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March 23, 2025 Clear | 29°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Bill H.4116 189th (2015 - 2016)

An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2016 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects

Bill Information

House Committee on Ways and Means

Emergency Preamble

Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purposes, which are to forthwith make supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2016 and to make certain changes in law, each of which is immediately necessary to carry out those appropriations or to accomplish other important public purposes, it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of , therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.

Displaying 1 to 25 of 27 House Amendments
Clerk # Sponsor Title Action
Naughton, Harold P. Relative to the Purchase of Conducted Electrical Weapons for the Department of the State Police Withdrawn
Naughton, Harold P. Relative to Protecting the Commonwealth’s Coastline, Ports and Harbors Withdrawn
Scibak, John W. Apprentice training Withdrawn
Linsky, David Paul Clyde Brown Elementary School Mitigation Costs Withdrawn
Miceli, James R. An amendment relative to expanding credible service to certain veterans to reflect Federal Standards Withdrawn
Chan, Tackey Group 2 for DCF lawyers Withdrawn
Scaccia, Angelo M. Prior Appropriation Continued Language Withdrawn
Haddad, Patricia A. Bristol County State Police Overtime Withdrawn
Rogers, John H. Relative to fulfilling the Commonwealth's obligation resulting from civil action no. 96-cv-11598MEL Withdrawn
Cantwell, James M. Allowing municipalities to use insurance proceeds to restore or replace damaged property Withdrawn
Brodeur, Paul 1915 Waiver Amendment Withdrawn
Jones, Bradley H. Rolling Stock Withdrawn
Jones, Bradley H. Essex Tech Withdrawn
Jones, Bradley H. Essex Tech Retirement System Withdrawn
Cantwell, James M. Commission on Upstream Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion Withdrawn
DiZoglio, Diana Fire Fighters/Muscular Dystrophy Association Withdrawn
Sannicandro, Tom Higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities Withdrawn
Mark, Paul W. amendment relative to retained revenue accounts of Berkshire County Sheriff's Office Withdrawn
Mark, Paul W. Amendment relative to the Berkshire County Sheriffs' office operating budget Withdrawn
Keefe, Mary Youthworks Withdrawn
Calter, Thomas J. Water Treatment Withdrawn
Mark, Paul W. Heath Public Safety Complex Withdrawn
Swan, Benjamin Baystate Medical Center Withdrawn
Rogers, John H. An amendment relative to the officers of the court Withdrawn
Madden, Timothy R. Dukes County building Withdrawn

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