Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. There shall be in the city of Medford a commission to be known as the Medford stadium and athletic commission which shall consist of 3 commissioners, 2 of whom shall be appointed by the mayor, and 1 of whom shall be appointed by the city council by a majority vote. One of the commissioners to be appointed by the mayor and the commissioners to be appointed by the city council shall have a 5 year term. The second commissioner to be appointed by the mayor shall have a 3 year term. Upon the expiration of the respective terms successor commissioners shall be appointed in the same manner.
There shall also be a secretary to the commission, to be appointed by the mayor, and shall receive a stipend comparable to that received by the secretaries to the various boards and commissions of the city. The secretary shall serve in a clerical capacity and shall not be a voting member of the commission. The duties of the secretary include, but are not limited to, maintaining the books and records of the commission, posting public notice of its meetings and recording the minutes of all of its meetings.
The commissioners shall be paid a stipend in the amount of $1,200 per year. The chairperson of the commission shall be paid a stipend in the amount of $1,500 per year. The amount of the annual stipend may be changed upon the recommendation of the mayor and the approval of the city council.
SECTION 2. The commission, on behalf of the city, may with the approval of the mayor and city council, erect structures on the land that are incidental to its use and provide proper equipment therefor, and may hold, manage, control, issue permits, authorize concession, lease or let the same for the purpose of school, civic and professional or semi-professional athletics, recreation, play sports and physical education and may charge admission to the same.
The commission may enter into license agreements with the Wellington Glenwood Little League and Medford Pop Warner Football or their respective lawful successors and assigns, to use the property or a portion thereof under its control for a period of up to 5 years, for their respective seasonal use, and to enter into 5 year extensions of such license agreements.
In all cases, the primary use of the property under the jurisdiction of the commission shall be for interscholastic sports programs at Medford high school.
Should the commission itself authorize a concessionaire to operate a concession on property under the jurisdiction of the commission, it shall comply with the requirements of chapter 30B of the General Laws.
To the extent permitted by law, the commission shall permit any nonprofit youth sports organization to conduct concessions at its sporting events as the same are permitted by the commission on the property under its jurisdiction.
SECTION 3. For the purposes of this act, so far as they relate to the erection of structures that are incidental to the use of the property under the jurisdiction of the commission, and the proper maintenance and equipment of same, the city on the recommendation of the mayor and the approval of the city council, may issue bonds or notes therefor. Each authorized issue shall constitute a separate loan and such loan shall be paid in not more than 10 years from their dates.
SECTION 4. All revenue received by the commission from the land, buildings and other structures shall be paid into a revolving fund for the continued maintenance and upkeep of the property under the jurisdiction of the commission. All bills with respect to the land, buildings and structures incurred by the commission shall be paid out by the city treasurer for the purposes set forth in this act only upon orders approved by the commissioner of public works and the city auditor. Any such order and any contract that involves an expenditure of more than $2,500 shall in order to be valid, require the written approval of the mayor.
The commission shall comply, in all pertinent matters, to section 39M of chapter 30, chapter 30B and sections 44A to 44J, inclusive, of chapter 149 of the General Laws.
SECTION 5. The city council may annually appropriate such amounts as the mayor may recommend and approve to be expended by the commission for the care and repair of the land, buildings and structures, for the equipment and improvement of the grounds, the construction and enlargement of buildings and other structures and the support and encouragement of school, civic and professional or semiprofessional athletics, recreation, play, sports and physical education.
SECTION 6. The commission shall file a quarterly report on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1, with the city clerk, to include an itemized and detailed statement of any revenue received from, and all expenditures made for the property under the jurisdiction of the commission. In making its report to the city clerk the commission may make recommendations regarding capital expenditures and source of funding for the same including, but not limited to, the use of bonds and notes.
SECTION 7. The land, buildings and property under the care and control of the commission under this act shall be that portion of the 49.3 acres that is not dedicated to educational use as described in a deed to the city of Medford by the commonwealth, dated March 8, 2000 and recorded at the Middlesex South registry of deeds at Book 31197, Page 329.
SECTION 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage.