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S.1868 |
Friedman, Cindy F.
An Act relative to Option (d) beneficiaries
in place thereof the following paragraph:- Option (d), Member Survivor Allowance ... No. 1868) of Cindy F. Friedman for legislation relative to Option (d) beneficiaries ... |
H.2748 |
Ayers, Bruce J.
An Act relative to option (D) beneficiaries
in place thereof the following paragraph: - Option (D), Member Survivor Allowance ... House, No. 2748) of Bruce J. Ayers relative to option (D) survivor allowance beneficiaries ... |
H.3608 |
Arena-DeRosa, James C.
An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Hopkinton as the Major General Frank D. Merrill memorial bridge
and known as the Major General Frank D. Merrill memorial bridge in recognition of United States Army Major General Frank D. Merrill, who was born in Hopkinton and ... |
SD.154 |
Auditor of the Commonwealth |
Communication from the Auditor of the Commonwealth (pursuant to Section 12 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws) relative to a preliminary request for d... | |
H.828 |
Gallagher, Dennis C.
An Act proposed ordinance D-FY22-009: Bridgewater town charter article III, elected officials recall provision
ORDERED that the Town Charter, Article II, Legislative Branch shall be amended to include a ... (d) An officer sought to be removed by recall may be a candidate for re-election and ... |
S.1831 |
Durant, Peter J.
An Act providing killed in the line of duty benefits to Joanne Songy, surviving spouse of Detective John D. Songy, a police officer of the town of Ru...
This act shall take effect as of May 29, 2020 ... |
H.2823 |
Ferguson, Kimberly N.
An Act providing killed in the line of duty benefits to Joanne Songy, surviving spouse of Detective John D. Songy, a police officer of the town of Ru...
This act shall take effect as of May 29, 2020 ... |
H.2757 |
Biele, David
An Act to ensure fairness in retirement benefits for institutional teachers
in line 304, the following words:- “Teacher C, D, E, Education Specialist A/B, C, D, and Librarian A/B, C or equivalent or successive ... |
H.1256 |
McKenna, Joseph D.
An Act reducing the costs for small business
is hereby amended by striking subsection (d) and inserting in place thereof the following:- “(d) The fee for the filing of the ... |
H.2088 |
Decker, Marjorie C.
An Act to restore collective bargaining for teachers and other school employees
amended by striking out clause (5) of subsection (d); and by striking out in clause (8) of subsection (d) the words “or practices” each time they ... |
H.3044 |
Cataldo, Simon
An Act relative to tax exemptions for contributions to a 401(k) through a sole proprietorship
Paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of section 2 of chapter 62 of the General Laws, as ... appearing in the 2022 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out subparagraph (D ... |
HD.4303 |
Jay Kaufman |
An Act to strengthen representation and promote democratic, transparent, and efficient lawmaking
(d) The senate chair and the house chair of committees established by the joint rules of ... section to pay additional regular compensation pursuant to subsection (d) of this section ... |
H.201 |
Barber, Christine P.
An Act to bring child support home
b) the following:- Pursuant to Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act, in the case of former recipients of assistance, the IV-D agency shall pay to the family all support ... |
S.110 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone
An Act to bring child support home
b) the following:- Pursuant to Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act, in the case of former recipients of assistance, the IV-D agency shall pay to the family all support ... |
SD.1301 |
Jonathan Hecht |
An Act to strengthen representation and promote democratic, transparent, and efficient lawmaking
(d) The senate chair and the house chair of committees established by the joint rules of ... section to pay additional regular compensation pursuant to subsection (d) of this section ... |
S.1030 |
Brady, Michael D.
An Act to increase transparency in the Massachusetts land record systems to protect the property rights of homeowners and businesses
Section 6 D of chapter 183 is hereby amended by adding the following, "Each assignment of ... by bill, Senate, No. 1030) of Michael D. Brady for legislation to further regulate the ... |
H.284 |
Scarsdale, Margaret R.
An Act improving front-line service coordinators quality of care
55:1 for Human Service Coordinators A/B, D and 6:1 for Human Service Coordinator C no ... 284) of Margaret R. Scarsdale and Michael D. Brady that the Department of Developmental ... |
H.2929 |
O'Day, James J.
An Act to ensure fairness in retirement benefits for certain employees of the Department of Correction
correctional program officer A/B, C, D, or equivalent or successive titles who have been ... 2929) of James J. O'Day and Michael D. Brady relative to retirement benefits for certain ... |
S.2138 |
Fattman, Ryan C.
An Act reducing the costs for small businesses
hereby amended by striking out subsection (d) and inserting in place thereof the following:- (d) The fee for filing of the certificate ... Such fees shall be paid to the state ... |
H.881 |
Vitolo, Tommy
An Act relative to voter registration
striking out the following in subsection (d): If necessary to comply with federal law ... notice from the registrars under paragraph (3) of said subsection (d) of said section 65 ... |
SD.4 |
Division of Insurance |
Mental Health Parity Summary 2022 Report
of the Division of Insurance (pursuant to Section 8M(d) of Chapter 26 of the General Laws ... |
SD.5 |
Division of Insurance |
Mental Health Parity Summary 2023 Report
of the Division of Insurance (pursuant to Section 8M(d) of Chapter 26 of the General Laws ... |
SD.2667 |
Executive Office for Administration and Finance |
State Match Debt Reduction Notification Report
and Finance (pursuant to Section 2EEEEEE (d) of Chapter 29 of the General Laws) summitting ... |
SD.2679 |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation |
Zero Emissions School Bus Transition Report
Department of Transportation (pursuant to Section 70(d) of Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022 ... |
H.1333 |
Tyler, Chynah
An Act to expand the doula workforce
programs that meet the competencies outlined in (d)(1) and (d)(2). (d) The department shall establish and maintain a list ... |