Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. The town of Sharon, acting by and through its board of selectmen, may transfer a parcel of land currently used for park land and outdoor recreational uses and under the care and control of the board of selectmen to the board of selectmen for use as a senior center or construction of recreational buildings and facilities or parking related and accessory to such senior center or recreational buildings.
SECTION 2. In consideration for the transfer authorized by this act, the town of Sharon, acting by and through the board of selectmen or the conservation commission shall grant to the National Park Service, or such other designated federal or state agency, a replacement park land restriction on the land described in section 4. The land in section 4 is of the same or comparable value as that of the land described in section 1. The transfer of the parcel in section 1 shall be contingent upon the approval of the replacement park land being provided by the secretary of the executive office of environmental affairs and the National Park Service.
SECTION 3. The parcel of land to be transferred in section 1 contains approximately 3.03 acres and is shown as parcel "N" on a plan entitled "Proposed Park Land Conversion" prepared by the town of Sharon engineering department and is on file with the town clerk.
SECTION 4. The parcel of land provided as replacement park land in section 2 is known as the King Philip Rock property, containing about 91 acres of land, acquired by the town of Sharon on June 8, 2001 pursuant to Article 11 of the May 7, 2002 annual town meeting.
SECTION 5. The vote of the town meeting on May 13, 2002 authorizing the transfer of land in section 1 is hereby ratified, validated and confirmed as if this act had been in effect on the date of such vote.
SECTION 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage.