Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Section 7B of chapter 214 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2000 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the second paragraph the following paragraph:-
The exemptions from liability and the immunities from prosecution provided in this section shall also extend to any owner who, in order to satisfy a requirement of law, regulation or by-law, relocates his range within the same parcel of land or a contiguous parcel of land, owned by him at the time that the commonwealth or its political subdivision commences enforcement of such a requirement or that the owner voluntarily complies with such a requirement. In order to maintain these exemptions from liability and immunities from prosecution, owners who relocate their ranges pursuant to the preceding sentence shall remain in compliance with the applicable noise control laws, ordinances or by-laws in existence at the time of the construction of the original range described in the first paragraph.