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March 07, 2025 Clear | 35°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.2151  An Act relative to Veterans' Education Tuition System (VETS) Joseph A. Boncore
H.3199  An Act increasing the annuity for gold star families Tackey Chan
H.3200  An Act in support of veterans and dependents through municipal tax bills Mark J. Cusack
H.3201  An Act honoring as veterans certain persons who served in the National Guard and Reserves Michael S. Day
S.2160  An Act defining "Gold Star families" Sal N. DiDomenico
H.3202  An Act relative to the veteran status of certain reservists Shawn Dooley
H.3674  An Act to provide Massachusetts National Guardsman or Woman Emergency Services Michael J. Finn
H.3206  An Act relative to providing veterans survivor benefits Denise C. Garlick
H.3207  An Act relative to veterans benefits Colleen M. Garry
H.3209  Resolve relative to recognition for the naval armed guard service Patricia A. Haddad
H.3216  An Act relative to treating veterans under the pension laws Kevin G. Honan
H.3218  An Act annuities for widows and surviving relatives of veterans Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
S.2166  An Act increasing the annuity for gold star families John F. Keenan
S.2175  An Act relative to waiving education requirements for skilled veterans to be LPNs Jason M. Lewis
S.2174  An Act relative to reimbursement to armed service members Jason M. Lewis
S.2172  An Act relative to COLA adjustments for veteran benefits Jason M. Lewis
S.2171  An Act relative to reimbursement for annual training for armed forces members Jason M. Lewis
H.3223  An Act protecting veterans' finances Paul McMurtry
H.3229  An Act relative to the education of the veterans of Massachusetts Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.3235  An Act increasing access to medical care for veterans Jerald A. Parisella
H.3237  An Act relative to EMT certification of veterans and military medics Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.3238  An Act relative to headstones for long-serving or perished members of the Massachusetts National Guard David Allen Robertson
H.3243  An Act to protect the veterans hiring preference Theodore C. Speliotis
H.3245  An Act defining "Gold Star Families" John C. Velis
H.3897  An Act relative to the training of higher education counselors in PTSD James Arciero