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January 21, 2025 Clouds | 15°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Service

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.283  An Act prohibiting the Commonwealth from discrimination against those providing special education services to Massachusetts students under the authority and direction of chapter 71B of the General Laws of Massachusetts Jennifer L. Flanagan
S.1329  An Act relative to reducing other post-employment benefit liabilities William N. Brownsberger
S.1343  An Act relative to the contribution for insurance premiums of certain retired employees Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.1344  An Act relative to health insurance coverage for certain dependents Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.1348  An Act relative to Medicare Part B refunds Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.1352  An Act relative to the municipal health care market Benjamin B. Downing
S.1353  An Act relative to death benefits to surviving spouses of call and volunteer firefighters James B. Eldridge
S.1374  An Act expanding access to health care for employees of charter schools Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1377  An Act relative to eligibility for state group health insurance Patricia D. Jehlen
S.1380  An Act to ensure continued public retiree healthcare benefits Brian A. Joyce
S.1382  An Act relative to GIC dental and vision benefits for municipal employees John F. Keenan
S.1407  An Act relative to health insurance for surviving spouses Marc R. Pacheco
S.1415  An Act expanding access to health care for employees of charter school Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.1419  An Act relative to the transfer of retirees to a Medicare health plan Michael J. Rodrigues
S.1432  An Act expanding insurance choices for state and local employees Bruce E. Tarr
S.1967  An Act relative to the provision of group health insurance benefits in the town of Athol Anne M. Gobi
S.1997  An Act relative to group insurance costs for certain public retirees James E. Timilty
H.2203  An Act relative to health insurance for surviving spouses Garrett J. Bradley
H.2207  An Act relative to eligibility for state group health insurance Michael D. Brady
H.2209  An Act providing health insurance coverage to the surviving children of police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty James M. Cantwell
H.2213  An Act relative to auditoring the GIC Tackey Chan
H.2222  An Act relative to Group Health Insurance Commission Tackey Chan
H.2238  An Act relative to public hearings of the Group Insurance Commission Tackey Chan
H.2251  An Act expanding access to health care for employees of charter schools Nick Collins
H.2268  An Act relative to health insurance for surviving spouses Marjorie C. Decker
H.2283  An Act relative to retirement and health insurance benefits in Massachusetts Peter J. Durant
H.2288  An Act relative to the size of the Group Insurance Commission Board Tricia Farley-Bouvier
H.2308  An Act relative to death benefits to surviving spouses of call and volunteer firefighters Carmine L. Gentile
H.2343  An Act relative to Commonwealth contribution for lowest cost plan Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2349  An Act relative to eligibility for state group health insurance Jay R. Kaufman
H.2350  An Act relative to retiree health benefits Jay R. Kaufman
H.2377  An Act relative to retiree healthcare reform David K. Muradian, Jr.
H.2387  An Act Relative to Municipal Employees Premium Contribution Rate Keiko M. Orrall
H.2402  An Act establishing a Massachusetts state universities' part-time faculty health insurance trust Fund Tom Sannicandro
H.2408  An Act ensuring a competitive and cost-effective municipal health market John W. Scibak
H.2411  An Act providing prescription drug cost reimbursements to elderly governmental retirees Alan Silvia
H.2430  An Act relative to joint purchasing group committees David T. Vieira
H.3649  An Act relative to the health insurance of certain elected individuals in the town of Tyringham William Smitty Pignatelli
H.3686  An Act relative to the maximum age of special police officers in the city known as the town of Bridgewater Angelo L. D'Emilia