State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 167
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 167
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-2230
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.98 | HD.90098 | An Act Expanding The Governors Authority To Address Deficiencies In Revenue | |
H.179 | HD.2930 | An Act establishing an independent office of quality assurance for mentally retarded persons. | |
H.180 | HD.3046 | An Act concerning the public records law. | |
H.299 | HD.2640 | An Act relative to the storage fee for towing. | |
H.300 | HD.2865 | An Act regulating managers of condominiums. | |
H.301 | HD.2883 | An Act further regulating the conduct of auctioneers. | |
H.302 | HD.2894 | An Act relative to the distribution of revenues accruing from the sale of lottery tickets. | |
H.303 | HD.3500 | An Act relative to investment adviser registration. | |
H.494 | HD.2573 | An Act relating to improving quality in early education and care by family child care providers. | |
H.495 | HD.2847 | An Act to authorize codes of conduct for players, coaches, officials, and parents in athletic settings. | |
H.547 | HD.2558 | An Act to begin the process to establish a life care center at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital. | |
H.674 | HD.2590 | An Act Relative to Specially Qualified Voters. | |
H.675 | HD.2597 | An Act Relative to Voter Registration for Program Participants. | |
H.676 | HD.2600 | An Act Relative to Absentee Voting. | |
H.677 | HD.2911 | An Act regarding bilingual ballots. | |
H.678 | HD.2926 | An Act relative to reprecincting. | |
H.679 | HD.3499 | An Act relative to certain expenditures by some non profit corporations on ballot questions. | |
H.826 | HD.2805 | An Act making an appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for the funding of the Ponkapoag Boardwalk in the towns of Canton and Randolph. | |
H.827 | HD.2823 | An Act making an appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for funding of certain footpaths and trails. | |
H.828 | HD.2834 | An Act establishing a trust fund within the department of conservation and recreation for the planting of trees. | |
H.1099 | HD.2800 | An Act to increase the personal care allowance for residents of long term care facilities. | |
H.1238 | HD.2723 | An Act regarding unfair trade practices of condominium associations governing bodies. | |
H.1239 | HD.2781 | An Act establishing an advisory commission on condominiums. | |
H.1718 | HD.2603 | An Act Relative to the Supervisor of Public Records. | |
H.1719 | HD.2693 | An Act relative to limited civil liability for sports officials. | |
H.1720 | HD.2702 | An Act relative to assaults upon sports officials. | |
H.1721 | HD.2811 | An Act Further Regulating Durable Power of Attorney. | |
H.1722 | HD.3118 | An Act clarifying, correcting and amending certain business entity laws. | |
H.1723 | HD.3497 | An Act relative to substantive changes to the Massachusetts Business Act. | |
H.1950 | HD.2571 | An Act to require equitable payment from the commonwealth. | |
H.1951 | HD.2680 | An Act relative to services for persons with mental illness who are living with older family members or primary caretakers. | |
H.1952 | HD.2848 | An Act relative to providing appropriate medical care for persons in mental health facilities. | |
H.1953 | HD.2854 | An Act to provide services for medically ill and mentally ill persons. | |
H.2276 | HD.2612 | An Act relative to the destruction of drugs held by police departments. . | |
H.2596 | HD.2690 | An Act regulating collective bargaining impasses involving public employees. | |
H.2597 | HD.2720 | An Act relative to the decrease by interchange of subsidiary accounts of employees in the state system of higher education. | |
H.2598 | HD.2808 | An Act relative to making provisional employees in civil service positions permanent in those positions. . | |
H.2599 | HD.2857 | An Act to make provisional employees in the labor service permanent employees. | |
H.2899 | HD.2598 | An Act relative to sales tax exemption. | |
H.2900 | HD.2610 | An Act relative to the tax treatment of pensions. | |
H.2901 | HD.2652 | An Act relative to the taxation of certain manufacturing corporations. | |
H.2902 | HD.2669 | An Act relative to the taxation of certain mutual fund service corporations. | |
H.2903 | HD.2678 | An Act clarifying the limited exemption from taxation of certain facilities for the treatment of committed mentally ill patients. | |
H.2904 | HD.2801 | An Act requiring the review of tax expenditures. | |
H.2905 | HD.2887 | An Act requiring review of sales tax expenditures. | |
H.3026 | HD.2954 | An Act concerning the state secretary. | |
H.3027 | HD.2997 | An Act relative to public records. | |
H.3028 | HD.3025 | An Act relative to the supervisor of public records. | |
H.3029 | HD.3036 | An Act relating to the exemptions to the public records law. | |
H.3030 | HD.3075 | An Act relative to the supervision of public records. | |
H.3031 | HD.3155 | An Act relative to the public records law. | |
H.3032 | HD.3296 | An Act relative to records open to public inspection. | |
H.3033 | HD.3498 | An Act making amendments to the Massachusetts Corporation Act - part two. | |
H.3034 | HD.3501 | An Act making amendments to the Massachusetts Business Act - Part One. | |
H.3115 | HD.2478 | An Act requiring public telephones to be equipped with a headset for hearing amplification. | |
H.3116 | HD.2591 | An Act to require telephone companies serving the residents of the commonwealth of Massachusetts to enlarge the type size of the printing used in the telephone directories. | |
H.3117 | HD.3097 | An Act relating to the public records law. | |
H.3118 | HD.3483 | An Act to establish reduced telephone rates for deaf residents of the commonwealth. | |
H.3321 | HD.2517 | An Act relative to the law of the road and bicyclists. | |
H.3322 | HD.2624 | An Act relative to the issuance of a motor vehicle citation for firearms arrests. | |
H.3323 | HD.2627 | An Act providing for an annual payment in lieu of taxes by the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority. | |
H.3324 | HD.2638 | An Act relative to the taxation of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority properties. | |
H.3735 | HD.2543 | An Act Making Certain Changes to the Accidental Disability Retirement Allowance. | |
H.3736 | HD.2661 | An Act making certain changes to insurance for persons in the service of counties, cities, towns, and districts, and their dependents. | |
H.3737 | HD.2668 | An Act to amend the promotional statute. | |
H.3751 | HD.2648 | An Act relative to a local options meals tax. | |
H.3778 | HD.2675 | An Act to authorize fining or arresting individuals aggressively loitering. | |
H.3783 | HD.2740 | An Act making an appropriation for the fiscal year 2010 to provide for funding of the Brookwood Barn and House. | |
H.3940 | HD.4223 | An Act relative to police career incentive pay program. | |
H.3964 | HD.4232 | An Act promoting transparency in corporate tax returns. | |
H.3965 | HD.4195 | An Act providing revenue from non-profit partnerships. | |
H.4120 | HD.4256 | An Act designating a certain intersection on Turtle Pond Parkway in the Hyde Park district of the city of Boston as Paul P. Loring Square. | |
H.4365 | HD.4707 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Vanessa Williams, an employee of the division of medical assistance. | |
H.4986 | HD.5177 | An Act to the regulation of dogs in the City of Boston. | |
H.3320 | HD.2239 | An Act relative to the display of red and blue lights on motor vehicles. This bill is by request. * | |
H.3549 | HD.1427 | An Act relative to civics education in schools. This bill is by request. * | |
H.3724 | HD.2579 | An Act Relative to Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Chairs. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.