Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Paragraph 31 of section 2 of chapter 167F of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2000 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in place thereof the following 2 sentences:- To exercise any power and engage in any activity that is permissible for a federal bank or out-of-state bank, as defined in section 1 of chapter 167, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commissioner; provided, however, that the activity is not otherwise prohibited under the laws of the commonwealth; provided, further, that the activity shall be subject to the same limitations and restrictions that are applicable to the federal or out-of-state bank; and provided, further, that the activity authorized for the out-of-state bank has been approved by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under section 24 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and Part 362 of the regulations thereunder. In the event that federal or out-of-state banks lose the authority to exercise any power or engage in any activity based upon which comparable authority was granted to state chartered banks pursuant to this section, then unless such authority is authorized by another law of the commonwealth, or a rule, regulation or policy adopted pursuant to such other law of the commonwealth, or by a judicial decision, the commissioner shall revoke the authority or power for state chartered banks pursuant to this section.