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February 10, 2025 Clouds | 30°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Financial Services

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.991  An Act advancing and expanding access to telemedicine services Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
S.612  An Act advancing and expanding access to telemedicine services Jason M. Lewis
S.548  An Act expanding access to affordable telemedicine services Harriette L. Chandler
S.596  An Act relative to full application of telemedicine coverage Anne M. Gobi
H.1001  An Act relative to behavioral health telemedicine Natalie M. Higgins
H.917  An Act to facilitate the provision of telehealth services Paul Brodeur
H.1002  An Act expanding access to telemedicine services Kate Hogan
S.556  An Act authorizing telemedicine services Joanne M. Comerford
H.1095  An Act enhancing access to telemedicine services Jeffrey N. Roy
H.971  An Act relative to insurance coverage of mobile integrated health Michael J. Finn
H.931  An Act promoting high value and high quality care Gerard J. Cassidy
H.1085  An Act relative to the collaborative agreement of a public health dental hygienist Smitty Pignatelli
S.567  An Act relative to the collaborative agreement of a public health dental hygienist Viriato M. deMacedo
H.930  An Act requiring insurers to report malpractice claims for optometrists Gerard J. Cassidy
H.1121  An Act relative to direct primary care Thomas P. Walsh
S.622  An Act prohibiting unscrupulous medical referral restrictions Mark C. Montigny
S.604  An Act relative to removing barriers to non-opioid pain management John F. Keenan
H.1045  An Act relative to shoppable health care services Ronald Mariano
S.587  An Act to establish health equity for pregnant persons Cindy F. Friedman
H.1102  An Act to establish health equity for pregnant persons Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1015  An Act establishing pregnancy as a qualifying event Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
S.591  An Act relative to long-term care insurance consumer protections Cindy F. Friedman
S.564  An Act relative to health insurer reserve requirements Julian Cyr
H.1003  An Act for health care non-discrimination Kevin G. Honan
H.942  An Act relative to transparency of hospital margins & ensuring hospital efficiency Mark J. Cusack
S.631  An Act relative to health insurance penalties Patrick M. O'Connor
H.1009  An Act relative to unpaid health insurance deductibles Steven S. Howitt
S.542  An Act relative to communications between health insurers and patients Michael D. Brady
H.966  An Act to promote value-based insurance design in the Commonwealth Tricia Farley-Bouvier
S.611  An Act to promote value-based insurance design in the Commonwealth Jason M. Lewis