Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. The commissioner of the division of capital planning and operations, acting in consultation with the commissioner of the department of environmental management, is hereby authorized to convey by fee simple a certain parcel of land, located within the town of Carver, currently used by the department of environmental management for conservation, recreation, forest and open space purposes, as more particularly described below, to the Plymouth Airport Commission, a board duly established under section 51E of chapter 90 of the General Laws, for airport purposes, in accordance with provisions of Article 97 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth and sections 42E to 42J, inclusive, of chapter 7 of the General Laws subject to the further requirements of this act and subject to such additional terms and conditions consistent with this act as said commissioner may prescribe in consultation with the department of environmental management.
Said land is described in a deed recorded at the Plymouth county registry of deeds at Book 1010, Page 493.
SECTION 2. No deed conveyed by or on behalf of the commonwealth of the title to the property described in section 1 shall be valid unless such deed provides that such property shall be used solely for the purposes described in said section 1.
SECTION 3. The recipient of said title shall assume and be responsible for the cost of any appraisals, surveys, and other expenses deemed necessary by the commissioner of capital planning and operations for the granting of said title.
SECTION 4. The price paid by the recipient for said title shall be the full and fair market value for the property as determined by independent appraisal. The inspector general shall review and approve said appraisal and said review shall include a review of the methodology utilized for said appraisal. Said inspector general shall prepare a report of his review and file said report with the commissioner of capital planning and operations for submission to the house and senate committees on ways and means, and chairmen of the joint committee on state administration in accordance with section 5.
SECTION 5. The commissioner of the division of capital planning and operations shall 30 days prior to the execution of any agreement or deed authorized by this act, or any subsequent amendment thereof, submit said agreement or deed, or amendment, and a report thereon to the inspector general for his review and comment. Said inspector general shall issue his review and comment within 15 days of receipt. Said commissioner shall submit the agreement, deed and any subsequent amendments thereof, the reports and comments of said inspector general, if any, to the house and senate committees on ways and means and the chairmen of the joint committee on state administration at least 15 days prior to execution of same.
SECTION 6. The price paid for the title and property authorized by this act pursuant to section 4 shall be deposited to the credit of the department of environmental management Second Century Fund as established by section 160 of chapter 151 of the acts of 1996.