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March 13, 2025 Clouds | 44°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Joint Committee on Higher Education

Senate Contact

24 Beacon St. 
Room 410
Boston, MA 02133
(617) 722-1532

House Contact

24 Beacon St. 
Room 473B
Boston, MA 02133
(617) 722-2263

Follow In My Legislature Bill No. Bill Title Sponsor Arrived Hearing Schedule
H.54  An Act to build resilient infrastructure to generate higher-ed transformation Healey, Maura T. 1/27/2025
S.918  An Act expanding access to higher education tuition and fee waivers for adopted foster children Comerford, Joanne M. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.919  An Act to modernize the endowment match program for community colleges Comerford, Joanne M. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.920  An Act ensuring tuition equity at the Stockbridge School of Agriculture Comerford, Joanne M. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.921  An Act to facilitate student financial assistance Comerford, Joanne M. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.922  An Act relative to the Bean New Deal Creem, Cynthia Stone (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.923  An Act relative to college in high school Crighton, Brendan P. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.924  An Act relative to tuition waivers for children raised by a grandparent or other relative Cyr, Julian (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.925  An Act to support access to vocational schools Cyr, Julian (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.926  An Act protecting students abroad DiDomenico, Sal N. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.927  An Act promoting educational awareness and opportunity Durant, Peter J. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.928  An Act banning legacy preferences in higher education Edwards, Lydia (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.929  An Act relative to debt-free public higher education Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.930  An Act to establish comprehensive rights and career advancement for contingent faculty in public higher education Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.931  An Act to establish a master of library science assistance program Feeney, Paul R. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.932  An Act relative to admissions requirements to institutions of higher education Gomez, Adam (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.933  An Act relative to the rights of faculty members at the University of Massachusetts Jehlen, Patricia D. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.934  An Act establishing the public higher education faculty advancement pilot program Jehlen, Patricia D. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.935  An Act protecting students and increasing accountability at Massachusetts colleges and universities Kennedy, Edward J. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.936  An Act relative to the endowment match program Kennedy, Edward J. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.937  An Act investing in public higher education Kennedy, Edward J. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.938  An Act to require disclosure of conflicts of interests in academic institutions Lewis, Jason M. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.939  An Act establishing the hunger-free campus initiative Lovely, Joan B. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.940  An Act promoting an adjunct bill of rights Mark, Paul W. (SEN) 3/10/2025
S.941  An Act designating the Senator Bill Owens Center at the University of Massachusetts Boston Miranda, Liz (SEN) 3/10/2025