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February 16, 2025 Rain | 35°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Financial Services

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1006  An Act relative to insurance point surcharges Steven S. Howitt
H.1007  An Act relative to insurance points surcharges Steven S. Howitt
H.1018  An Act relative to electronic automobile insurance charges Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1019  An Act relative to insurance surcharges Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1027  An Act relative to insurance discounts Hannah Kane
H.1031  An Act relative to insurance company rebates John J. Lawn, Jr.
H.1032  An Act relative to rebate law reform John J. Lawn, Jr.
H.1047  An Act relative to surchargeable incidents Paul W. Mark
H.1071  An Act to eliminate penalty charges when cancelling auto insurance policies James M. Murphy
H.1080  An Act to add a compulsory death benefit to automobile liability insurance Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.1087  An Act relative to motor vehicle service contracts Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.1090  An Act to repeal no fault motor vehicle insurance David M. Rogers
H.1091  An Act modify the safe drivers insurance plan relative to minor violation David M. Rogers
H.1112  An Act relative to moving vehicle violations Theodore C. Speliotis
H.1118  An Act to increase the minimum compulsory automobile insurance José F. Tosado
H.3653  An Act relative to surcharges on motor vehicle insurance premiums Joan Meschino
H.3746  An Act relative to insurance premium criteria Claire D. Cronin
H.4044  An Act amending the General Laws in relation to enacting the Private Vehicle Rental Act Adrian C. Madaro
H.901  An Act relative to arbitration for automobile insurance property damage Bruce J. Ayers
H.903  An Act authorizing insurance providers to extend motor vehicle liability insurance rebates to customers with safe driving records Bruce J. Ayers
H.940  An Act to increase limits of liability bonds and policies to protect consumers involved in motor vehicle collisions Claire D. Cronin
H.948  An Act relative to automobile insurance premiums Michael S. Day
H.956  An Act relative to motor vehicle service contracts Daniel M. Donahue
H.962  An Act relative to automobile insurance companies Peter J. Durant
S.2323  An Act relative to assessment of surcharge points Bruce E. Tarr
S.569  An Act relative to cancellation of service contracts Viriato M. deMacedo
S.576  An Act relative to motor vehicle service contracts Diana DiZoglio
S.625  An Act relative to motor vehicle service contracts Michael O. Moore
S.632  An Act to eliminate penalty charges when cancelling auto insurance policies Patrick M. O'Connor
S.638  An Act relative to the compulsory automobile insurance limits Michael J. Rodrigues