman and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to dental insurance assignment of benefits. Financial Services.
S.731  SD.773 By Mr. Timilty, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 731) of Walter F. Timilty, Ryan C. Fattman, Brian W. Murray, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to ambulance service reimbursement. Financial Services.
H.762  HD.642 By Mr. Berthiaume of Spencer, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 762) of Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr., Kelly W. Pease and Angelo L. D'Emilia for legislation to require the showing of valid photo form of identification to election officials prior to voting. Election Laws.
H.896  HD.1267 By Ms. Dykema of Holliston, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 896) of Carolyn C. Dykema and others relative to the use and protection of pollinators by further regulating the spraying, release, deposit or application of a neonicotinoid on certain agricultural land. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.
H.1063  HD.3244 By Messrs. D'Emilia of Bridgewater and McMurtry of Dedham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1063) of Angelo L. D'Emilia, Paul McMurtry and others relative to insurance payments for use of ambulance services. Financial Services.
H.1111  HD.77 By Mr. Hawkins of Attleboro, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1111) of James K. Hawkins and others for legislation to establish a set of minimum reimbursement rates for labor by insurers to claimants for first- or third-party motor vehicle insurance claims in the Commonwealth. Financial Services.
H.1171  HD.2349 By Ms. Peisch of Wellesley, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1171) of Alice Hanlon Peisch relative to dental insurance assignment of benefits. Financial Services.
H.1173  HD.2364 By Ms. Peisch of Wellesley, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1173) of Alice Hanlon Peisch relative to a dental insurance. Financial Services.
S.1385  SD.1045 By Ms. Comerford, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1385) of Joanne M. Comerford, William N. Brownsberger, James B. Eldridge, Brian M. Ashe and other members of the General Court for legislation to reduce incidence and death from pancreatic cancer. Public Health.
S.1454  SD.300 By Mr. Lesser, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1454) of Eric P. Lesser, Anne M. Gobi, Cindy F. Friedman, Harriette L. Chandler and other members of the General Court for legislation to streamline COVID-19 vaccination sign-up in Massachusetts. Public Health.
S.1471  SD.1810 By Ms. Lovely, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1471) of Joan B. Lovely, Kay Khan, Jason M. Lewis, Anne M. Gobi and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to newborn screenings for congenital cytomegalovirus. Public Health.
S.1510  SD.254 By Mr. Pacheco, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1510) of Marc R. Pacheco, Jason M. Lewis, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., Bruce E. Tarr and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to the definition of podiatry. Public Health.
S.1595  SD.1685 By Ms. Gobi, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1595) of Anne M. Gobi, Todd M. Smola, Bradley H. Jones, Jr., Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to permit familial searching and partial DNA matches in investigating certain unsolved crimes. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1606  SD.1177 By Mr. Montigny, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1606) of Mark C. Montigny, Steven G. Xiarhos, Julian Cyr, Michael D. Brady and other members of the General Court for legislation to allow humane transportation of K9 partners aka Nero's law. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1682  SD.2141 By Mr. Cronin, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1682) of John Cronin, Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union , Timothy R. Whelan, Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to GIC healthcare coverage for group 4 members pending disability retirement. Public Service.
S.1791  SD.1111 By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1791) of John C. Velis, Joanne M. Comerford, Susannah M. Whipps, Sal N. DiDomenico and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide a retirement enhancement opportunity for certain members of the Massachusetts Teachers Retirement System. Public Service.
S.1897  SD.172 By Mr. Lesser, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1897) of Eric P. Lesser, Patrick M. O'Connor, Jason M. Lewis, Bruce E. Tarr and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide financial relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue.
S.1930  SD.344 By Mr. Moore, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1930) of Michael O. Moore, Anne M. Gobi, Diana DiZoglio, Brian M. Ashe and other members of the General Court for legislation to support job growth in the commonwealth. Revenue.
H.1931  HD.2192 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1931) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to fentanyl arrests. The Judiciary.
S.1973  SD.1592 By Mr. Rodrigues, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1973) of Michael J. Rodrigues, Jason M. Lewis, Joan B. Lovely, Joanne M. Comerford and other members of the General Court for legislation to advance and promote genocide education. Revenue.
H.2111  HD.676 By Representatives Lewis of Framingham and Higgins of Leominster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2111) of Jack Patrick Lewis, Natalie M. Higgins and others for legislation to require that student identification cards contain suicide prevention lifeline contact information. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery.
H.2270  HD.523 By Mr. Donato of Medford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2270) of Paul J. Donato and others relative to the definition of podiatry. Public Health.
H.2304  HD.1669 By Mr. Gentile of Sudbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2304) of Carmine Lawrence Gentile and others for legislation to reduce incidence and death from pancreatic cancer. Public Health.
H.2335  HD.1975 By Ms. Khan of Newton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2335) of Kay Khan and others for legislation to update postural screenings in schools. Public Health.
S.2440  SD.2564 By Mr. Brownsberger, a petition (accompanied by proposal for constitutional amendment, Senate, No. 0000) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of William N. Brownsberger for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to select boards. Municipalities and Regional Government.
H.2474  HD.108 By Messrs. Hawkins of Attleboro and Berthiaume of Spencer, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2474) of James K. Hawkins, Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr., and others relative to benefits for county sheriffs' correction officers and jail officers. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.2509  Senate, August 9, 2021 -- The committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure, to whom was referred the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 40) of Ryan C. Fattman and Peter J. Durant (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize the town of Southbridge to grant additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2509).
S.2525  Senate, September 13, 2021 -- The committee on Education, to whom was referred the petitions (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 370) of Michael O. Moore, John C. Velis and Eric P. Lesser for legislation to establish a hate crimes grant program; (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1973) of Michael J. Rodrigues, Jason M. Lewis, Joan B. Lovely, Joanne M. Comerford and other members of the General Court for legislation to advance and promote genocide education; (accompanied by bill, House, No. 563) of Michael S. Day and others relative to the establishment of a grant program for the education and prevention of hate crimes and incidences of bias in public schools; and (accompanied by bill, House, No. 692) of Jeffrey N. Roy and others relative to requiring instruction on the Holocaust and genocide in public schools, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2525) (Representative Pease of Westfield dissenting).
H.2526  HD.703 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2526) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to licenses to carry firearms or the possession of firearm identification cards for holders of medical marijuana patient licenses. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.2547  HD.326 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2547) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to providing for the care and transportation of police dogs injured in the line of duty. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.2549  Senate, October 6, 2021 -- Text of amendment (Senator Tarr) to the Senate Bill fostering voter opportunities, trust, equity and security (Senate, No. 2545)
S.2557  Senate, October 14, 2021 -- The committee on Senate Ways and Means, to whom was referred the Senate Bill concerning genocide education (Senate, No. 2525),- reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment substituting a new draft with the same title (Senate, No. 2557).
S.2573  Senate, November 9, 2021 -- The committee on Senate Ways and Means, to whom was referred the Senate Bill to allow humane transportation of K9 partners aka Nero's law.(Senate, No. 1606),- reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment substituting a new draft with the same title (Senate, No. 2573).
S.2598  SD.2581 By Mr. Tarr, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2598) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Bruce E. Tarr, Ryan C. Fattman, Patrick M. O'Connor, Bradley H. Jones, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to protect children. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
H.2702  HD.2279 By Ms. Kilcoyne of Northborough, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2702) of Meghan Kilcoyne and others relative to including call firefighter in the public employee retirement law. Public Service.
S.2783  Senate, March 24, 2022 -- The committee on Public Service, to whom was referred the petitions (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1791) of John C. Velis, Joanne M. Comerford, Susannah M. Whipps, Sal N. DiDomenico and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide a retirement enhancement opportunity for certain members of the Massachusetts Teachers Retirement System; and (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2620) of Carol A. Doherty and others for legislation to establish a retirement enhancement opportunity for certain members of the Massachusetts Teachers Retirement System, report the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2783).
S.2804  Senate, April 4, 2022 -- The committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, to whom was referred the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 548) of Anne M. Gobi, Eric P. Lesser, Brian M. Ashe, Joanne M. Comerford and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to crumbling concrete foundations, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2804).
S.2834  Sustainable and economically viable clean energy future
H.2863  HD.2111 By Mr. Cutler of Pembroke, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2863) of Josh S. Cutler and others relative to providing for a "WorkAbility" tax credit to employers for wages paid to qualified employees with disabilities. Revenue.
S.2927  Senate, June 9, 2022 -- (Filed by Mr. Tarr) Order relative to requesting the opinions of the Honorable the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court on important questions of law relative article CV of the Constitution and as to the constitutionality of Senate No. 2924
S.2965  Senate, June 29, 2022 -- The committee on Public Service, to whom was referred the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2960) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Ryan C. Fattman and Joseph D. McKenna for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Michael D'Ambra, an employee of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2965).
S.2966  Senate, June 29, 2022 -- The committee on Public Service, to whom was referred the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2961) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Ryan C. Fattman and Joseph D. McKenna for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Rafael Valentin, an employee of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2966).
S.3000  Senate, July 14, 2022 -- The committee on Public Service, to whom was referred the petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2925) of Ryan C. Fattman, Peter J. Durant and Paul K. Frost for legislation to authorize raising the maximum retirement age of special police officers in the town of Charlton to 70 years old, reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 3000).
H.3068  HD.322 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3068) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to the amount and valuation for eligibility for a tax exemption on commercial property. Revenue.
H.3069  HD.1452 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3069) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to property taxes for 100% disabled veterans. Revenue.
H.3070  HD.1548 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3070) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to sales tax rebate financial relief for certain small businesses. Revenue.
H.3071  HD.1549 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3071) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to relief from the meals tax for certain small businesses. Revenue.
H.3096  HD.1965 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3096) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to taxation of amounts granted to businesses through the federal CARES Act and Paycheck Protection Program. Revenue.
S.3172  Senate, December 29, 2022 -- Text of the Senate Bill authorizing the appointment of special police officers in the town of Charlton (being the text of Senate, No. 3000, printed as amended)
H.3221  HD.1045 By Mr. Puppolo of Springfield, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3221) of Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., and others for legislation to designate the Boston cream pie cupcake as the official cupcake of the Commonwealth. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
H.3226  HD.623 By Messrs. Roy of Franklin and McMurtry of Dedham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3226) of Jeffrey N. Roy, Paul McMurtry and others for an investigation by a special commission (including members of the General Court) relative to the promotion and celebration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
H.3251  HD.1979 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3251) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others for legislation to establish August 31st as overdose awareness day in the Commonwealth. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
H.3252  HD.2114 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3252) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others for legislation to authorize the solicitation of private donations for supporting certain first responders. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
H.3632  HD.348 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3632) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to the prohibition of motor vehicle operators to make turns at certain red lights. Transportation.
H.3898  An Act authorizing the town of Webster to grant additional liquor licenses
H.4187  HD.4470 By Mr. Durant of Spencer, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4187) of Peter J. Durant and Ryan C. Fattman (by vote of the town) that the town of Dudley be authorized to grant three additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk off the premises in said town. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. [Local Approval Received.]
H.4241  HD.4558 By Mr. Frost of Auburn, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Paul K. Frost, Joseph D. McKenna and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Heather Worster, an employee of the Department of Mental Health. Public Service.
H.4547  An Act further defining eligibility for medical use marijuana
H.4663  An Act authorizing the town of Milford to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages not to be consumed on the premises
H.4780  An Act to improve quality and oversight of long-term care
H.4868  An Act to establish minimum reimbursement rate to insurance claimants
H.4914  HD.5178 By Messrs. McKenna of Webster and Frost of Auburn, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4914) of Joseph D. McKenna, Paul K. Frost and Ryan C. Fattman (by vote of the town) relative to employment within the police department of the town of Oxford. Public Service. [Local Approval Received.]
H.5015  An Act authorizing the town of Dudley to grant additional licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk off the premises
H.5428  An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Kimberly Howland, an employee of the Appellate Tax Board
H.1012  HD.1522 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1012) of Azita Sharif for legislation to enhance food traceability and promote local farms. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. This bill is by request. *
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.