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September 07, 2024 Clouds | 67°F
The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Representative Christine E. Canavan Served 1993 - 2014 Democrat - 10th Plymouth

Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
S.31  SD.1452 An Act relative to equitable reimbursement rates for services provided to publicly assisted patients.
S.37  SD.607 An Act Relative to Workers’ Pathways to Self Sufficiency
S.38  SD.1635 An Act Removing Barriers to Financial Stability and Asset Development for Low to Moderate Income Families
S.39  SD.1376 An Act to Assure Continuity of Health Coverage for Children.
S.48  SD.812 An Act relative to deceased poor and indigent persons.
S.49  SD.889 An Act relative to deceased poor and indigent persons.
S.62  SD.491 An Act relative to protecting against the displacement of current employees.
S.90  SD.991 An Act to sustain community preservation.
S.94  SD.1315 An Act Relative to the Community Preservation Act.
S.95  SD.487 An Act to enhance the economic benefits of the tax increment financing program.
H.109  HD.1224 An Act prohibiting the use of health data for marketing purposes.
H.124  HD.1039 An Act establishing paid family leave.
S.136  SD.697 An Act to reduce unwanted communications from creditors to protect the peace and privacy of residents.
H.138  HD.3803 An Act relative to nursing facility reporting.
S.145  SD.937 An Act relative to state and county fairs.
H.150  HD.703 An Act relative to sufficient services within the department of mental retardation.
H.152  HD.997 An Act regarding spouses as caregivers.
H.153  HD.1040 An Act to support and increase the number of qualified providers of intensive intervention providers for children with autism spectrum disorders.
H.154  HD.1071 An Act relative to the humane treatment of disabled persons.
H.155  HD.1109 An Act establishing an autism commission.
H.156  HD.1155 An Act establishing a pilot program for adults with Asperger Syndrome and Autism.
H.168  HD.1170 An Act relative to adoption specialists.
H.188  HD.3905 An Act to Assure Continuity of Health Coverage for Children.
H.197  HD.1606 An Act relative to financing the smart growth housing trust fund.
S.232  SD.1735 An Act Relative to Dismissal Rights for K-12 Educational Support Personnel.
H.238  HD.1702 An Act relative to credit card fees.
H.242  HD.180 An Act establishing a car buyer bill of rights
H.244  HD.2912 An Act relative to requiring photo identification for credit card purchases.
H.253  HD.452 An Act Relative to Motor Home Lemon Law Eligibility.
H.256  HD.251 An Act relative to the price of water sold at entertainment venues.
S.259  SD.1258 An Act Providing Chapter 70 Accountability for Adequate Access to School Nursing.
H.266  HD.989 An Act regulating psychotherapy.
S.267  SD.1331 An Act to Reform Educator Licensure in the Commonwealth.
H.267  HD.728 An Act relative to rebate reform and consumer protection.
H.282  HD.1821 An Act guaranteeing consumers ownership of, privacy of, and access to motor vehicle diagnostic, repair and service information.
H.285  HD.1418 An Act to protect the rights of consumer to diagnose, service, and repair, or have repaired for them, motor vehicles in the Commonwealth.
S.307  SD.353 An Act relative to cueing and supervision in the personal care attendant program.
S.308  SD.354 An Act to correct income calculation for spouses of nursing home residents
H.312  HD.3708 An Act Establishing a Board of Registration of Phlebotomists.
H.313  HD.448 An Act Relative to Online Advertising.
S.322  SD.548 An Act Relative to a Silver Alert Program to Protect Those with Alzheimers.
H.330  HD.765 An Act Authorizing The State Lottery Commission to Implement a wide area network system of video lottery terminals.
H.334  HD.3176 An Act relative to slot machines at racetracks.
H.344  HD.653 An Act prohibiting devocalization of dogs and cats.
H.351  HD.3229 An Act directing the Department of Education to include a course in civics as a high school graduation requirement
S.352  SD.146 An Act regulating campaign contributions.
H.352  HD.2262 An Act providing for opportunities for single-sex schools and classes.
H.358  HD.959 An Act relative to Teacher Recertification Requirements.
H.359  HD.973 An Act to Promote Gender Equity in Education.
H.361  HD.996 An Act to implement full-day kindergarten.
H.362  HD.1001 An Act to encourage students to stay in school.
H.365  HD.1029 An Act relative to allied health instructors at vocational schools.
H.366  HD.1475 An Act establishing local school health advisory councils.
H.368  HD.2087 An Act to reform punitive suspension from the public schools of the Commonwealth.
H.369  HD.2422 An Act concerning kindergarten and the mandatory minimum age for school attendance.
H.387  HD.949 An Act relative to students with severe disabilities.
S.396  SD.296 An Act protecting the natural resources of the Commonwealth
H.402  HD.2440 An Act establishing a health education program in the public schools.
H.403  HD.2552 An Act relative to local control of health education curriculums.
S.404  SD.1846 An Act Relative to the Reduction of Particulate Emissions From Diesel Engines.
H.404  HD.2767 An Act establishing a physical education requirement in the public schools.
S.406  SD.671 An Act updating the animal control laws of Massachusetts.
H.410  HD.1823 An Act requiring instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automatic external defibrillators for high school graduation.
H.417  HD.3749 An Act Establishing a Charter School Working Group.
H.420  HD.3752 An Act Relative to Educator Licensure.
H.422  HD.635 An Act clarifying the rights of employees in education collaboratives.
S.422  SD.979 An Act relative to Farmers' Markets.
S.423  SD.981 An Act relative to mooring fee requirements.
S.431  SD.316 An Act relative to the repair, removal and replacement of dams.
S.432  SD.1035 An Act to protect children from bisphenol-A.
H.445  HD.309 An Act further providing for reimbursement to cities and towns for extraordinary special education costs.
H.447  HD.1771 An Act establishing the Massachusetts education professional standards board.
H.461  HD.2343 An Act to expand access to the MCAS appeals process.
H.467  HD.3316 An Act guaranteeing a high school diploma to some children accepted into post secondary educational programs.
S.477  SD.52 An Act providing for public safeguards and protections for users of automated teller machines.
H.494  HD.2573 An Act relating to improving quality in early education and care by family child care providers.
H.496  HD.2159 An Act establishing a bill of rights for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
S.523  SD.421 An Act providing health insurance coverage for scalp hair prosthesis.
H.523  HD.769 An Act relative to the Massachusetts YouthBuild program.
H.526  HD.679 An Act relative to creating a community service graduation requirement. .
S.533  SD.1544 An Act providing for patient education.
H.538  HD.709 An Act relative to nursing homes.
H.542  HD.1008 An Act relative to establishing multi disciplinary teams with district attorneys to investigate elder abuse.
S.543  SD.392 An Act regarding MassHealth applications.
S.544  SD.393 An Act eliminating age discrimination in the MassHealth program.
H.545  HD.1485 An Act to increase the personal care allowance for residents of long term care facilities.
H.557  HD.1796 An Act prohibiting certain election practices.
H.564  HD.3223 An Act establishing a task force on election day registration.
S.567  SD.1257 An Act Relative to the Hemophilia Advisory Committee
S.577  SD.1624 An Act Requiring Ambulatory Surgicenters and Clinical Laboratories to Serve MassHealth Enrollees.
S.580  SD.673 An Act to amend the definition of surcharge payor.
S.589  SD.1154 An Act relative to insurance benefits of organ transplant recipients.
S.593  SD.138 An Act supporting residential care facilities as affordable options for elders and persons with disabilities.
S.614  SD.57 An Act to promote higher education among employees of human services provider organizations.
S.616  SD.426 An Act establishing an education loan repayment program for social workers and direct care human service workers.
H.618  HD.1126 An Act establishing a tax credit for hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
H.624  HD.238 An Act relative to the Home of the Brave.
H.643  HD.2906 An Act Relative to Chapter 23 of the General Laws.
H.657  HD.713 An Act to secure the right of blind and visually impaired people to vote under the same conditions of privacy and independence as sighted people.
S.666  SD.1309 An Act Preserving Publicly Assisted Affordable Housing.
S.679  SD.285 An Act to ensure a quality workforce in the commonwealth.
S.687  SD.608 An Act restoring fairness in the unemployment insurance law for workers in temporary jobs.
S.689  SD.687 An Act further defining comparable work.
S.695  SD.23 An Act relative to workers compensation for veterans.
H.704  HD.3384 An Act relative to the mosquito borne disease control board.
H.713  HD.1214 An Act relative to the vehicle emissions labeling program for new motor vehicles.
S.717  SD.1117 An Act expediting appeals of wage violations.
H.718  HD.2055 An Act establishing the Massachusetts food policy council.
H.731  HD.1879 An Act to limit outdoor night lighting, conserve energy, and reduce light pollution.
S.748  SD.56 An Act relative to the civil commitment for alcoholism or substance abuse at certain facilities.
H.756  HD.365 An Act to reduce solid waste in the Commonwealth.
H.757  HD.3093 An Act for a competitive economy through safer alternatives to toxic chemicals.
H.774  HD.1129 An Act authorizing the establishment of old growth forest reserves.
H.775  HD.1135 An Act amending the conservation restrictions and agricultural preservation statutes.
S.778  SD.1352 An Act Establishing a Massachusetts Cat and Dog Spay and Neuter Fund.
S.800  SD.1778 An Act establishing a Commission to Reduce Unnecessary Wait Time for Children with Special Health Care Needs To Receive Needed Medical Equipment Such as Wheelchairs and Lifts.
S.801  SD.347 An Act relative to infectious disease control
S.803  SD.1453 An Act providing for safe patient handling.
H.815  HD.1997 An Act prohibiting the cruel confinement of certain farm animals.
H.822  HD.3766 An Act to Create a World Class Park System.
S.825  SD.1343 An Act relative to funerals.
S.828  SD.1926 An Act to promote urinary incontinence health management.
S.845  SD.1178 An Act Relative to Safe Work Hours for Physicians in Training and Protection of Patients
H.847  HD.2945 An Act exempting towns from certain fees.
S.872  SD.1261 An Act to Prohibit Mandatory Overtime for the Health Care Workforce.
S.881  SD.984 An Act relative to the pronouncement of death in a rest home.
S.884  SD.1608 An Act Relative to Specialty Licensure.
S.890  SD.911 An Act relative to patient safety.
S.896  SD.1681 An Act relative to women’s health and cancer recovery.
H.897  HD.2943 An Act relative to automobile repair parts. .
S.897  SD.680 An Act encouraging organ donation
H.898  HD.2951 An Act relative to diagnostic screening for prostate cancer. .
H.910  HD.1012 An Act to provide coverage for hearing aids for children.
H.914  HD.1222 An Act relative to the notification of an insured.
H.915  HD.3709 An Act relative to coverage and standards of treatment of persons with bleeding disorders.
H.921  HD.260 An Act relative to providing certain benefits for cancer patients.
S.921  SD.223 An Act relative to the safety of law enforcement officers.
S.929  SD.1678 An Act relative to remove pepper spray from firearms identification
S.930  SD.1566 An Act to prohibit price gouging during states of emergency.
H.930  HD.3426 An Act relative to the health insurance of children of divorced parents.
H.931  HD.3429 An Act relative to mastectomies.
H.932  HD.3447 An Act Relative to the treatment of cleft palate and cleft lip.
H.942  HD.2482 An Act relative to homeowner insurance.
H.943  HD.2936 An Act providing insurance coverage to certain spouses.
H.944  HD.632 An Act prohibiting drug switching payments.
S.945  SD.287 An Act relative to safe transportation of explosive and inflammable materials.
S.1021  SD.1690 An Act relative to the definition of a veteran for public retirees
S.1025  SD.1728 An Act further regulating appeals under the Group Insurance Commission
H.1031  HD.3944 An Act Relative to providing insurance coverage for magnetic resonance imaging for certain persons.
H.1033  HD.2123 An Act providing for care and treatment of patients with mitochondrial disease.
H.1034  HD.2356 An Act relative to insurance coverage for craniofacial disorders.
S.1034  SD.345 An Act relative to creditable service for service rendered as a volunteer in the peace corps and americorps
S.1038  SD.1458 An Act to include dental benefits in all Commonwealth Care Plans.
S.1043  SD.459 An Act relative to group insurance benefits for certain public retirees.
S.1048  SD.1398 An Act accommodating personal care attendants without a workplace site.
H.1054  HD.2004 An Act relative to red light cameras.
H.1056  HD.2928 An Act to improve access to alcohol and other drug clinical services .
S.1060  SD.1618 An Act relative to maternity benefits for teachers.
H.1080  HD.646 An Act relative to manufacturers coupons and rebates.
S.1081  SD.432 An Act relative to teacher retirement.
H.1084  HD.1227 An Act relative to shared responsibility in health reform.
H.1087  HD.1077 An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for all children.
S.1090  SD.1542 An Act relative to the retirement options of certain educational personnel.
S.1095  SD.144 An Act relative to credible service for school nurses.
H.1100  HD.2060 An Act relative to equitable dental reimbursement rates for services provided to publicly aided patients.
H.1101  HD.2073 An Act to include dental benefits in all commonwealth care plans.
H.1102  HD.2095 An Act relative to health care affordability.
S.1143  SD.1204 An Act Relative to Eligibility for State Group Health Insurance
S.1151  SD.557 An Act relative to group insurance benefits for certain public retirees.
S.1154  SD.574 An Act relative to ordinary disability retirements.
S.1155  SD.576 An Act relative to certain option C retirees.
H.1157  HD.4254 An Act relative to the purchase of flags in the Commonwealth.
S.1161  SD.603 An Act relative to group insurance benefits for certain public retirees.
H.1164  HD.305 An Act relative to providing free tuition for public school teachers.
S.1164  SD.616 An Act relative to disability pension benefits and earnings.
S.1172  SD.637 An Act Extending Creditable Service for Peace Corps Service
H.1175  HD.3189 An Act to promote educational parity within institutions of higher learning .
H.1177  HD.569 An Act relative to establishing a tuition free program for teachers and paraprofessionals.
H.1208  HD.228 An Act to Promote Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing
H.1215  HD.804 An Act relative to employer assisted housing. .
H.1216  HD.1021 An Act promoting fair working standards in the production of housing. .
S.1217  SD.1910 An Act Relative to Dental Insurance for Certain Retirees.
H.1217  HD.1600 An Act relative to the department of housing and community development. .
H.1219  HD.1680 An Act to promote open space residential development.
H.1220  HD.1687 An Act relative to energy efficiency in affordable housing.
H.1221  HD.1690 An Act establishing an apprentice training program for the rehabilitation of foreclosed properties.
S.1222  SD.424 An Act relative to the cost of living adjustment for public retirees.
H.1232  HD.1191 An Act to protect tenants in foreclosed properties from evictions.
S.1233  SD.1691 An Act exempting certain veterans from state tax
H.1246  HD.3713 An Act for public protection of our youth.
H.1248  HD.3939 An Act protecting those individuals with mental disabilities.
S.1257  SD.368 An Act establishing residential tax abatement zones in Gateway Cities.
S.1278  SD.1169 An Act to increase the property tax deferral for seniors.
S.1284  SD.1646 An Act relative to the selection and use of plastic carryout bags in certain stores.
H.1301  HD.3777 An Act making drug dealing subject to dangerousness hearing determinations.
H.1302  HD.3955 An Act to prevent gang violence.
H.1321  HD.1241 An Act relative to those who aid in the commission of a crime against a child.
H.1327  HD.3266 An Act to remove certain information from criminal record information records.
H.1328  HD.3779 An Act to prohibit human trafficking in massachusetts.
S.1333  SD.54 An Act establishing an income tax deduction for individuals who donate a human organ.
S.1340  SD.1800 An Act to Promote Reusable Energy Use in the Commonwealth.
H.1345  HD.901 An Act Relative to Falsely Assuming to be a Public Official.
H.1351  HD.2110 An Act Relative to Increasing the Penalties for Breaking and Entering Dwellings During the Daytime with Intent to Commit a Felony.
H.1371  HD.422 An Act relative to increasing the fines for prostitution.
H.1372  HD.429 An Act to permit purging of juveniles delinquency records.
H.1400  HD.600 An Act relative to shared parenting.
H.1412  HD.249 An Act relative to HIV and AIDS testing.
H.1413  HD.254 An Act further regulating the disclosure and use of social security numbers.
S.1421  SD.668 An Act to provide for the public inspection of records made or received by special state police officers at educational institutions and hospitals.
H.1425  HD.798 An Act clarifying warehousing.
H.1463  HD.3453 An Act Relative to the Health of Public Safety Officers.
S.1466  SD.43 An Act to amend MGL chapter 29.
S.1469  SD.1428 An Act establishing disability history month.
H.1492  HD.2541 An Act providing for drug free library zones.
H.1499  HD.1553 An Act to Include Animals in Abuse Prevention Orders.
S.1544  SD.133 An Act relative to consumer protection in energy facility siting.
S.1545  SD.134 An Act requiring local approval from neighboring communities in energy facility siting.
S.1559  SD.502 An Act to protect and enhance the rights of child and adult victims and witnesses of crime.
S.1571  SD.190 An Act relative to increasing the civil fines and financial responsibilities and criminal penalties of motorists who violate the right of way of other motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists and/or pedestrians, resulting in serious bodily injury and/or death.
H.1587  HD.149 An Act relative to the victims of violent crime
S.1608  SD.1344 An Act to reform CORI, restore economic opportunity and improve public safety.
S.1610  SD.1535 An Act relative to updating the public health laws.
H.1652  HD.3314 An Act ensuring confidentiality for victims of rape and domestic violence.
H.1694  HD.767 An Act relative to historic stone walls.
S.1699  SD.48 An Act relative to the protection of motorists and residential neighborhoods.
H.1700  HD.1304 Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution prohibiting eminent domain
H.1701  HD.1347 An Act Requiring that Eminent Domain be for the Public Use and Defining Public Use.
H.1709  HD.1384 An Act Relative to Appeals.
S.1712  SD.731 An Act further regulating debt collection.
H.1715  HD.3235 An Act To raise the dollar limit of claims filed in small claims court.
S.1724  SD.1328 An Act relative to jury service.
H.1745  HD.3877 An Act updating the public health laws.
H.1746  HD.3885 An Act relative to consent and counseling for certain minors.
H.1747  HD.3900 An Act Relative to Housing Discrimination Against Victims of Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault and Stalking.
S.1756  SD.1240 An Act relative to the modernization of optometric patient care
H.1778  HD.2082 An Act relative to eminent domain takings.
H.1780  HD.2291 An Act to require national background checks.
H.1785  HD.3352 An Act relative to the determination of alimony payments.
H.1797  HD.878 An Act Establishing A Temporary Worker's Right To Know.
H.1815  HD.1726 An Act establishing paid sick days.
H.1816  HD.2867 An Act providing unpaid family and medical leave.
H.1817  HD.2902 An Act relative to plant closings.
H.1824  HD.2986 An Act relative to prevailing wages.
S.1828  SD.1130 An Act relative to community leadership, neighborhood revitalization and urban-violence protection act of 2009.
H.1840  HD.3400 An Act relative to labor organizations.
H.1861  HD.3874 An Act relative to bullying in the workplace.
S.1870  SD.1292 An Act relating to the treatment of elephants.
S.1871  SD.510 An Act to improve Indian representation within the Commission of Indian Affairs.
S.1872  SD.888 An Act relative to vital records.
H.1880  HD.1299 An Act further defining comparable work.
H.1885  HD.4453 An Act authorizing the lease of conservation land in the town of Easton for agricultural purposes and to establish the Tufts Farm Maintenance Fund.
S.1893  SD.211 An Act relative to the clarification for the definition, testing regulations, and enforcement of motorcycle sound emissions.
S.1894  SD.218 An Act relative to assuring that motorcyclists between the ages of 16 and 18 are provided with adequate education relative to the proper safety and operation of a motorcycle.
S.1934  SD.1555 An Act to promote and and advance motorcycle safety.
H.1936  HD.2434 An Act relative to Bridgewater State Hospital.
S.1947  SD.978 An Act Designating a Certain Bridge in the Town of Harwich as the Representative Shirley Gomes Bridge.
S.1957  SD.1833 An Act relative to regional transit authorities.
H.1964  HD.2998 An Act relative to regulation of a corporation that lays, erects, maintains, or repairs the gas lines or pipes in a municipality.
H.1969  HD.1118 An Act requiring the posting of security for the seizure and impoundment of animals .
S.2004  SD.412 An Act relative to the Massachusetts Medal of Sacrifice.
S.2017  SD.221 An Act relative to standards for protective headgear for operators or passengers on motorcycles.
H.2026  HD.913 An Act relating to safe patient handling in certain health facilities.
H.2032  HD.2167 An Act relative to a registered nurse seat on the public health council.
S.2038  SD.702 An Act to control gaming in Massachusetts.
H.2050  HD.423 An Act to establish a lupus erythematosus study and registry.
H.2060  HD.2681 An Act relative to optometrists scope of practice.
H.2062  HD.1818 An Act Relative To Defibrillators.
H.2064  HD.652 An Act relative to the security of vital records and verification of identity .
H.2072  HD.3440 An Act providing for unused medication return by health care facilities.
H.2074  HD.3463 An Act Relative to Public Access of Private Restrooms.
H.2080  HD.1708 An Act relative to a board of registration in midwifery.
H.2082  HD.1731 An Act relative to nurse anesthetists.
H.2092  HD.638 An Act relative to school nutrition.
H.2094  HD.688 An Act relative to air quality in schools and public buildings.
H.2098  HD.1932 An Act relative to the treatment of hemophilia.
H.2107  HD.1945 An Act promoting better health in public schools through improved contracting with farms in the commonwealth.
H.2109  HD.1949 An Act provide written requiring the public reporting of potentially preventable hospital readmissions.
H.2119  HD.2819 An Act relative to the notification of mammographic examinations.
H.2120  HD.1415 An Act relative to the health care of minors.
H.2123  HD.3103 An Act relative to a patient's report card of nursing.
H.2166  HD.3707 An Act Providing for a Long Term Care Ombudsman in Hospitals.
H.2169  HD.3718 An Act relative to funeral home expenses.
H.2185  HD.3608 An Act Ensuring Access to Life-Saving Colorectal Cancer Screenings .
H.2188  HD.3823 An Act to Prohibit Novelty Lighters.
H.2189  HD.311 An Act to Prevent Youth and Gang Violence.
S.2209  SD.2300 An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Diane Hubbard, an employeed of the Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents.
H.2211  HD.303 An Act relative to a fire equipment grant program.
H.2216  HD.3692 An Act To Provide Additional Protection To Local Housing Authority Residents and Local Housing Authority Property From Entry By Persons After Being Forbidden As Trespass.
H.2218  HD.558
H.2231  HD.1259 An Act to allow hunting on Sunday within the Commonwealth.
H.2259  HD.2072 An Act relative to civil rights and public safety.
H.2283  HD.3236 An Act further regulating exits in sports complexes.
H.2298  HD.580 An Act relative to a junior operator seat belt requirement.
H.2316  HD.1168 An Act providing creditable service for certain teachers.
H.2318  HD.1196 An Act relative to purchasing power protection for retiree benefits.
H.2329  HD.1067 An Act relative to Creditable Service for Uncompensated Elected Officials.
H.2342  HD.2230 An Act relative to nonpublic school service.
H.2349  HD.3184 An Act Relative to Health Insurance for Surviving Spouses.
H.2350  HD.3207 An Act Further Regulating Group Insurance Commission Benefits for State Employees and Retired State Employees.
H.2351  HD.3247 An Act Regulating Appeals under the Group Insurance Commission.
H.2352  HD.3279 An Act Relative to the Conversion of Certain Disability Retirements.
H.2361  HD.2067 An Act Relative to Retiree Life Insurance.
H.2397  HD.1851 An Act relative to Higher Education Final Retroactive Payments to Retirees. .
H.2400  HD.1866 An Act relative to continuation of health insurance coverage for Retired Public Employees. .
H.2401  HD.1874 An Act relative to the oversight of Disability Pension Benefits. .
H.2403  HD.3610 An Act relative to post-retirement service.
H.2434  HD.1908 An Act relative to cost of living adjustments .
H.2435  HD.1909 An Act To Provide an Interest Arbitration Alternative for Firefighters.
H.2447  HD.1763 An Act relative to establishing binding arbitration.
H.2450  HD.1519 An Act regarding benefits for uniformed members of the Bureau of Fire Control.
H.2483  HD.240 An Act relative to the minimum pension for retirees.
H.2486  HD.243 An Act to clarify creditable service for sabbatical leaves .
H.2487  HD.244 An Act relative to cost of living adjustments for retired public employees of the Commonwealth. .
H.2515  HD.2051 An Act to define further teacher for retirement purposes.
H.2519  HD.2015 An Act authorizing the Plymouth County contributory retirement system to issue pension funding bonds or notes.
H.2570  HD.2048 An Act to provide funding of certain collective bargaining agreements.
H.2583  HD.3405 An Act relative to collective bargaining.
H.2591  HD.1352 An Act to further regulate the right to strike of public employees.
H.2610  HD.2893 An Act to Accommodate Personal Care Attendants without a Workplace Site.
H.2685  HD.3225 An Act relative to expanding the septic system tax credit.
H.2702  HD.3948 An Act to promote economic development in gateway cities.
H.2718  HD.3632 An Act relative to the senior tax credit expansion.
H.2719  HD.914 An Act Providing For A Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Exemption For Purple Heart Receipients
H.2726  HD.2068 An Act to establish a green building income and excise tax credit.
H.2753  HD.2354 An Act relative to sales and excise tax exemptions for disabled veterans.
H.2765  HD.257 An Act relative to the sale or conversion of agricultural land for residential or commercial use.
H.2780  HD.1664 An Act relative to district improvement financing.
H.2800  HD.2258 An Act Amending the Historical Rehabilitation Tax Credit.
H.2812  HD.3842 An Act relative to historic residential tax credit.
H.2892  HD.957 An Act Relative to Property Taxes and Senior Citizens.
H.2976  HD.2296 An Act Relative to the Official Conductor of the Commonwealth.
H.3023  HD.3851 An Act Recognizing Massachusetts State Parks Day.
H.3051  HD.577 An Act to reduce paperwork in the Commonwealth.
H.3058  HD.1148 An Act relative to the sale of prepaid cell phones.
H.3064  HD.1820 An Act to limit outdoor night lighting, conserve energy, and reduce light pollution.
H.3102  HD.1545 An Act relative to DPU hearings regarding new electric transmission projects.
H.3113  HD.3396 An Act relative to reusable beverage containers.
H.3121  HD.424 An Act relative to energy efficient construction.
H.3137  HD.1382 An Act to improve recycling rates in the commonwealth by providing recycling containers adjacent to beverage vending machines.
H.3146  HD.472 An Act to create the position of poet laureate for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
H.3152  HD.1413 An Act relative to cell phone use in motor vehicles.
H.3169  HD.1165 An Act relative to establishing a fund for 'Prevent Blindness Massachusetts'.
H.3170  HD.1181 An Act Relative to Vehicles of Visiting Nurses.
H.3189  HD.910 An Act relative to roadway re-openings and safety.
H.3190  HD.924 An Act Relative To Distinctive Bronze Star Motor Vehicle Plates
H.3226  HD.2687 An Act punishing interference with the safe operation of trains and certain other common carriers.
H.3227  HD.2769 An Act to preserve the right of way for the North South Rail Link.
H.3241  HD.833 An Act providing additional funding for the affordable housing trust fund. .
H.3257  HD.3584 An Act to require the use of headlights on motor vehicles during any period in which windshield wipers are also in use.
H.3260  HD.3017 An Act relative to vehicles leading funeral processions.
H.3273  HD.3138 An Act establishing a distinctive motor vehicle license plate for the university of Massachusetts.
H.3307  HD.851 An Act relative to school buses.
H.3317  HD.3233 An Act Relative to disabled veteran and handicapped parking.
H.3331  HD.3150 An Act Relative to Motorcycle Safety.
H.3362  HD.1203 An Act relative to historic preservation.
H.3373  HD.3670 An Act relative to inland fisheries and game licenses.
H.3376  HD.3275 An Act authorizing reimbursement to the town of Easton for veterans' benefits expended in past years.
H.3394  HD.954 An Act Relative to Veterans.
H.3404  HD.1363 An Act protecting graves of veterans.
H.3416  HD.1391 An Act to protect nursing home residents
H.3418  HD.1242 An Act establishing a special commission on gender-responsive programming for system-involved girls.
H.3421  HD.1282 An Act to improve the personal care attendant program.
H.3434  HD.1266 An Act relative to providing health education in schools.
H.3438  HD.1398 An Act to protect the natural resources of the Commonwealth.
H.3440  HD.810 An Act relative to the reduction of particulate emissions from diesel engines.
H.3441  HD.1254 An Act protecting the Commonwealth's lakes and ponds.
H.3443  HD.1404 An Act relative to mercury management.
H.3446  HD.1376 An Act further regulating hazardous and toxic material
H.3453  HD.1361 An Act establishing the Massachusetts childhood vaccine program and the Massachusetts immunization registry.
H.3457  HD.1108 An Act relative to the renting or leasing of illegal residential premises.
H.3460  HD.1312 An Act to enhance public safety and security in certain public housing developments.
H.3476  HD.819 An Act establishing a board of registration in naturopathy.
H.3512  HD.807 An Act to improve recycling and litter reduction.
H.3515  HD.1314 An Act to improve recycling rates in the Commonwealth.
H.3518  HD.1265 An Act to protect trees in public parks.
H.3523  HD.1260 An Act to reform CORI, restore economic opportunity, and improve public safety.
H.3534  HD.1273 An Act Relative to Outdated CORI.
H.3537  HD.1248 Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to the subject matter of initiative petitions
H.3538  HD.976 An Act to create the position of Poet Laureate of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
H.3546  HD.2242 An Act protecting residents of the commonwealth from door-to-door solicitors.
H.3547  HD.1634
H.3565  HD.2189 An Act Establishing An Education Loan Repayment Program for Legislative and Committee Staff of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.
H.3568  HD.2265 An Act Establishing An Education Loan Repayment Program For Social Workers And Credentialed Direct Care Human Service Workers.
H.3571  HD.1447 An Act to stabilize neighborhoods through the protection of tenants in foreclosed properties.
H.3573  HD.1557 An Act preserving publicly assisted affordable housing.
H.3574  HD.1562 An Act relative to employer assisted housing.
H.3575  HD.1614 An Act to encourage smart growth zoning and housing production.
H.3576  HD.1618 An Act excluding payments for foster care in computing rent and determining eligibility for subsidized housing. .
H.3592  HD.1608 An Act relative to tick borne illnesses.
H.3595  HD.1451 An Act relative to foods containing artificial trans fat.
H.3598  HD.2143 An Act to provide coverage for hearing aids.
H.3608  HD.1561 An Act to stabilize neighborhoods.
H.3612  HD.2194 An Act to encourage retirement savings.
H.3645  HD.2757 An Act Relative to Cueing and Supervision in the PCA Program.
H.3660  HD.2708 An Act to improve assessment and accountability to ensure students acquire 21st century skills.
H.3717  HD.2750 An Act amending the membership of the health care quality and cost council.
H.3718  HD.3135 An Act relative to a nurse deputy commissioner at the department of public health.
H.3762  HD.2747 An Act to Promote Energy Efficient Lighting, Conserve Energy, Regulate Outdoor Night Lighting, and Reduce Light Pollution.
H.3782  HD.2793 An Act Regarding the Fiscal Authority of Decertified Libraries.
H.3784  HD.3098 An Act establishing a municipal library facilities loan fund.
H.3786  HD.2760 An Act increasing access to medical care for veterans.
H.3804  HD.1180 An Act addressing bullying of children with autism spectrum disorder.
H.3805  HD.1174 An Act addressing LGBT elder inclusion.
H.3809  HD.984 An Act relative to insurance coverage for autism.
H.3897  HD.4141 An Act providing coverage for treatment of post-partum depression.
H.4013  HD.4149 An Act relative to the establishment of cultural districts.
H.4015  HD.4040 An Act prohibiting junior operators use of cell phones or text messaging devices while driving.
H.4022  HD.4083 An Act relative to jaywalking.
H.4036  HD.4167 An Act to preserve historic markers.
H.4062  HD.3276 An Act relative to simulcasting by greyhound dog racing meeting licensees.
H.4068  HD.3954 An Act establishing and regulating resort-style entertainment in the Commonwealth.
H.4077  HD.1057 An Act to promote demographic accountability for commonwealth charter schools.
H.4111  HD.3992 An Act providing for medical coverage for acupuncture.
H.4241  HD.4573 An Act authorizing the city of Brockton to prevent the siting of a power plant in Brocton.
H.4258  HD.3985 An Act strengthening health reform .
H.4465  HD.4682 An Act to Protect Conservation Lands.
H.4750  HD.4572 An Act to Maintain the Operation of Public Swimming Pools.
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.