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S.385 |
Kennedy, Edward J.
Resolve to examine Chapter 70 funding
regarding state education funding under Chapter 70 of the Massachusetts General Laws ... where the state investment under Chapter 70 has not kept pace with increasing costs due to ... |
S.440 |
Payano, Pavel
An Act relative to Chapter 70 inflation relief
SECTION 2. Section 2 of Chapter 70 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking the ... losses in future fiscal years as a result of previous shortfalls in Chapter 70 allocations ... |
S.388 |
Kennedy, Robyn K.
An Act to fix the chapter 70 inflation adjustment
SECTION 1. Section 2 of chapter 70 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2022 Official ... members of the General Court for legislation to fix the chapter 70 inflation adjustment ... |
H.678 |
Ramos, Orlando
An Act to fix the chapter 70 inflation adjustment
SECTION 1. Section 2 of chapter 70 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking the ... By Representative Ramos of Springfield, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 678) of ... |
H.714 |
Sweezey, Kenneth P.
An Act to study raising the Chapter 70 inflation cap
SECTION 1. There shall be a special task force to review and report on the fiscal, economic, and educational impact of raising the foundation budget inflation cap. The report ... |
HD.4442 |
McMurtry, Paul
An Act relative to the Lowell Mason Act to mandate a percentage of Chapter 70 funds for Arts Education Programs
(b) "Chapter 70 Funds" refers to the state aid provided to public school districts under the provisions of M.G. L. ch.. 70 (“Chapter 70 ... |
H.555 |
Doherty, Carol A.
An Act establishing a legislative commission to study and make recommendations regarding the chapter 70 funding formula
a more equitable distribution of Chapter 70 school aid to municipal and regional school districts as well as other entities that receive chapter 70 school aid ... |
S.1825 |
Dooner, Kelly A.
An Act continuing the employment of police chief Edward Walsh in the city of Taunton until attaining the age of 70
in that position until attaining the age of 70, the date of his retirement, or the date he ... The appointing authority may require at the city's own expense, that Edward J. Walsh be ... |
H.3900 |
LaNatra, Kathleen R.
An Act authorizing the raising the maximum retirement age of special police officers in the town of Kingston to 70 years old
appointed in the Town of Kingston shall be 70 yers of age, and said officers may continue ... serving in their positions until they reach seventy (70) years of age, the date of their ... |
H.683 |
Rogers, John H.
An Act relative to inflation adjustments for education aid
Chapter 70 school aid, as defined in section 2 of said chapter 70, notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to ... |
S.394 |
Lewis, Jason M.
An Act increasing the Commonwealth's share of the education foundation budget
SECTION 1. Section 2 of Chapter 70 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking the ... SECTION 6. Section 2 shall take effect on January 1, 2026 ... SECTION 7. Section 3 shall take ... |
H.704 |
Sena, Danillo A.
An Act increasing the Commonwealth's share of the education foundation budget
SECTION 1. Section 2 of Chapter 70 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking the ... SECTION 6. Section 2 shall take effect on January 1, 2026 ... SECTION 7. Section 3 shall take ... |
H.1199 |
Hunt, Daniel J.
An Act protecting consumers' privacy in mortgage applications
amended by adding the following Section 70 to be entitled: “Consumer Privacy in Mortgage Applications” Section 70 (a) "Mortgage trigger lead" means a ... |
SD.2679 |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation |
Zero Emissions School Bus Transition Report
Department of Transportation (pursuant to Section 70(d) of Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022 ... |
H.3794 |
Ultrino, Steven
An Act ensuring access to state IDs for low-income people
the following sentence:- No fees associated with an application for a license shall be ... 8E of said chapter is hereby amended, in line 78, by inserting after the words "age of 70 ... |
H.717 |
Tarsky, Joshua
An Act establishing a special commission on special education funding
The commission shall examine the chapter 70 funding formula and the special education ... the cap on local contributions under chapter 70; (iv) reforming the penalty for localities ... |
S.442 |
Rausch, Rebecca L.
Resolve establishing a special commission on special education funding
The commission shall examine the chapter 70 funding formula and the special education ... the cap on local contributions under chapter 70; (iv) reforming the penalty for localities ... |
H.521 |
Cabral, Antonio F. D.
An Act relative to transparency and accountability in charter school finance
itself from the provisions of said chapter 70 by accepting section 14 of said chapter 70, the commonwealth shall assess said district for ... |
HD.4416 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act to promote fairness between traditional public schools and regional vocational schools
the provisions of section 6 of Chapter 70 of the General laws, no regional vocational ... |
S.70 |
Oliveira, Jacob R.
An Act clarifying the definition of agriculture
The first paragraph of MGL 128 Section 1a shall be amended to include the phrase “the ... a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 70) of Jacob R. Oliveira for legislation to ... |
S.1806 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone
An Act relative to the appointment of special police officers in the city of Newton
amended by striking out the figure “70” and inserting in place thereof the following ... SECTION 2. Said section 1 of said chapter 96 of the acts of 2014, as amended by said chapter ... |
HD.4326 |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon
An Act increasing the age limit for retired police officers serving as special police officers in the town of Weston
65" in both instances in which it appears and inserting in place thereof the number:- 70 ... SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage |
H.2079 |
Connolly, Mike
An Act to provide paid family and medical leave to educators and municipal employees
of personal care attendants, as defined in section 70 of said chapter 118E, solely for the ... as defined in section 2 of chapter 70 or an education collaborative as established under ... |
H.2125 |
Howard, Vanna
An Act to provide paid family and medical leave to all educators
and consumers, as defined in said section 70 of said chapter 118E, shall be considered the ... as defined in section 2 of chapter 70 or an education collaborative as established under ... |
S.1339 |
Jehlen, Patricia D.
An Act to provide paid family and medical leave to all educators
and consumers, as defined in said section 70 of said chapter 118E, shall be considered the ... as defined in section 2 of chapter 70 or an education collaborative as established under ... |