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March 23, 2025 Clear | 29°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Revenue

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.2400  An Act exempting certain fraternal organizations from the tax of sales of alcoholic beverages Bruce J. Ayers
H.2402  An Act repealing the sales tax on boats built or rebuilt in the Commonwealth Bruce J. Ayers
H.2405  An Act relative to the bundled cell phone taxation F. Jay Barrows
H.2460  An Act establishing a tax exemption for artisan products sold in cultural districts Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.2478  An Act relative to establishing a special commission to study the efficacy of funding the construction of public safety buildings through the sales tax Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.2484  An Act relative to the repeal of the sales tax exemption for aircraft Tami L. Gouveia
H.2495  An Act in aid of libraries Kate Hogan
H.2517  An Act relative to the taxation of rolling stock Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2525  An Act repealing the sales tax on boats built or rebuilt in the Commonwealth Patrick Joseph Kearney
H.2527  An Act increasing the excise tax on alcoholic beverages Kay Khan
H.2528  An Act relative to sales tax exemptions Kay Khan
H.2529  An Act to promote healthy alternatives to sugary drinks Kay Khan
H.2530  An Act relative to the sales tax John J. Lawn, Jr.
H.2545  An Act relative to lowering the sales tax to 5% Marc T. Lombardo
H.2562  An Act relative to trees Paul McMurtry
H.2570  An Act regarding a sales tax exemption Frank A. Moran
H.2571  An Act to establish a sales tax exemption for earth day Michael J. Moran
H.2574  An Act relative to the exemption of personal safety devices David K. Muradian, Jr.
H.2576  An Act relative to sales tax exemptions for gun safes and trigger locks David K. Muradian, Jr.
H.2591  An Act relative to the sales tax of motor vehicles Smitty Pignatelli
H.2596  An Act relative to the refund of sales tax upon return of merchandise Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.2615  An Act relative to bundled cellular telephone transactions John H. Rogers
H.2642  An Act relative to promoting small business competitiveness Theodore C. Speliotis
H.2651  An Act relative to the taxation of cider Paul F. Tucker
S.1601  An Act relative to the repeal of the sales tax exemption for aircraft Michael J. Barrett
S.1609  An Act improving the fairness of our tax laws Sonia Chang-Diaz
S.1617  An Act relative to a local option excise on the sale of alcoholic beverages for municipal substance abuse prevention and public health programs Cynthia Stone Creem
S.1637  An Act ensuring marketplace fairness in taxation Viriato M. deMacedo
S.1641  An Act relative to growing the creative economy Diana DiZoglio
S.1642  An Act relative to the motor vehicle sales tax Diana DiZoglio
S.1658  An Act exempting residential security systems from sales tax Ryan C. Fattman
S.1680  An Act relative to tax exemptions on gun safes and trigger locks Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1709  An Act to promote healthy alternatives to sugary drinks Jason M. Lewis
S.1714  An Act relative to the fair taxation of alcoholic beverages Jason M. Lewis
S.1716  An Act relative to the taxation of cider Joan B. Lovely
S.1734  An Act repealing the sales tax on boats built or rebuilt in the Commonwealth Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1759  An Act relative to the taxation of rolling stock Michael J. Rodrigues
S.1762  An Act relative to the marketplace collection of sales tax Michael J. Rodrigues
S.1773  An Act relative to vehicle registration and sales tax Bruce E. Tarr
S.1776  An Act reducing the sales tax to 5 percent Bruce E. Tarr
S.1779  An Act relative to exempting certain medical supplies from the state sales tax Bruce E. Tarr