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February 13, 2025 Mist | 36°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on the Judiciary -- 6-13-2023 6/13/2023 1:00 PM 04:03:21
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1388  An Act establishing a mandatory sentence for destruction, defacement or damage to burial tombs and grave markers Bruce J. Ayers
H.1419  An Act protecting bank employees and customers Tackey Chan
H.1429  An Act relative to penalties for unlicensed work Mark J. Cusack
H.1443  An Act relative to the punishment of organized retail crimes Michael S. Day
H.1452  An Act to stop mass shootings Marjorie C. Decker
H.1469  An Act relative to the repeal or reform of certain unenforceable or unconstitutional archaic laws on religion, piety, and morality Kate Donaghue
H.1472  An Act relative to consanguinity as a defense to the crime of accessory after the fact William J. Driscoll, Jr.
H.1496  An Act relative to noise reduction devices Paul K. Frost
H.1497  An Act relative to drug distribution causing death Paul K. Frost
H.1500  An Act relative to throwing objects at motor vehicles Paul K. Frost
H.1514  An Act relative to intentionally blocking or preventing access to a public roadway or highway while protesting with the express purpose of preventing passage of others Colleen M. Garry
H.1520  An Act relative to the theft of bulk merchandise containers Colleen M. Garry
H.1541  An Act relative to historic homes Richard M. Haggerty
H.1563  An Act relative to aggressive panhandling on or adjacent to public ways Daniel J. Hunt
H.1568  An Act to increase the safety of courthouses Daniel J. Hunt
H.1575  An Act relative to profits from crime Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1619  An Act increasing penalties for the illegal sale and possession of firearms David Paul Linsky
H.1621  An Act relative to the penalty for disorderly persons David Paul Linsky
H.1628  An Act relative to the intimidation of witnesses and interfering with justice David Paul Linsky
H.1632  An Act to enhance safety and security in courthouses David Paul Linsky
H.1640  An Act relative to archaic laws Jay D. Livingstone
H.1647  An Act relative to fires and explosions Jay D. Livingstone
H.1673  An Act relative to illegal drug and firearm trafficking Joseph D. McKenna
H.1681  An Act prohibiting gunfire directed at dwelling houses Rady Mom
H.1693  An Act relative to felony threshold for multiple theft offenses David K. Muradian, Jr.
H.1697  An Act to prohibit the sale of "energy drinks" to persons under the age of 18 James M. Murphy
H.1736  An Act decriminalizing fentanyl test strips David M. Rogers
H.1741  An Act relative to legislative witness tampering John H. Rogers
H.1743  An Act relative to police use of epinephrine autoinjectors John H. Rogers
H.1754  An Act relative to plant medicine Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1772  An Act relative to possession of a dangerous weapon Alyson M. Sullivan-Almeida
H.1781  An Act relative to drug induced homicide Jeffrey Rosario Turco
H.1788  An Act relative to false reporting of an emergency Chynah Tyler
H.1800  An Act restoring judicial discretion in controlled substance cases Erika Uyterhoeven
H.1801  An Act to prevent unwanted opioid prescriptions Andres X. Vargas
H.1806  An Act ensuring the enforcement of mandatory minimums for firearm related crimes Marcus S. Vaughn
H.1808  An Act relative to pill press machines Marcus S. Vaughn
H.1811  An Act relative to petit treason Tommy Vitolo
H.1822  An Act relative to fentanyl arrests (Tatiana's Law) Steven George Xiarhos
H.1826  An Act relative to studying the establishment of a statewide registry of persons convicted for the sale or trafficking of certain class A drugs Steven George Xiarhos
H.3589  An Act concerning the legalization of certain natural plants and fungi Nicholas A. Boldyga
H.3762  An Act concerning the regulation of Kratom Daniel J. Hunt
S.1009  An Act relative to plant medicine Patricia D. Jehlen
S.1015  An Act prohibiting gunfire directed at dwelling houses Edward J. Kennedy
S.1051  An Act restoring judicial discretion in controlled substance cases Liz Miranda
S.1071  An Act to enhance courthouse security Michael O. Moore
S.1081  An Act improving access to fentanyl test strips and other drug checking equipment Susan L. Moran
S.1082  An Act to ensure access to medical cannabis for visiting qualifying patients Susan L. Moran
S.1087  An Act relative to setting proportionate penalties for the distribution of heroin, fentanyl, and carfentanil Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1088  An Act relative to the protection of police officers Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1095  An Act relative to drug induced homicide Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1098  An Act relative to GPS tampering Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1109  An Act repealing the criminalization of blasphemy Rebecca L. Rausch
S.1117  An Act protecting bank employees and customers Michael F. Rush
S.1124  An Act relative to crimes relating to distribution of controlled substances causing death Bruce E. Tarr
S.913  An Act relative to archaic laws William N. Brownsberger
S.925  An Act to stop mass shootings Cynthia Stone Creem
S.926  An Act relative to fentanyl test strips Cynthia Stone Creem
S.951  An Act relative to petit treason Sal N. DiDomenico
S.960  An Act relative to illegal drug and firearm trafficking Ryan C. Fattman
S.961  An Act strengthening identity theft laws Ryan C. Fattman
S.964  An Act relative to defacing property Ryan C. Fattman
S.965  An Act relative to fentanyl arrests Ryan C. Fattman