Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. There shall be in the town of Pepperell a board of public works consisting of 3 members to be elected at the 2002 annual election in the manner prescribed in section 69D of chapter 41 of the General Laws, and such other members as provided in this act.
SECTION 2. Until the election of the board of public works at the 2002 annual town election the board of selectmen of the town shall serve as and perform all functions of a board of public works, as provided for in the second paragraph of section 69D of chapter 41 of the General Laws, superseding and replacing the incumbent highway surveyor, sewer commission, water commission, cemetery commission and the park's portion of the parks and recreation commission.
SECTION 3. The board of selectmen shall, under section 69E of chapter 41 of the General Laws, appoint an acting superintendent of public works and an acting assistant superintendent of public works who shall serve in the respective offices until removed or replaced by the board of public works to be elected at the year 2002 annual town election.
SECTION 4. Upon the election of the 3 members of the board of public works, as provided in section 1, the board of selectmen may appoint 2 additional members of the board, 1 for a 1 year term and 1 for a 2 year term. Upon expiration of these terms, appointments shall be for 2 year terms.
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage.