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The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Search Results for: reports



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Showing results 1 to 25 of about 2661 results.
Law Result Summary
Part I Title II Chapter 19A Section 24 Reports

Said report shall contain statistical information about the number and types of reports received under section fifteen; the results of the ...

Part I Title VII Chapter 40M Section 10 Reports

prescribe the format and frequency of other reports which may include, but shall not be limited to, payroll audit reports, summary loss reports, and quarterly financial statements

Part I Title XII Chapter 74 Section 44 Reports

The commissioner shall make an annual report as to said college, and said institute ...

Part I Title XXII Chapter 176I Section 7 Report

and twenty days of the close of its fiscal year, a report covering its prior fiscal year ... The report shall include: (a) the number of covered persons under health benefit ...

Part I Title II Chapter 6 Section 161 Report

fourth Wednesday of April file a written report with the respective clerks of the senate ... Said report shall indicate the types of offenses charged together with the number of each ...

Part I Title II Chapter 18B Section 25 Multiple 51A reports; quarterly report

n) of section 7, the commissioner shall report quarterly on the total number of cases of multiple 51A reports reviewed by the department under subsection (r) of ...

Part I Title XXII Chapter 176V Section 4 ORSA summary report or similar report; contents; reports submitted to commissioner of another state or foreign jurisdiction

to the commissioner an ORSA summary report or any combination of reports that together contain the information described in ...

Part I Title XIV Chapter 90 Section 26 Accident reports; supplemental report; penalty for violation

physically incapable of making such written report, the owner shall within five days after the accident make such report based on such knowledge as he may have and ...

Part I Title IX Chapter 62E Section 2 Report of wages paid; hiring reports

Section 2. Upon the hiring of an ... timing, the form, and the manner of such reports and the information to be provided in the reports, which may include disclosure of the existence ...

Part I Title XX Chapter 146 Section 77 Reports and recommendations of inspectors; insurance cancellation or refusal report

The inspectors of the division shall make reports of all inspections and shall make such ... Such reports shall be made on blanks approved by the chief and shall contain all orders ...

Part I Title XIX Chapter 128 Section 47 Receipt of department reports by farmers' clubs; annual returns; reports

commissioner, receive copies of the department's report and of its other publications, in ... to said commissioner of its agricultural experiments and of the reports of its committees

Part I Title XV Chapter 93 Section 51B Consumer report; consent of consumer required for user to obtain, use or seek report; disclosure of reason for accessing report

from consumer reporting agencies a consumer report pursuant to section 51 and 15 U.S.C. ... shall be permitted to obtain a consumer report for any child in the department's custody ...

Part I Title VI Chapter 38 Section 3 Duty to report deaths; failure to report

Section 3. It shall be the duty of any person having knowledge of a death which occurs under the circumstances enumerated in this paragraph immediately to notify the office of the ...

Part I Title XXII Chapter 155 Section 2 Examination of certificates and reports by state secretary; records; reports

shall examine the certificates and reports relative to corporations submitted to him under ... He shall report to the attorney general instances of neglect or omission on the part of ...

Part I Title IX Chapter 62C Section 83 Report to state secretary; corporations required to report; contents

of chapter 167 and as part of the annual report for purposes of section 26 of chapter 175, and the report or amended report shall ...

Part I Title XXI Chapter 152 Section 20A Copies of reports of medical examinations furnished employees; reports as evidence

his attorney, at cost, with copies of reports of all medical examinations of the injured ... No such medical report shall upon objection by the claimant be admissible in evidence in ...

Part I Title II Chapter 6 Section 222 State agencies; responsibilities

in writing, every entity that is required by law to receive the report of the availability of the report on the general court's website and of the means of accessing the report ...

Part I Title III Chapter 30 Section 32 Annual reports

that is required by law to make an annual report shall deposit such report with the state secretary, except where by ...

Part II Title I Chapter 185 Section 37 Reference to examiner to search records and investigate facts; report; notice of report to plaintiff

and shall file in the case a report thereon, concluding with a certificate of his opinion ... The recorder shall give notice to the plaintiff of the filing of such report

Part I Title II Chapter 9 Section 17 Annual report

secretary shall, in addition to the special reports required by law, make an annual report describing the work of his department for ...

Part I Title XV Chapter 109 Section 63 Annual report; fee

(b) The fee for filing the annual report shall be $500 if the report is filed on paper or by facsimile ...

Part I Title II Chapter 23A Section 7 Annual reports

time to time submit such other reports as the commissioner of administration may require ... He shall also include in such annual report such information as may be required by the ...

Part III Title I Chapter 211C Section 4 Annual report

and the supreme judicial court a report of its activities together with recommendations ... This report shall be a matter of public record and shall be printed as a public document

Part I Title IX Chapter 62E Section 9 Failure of employer, payor of income or other person to submit reports; false reports; penalties

payor of income is required to file a report but who is also not included in such report or for whom the required information is not ...

Part III Title II Chapter 234A Section 79 Annual report of jury commissioner

The report may contain recommendations for the improvement of the juror selection and ... The report may be incorporated in the annual report of the chief administrative justice of the ...