Majority Leader
State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 312-A
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 312-A
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-1639
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.23 | SD.2003 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth relative to the subject matter of initiative petitions | |
S.32 | SD.614 | An Act relative to safety in day care facilities. | |
S.33 | SD.950 | An Act to protect children from emotional abuse. | |
S.36 | SD.1688 | An Act to bring child support home. | |
S.90 | SD.991 | An Act to sustain community preservation. | |
S.128 | SD.993 | An Act relative to the guaranty fund for home improvement contractors. | |
S.129 | SD.2025 | An Act to Improve Data Security. | |
S.192 | SD.1582 | An Act clarifying chapter 27 of the acts of 2005, "an act enhancing regenerative medicine in the commonwealth" . | |
S.193 | SD.1891 | An Act clarifying chapter 111L - biotechnology. | |
S.219 | SD.537 | An Act authorizing a study of starting times and schedules | |
S.220 | SD.575 | An Act establishing a grant program for the development and updating of school curriculums | |
S.221 | SD.604 | An Act to increase parental involvement in education | |
S.222 | SD.897 | An Act to maintain short term objectives for students with disabilities. | |
S.223 | SD.904 | An Act to improve augmentative and alternative communication opportunities for children with disabilities. | |
S.224 | SD.1902 | An Act supporting the local determination of educational competency and multiple forms of academic assessment. | |
S.338 | SD.1091 | An Act relative to voter registration. | |
S.339 | SD.1579 | An Act relating to polling locations. | |
S.340 | SD.1893 | An Act require voting systems to be accessible to people with disabilities. | |
S.341 | SD.1995 | An Act to Establish Election Day Registration. | |
S.390 | SD.997 | An Act to protect the Commonwealth's hemlock trees. | |
S.391 | SD.1001 | An Act establishing a 0% interest program for the state revolving loan fund for water and sewer projects and establishing 3:1 leveraging for such projects. | |
S.464 | SD.462 | An Act to Mandate Insurance Coverage For Bone Mass Measurement Testing For The Diagnosis Of Osteoporosis. | |
S.465 | SD.509 | An Act providing breast cancer patient protection | |
S.466 | SD.1014 | An Act relative to holocaust victims insurance relief. | |
S.467 | SD.1516 | An Act relative to health insurance rate responsibility. | |
S.538 | SD.1758 | An Act To Study Disparities In Health Care Resulting From Changes In Marital Status. | |
S.627 | SD.1497 | An Act relative to housing rights for victims of domestic violence. | |
S.672 | SD.493 | An Act to promote volunteerism in the commonwealth. | |
S.673 | SD.1619 | An Act to establish employment leave and safety remedies to victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault. | |
S.736 | SD.470 | An Act requiring victims to be notified of certain hearings concerning the custodial status of individuals adjudged not guilty of a crime by reason of mental illness or after being found not competent to stand trial. | |
S.737 | SD.503 | An Act relative to preventing the use of the narcotic known as ecstasy or methylenedioxymethamphetamine. | |
S.738 | SD.1633 | An Act to establish a public guardianship commission. | |
S.766 | SD.1032 | An Act relative to the removal or transportation of trash. | |
S.805 | SD.428 | An Act to conduct a comprehensive study of oral injuries in school sports. | |
S.806 | SD.1071 | An Act relative to the creation of a sports injury commission . | |
S.807 | SD.1559 | An Act Creating A Special Task Force To Make An Investigation And Study Of Issues Relating To The Practice Of Defensive Medicine. | |
S.934 | SD.1088 | An Act relative to the interstate compact warrant. | |
S.935 | SD.1556 | An Act to require tagging of explosive materials. | |
S.936 | SD.1748 | An Act relative to training for law enforcement in dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness. | |
S.937 | SD.1779 | An Act relative to medical examinations in correctional facilities. | |
S.938 | SD.1803 | An Act relative to preventing illegal trafficking of firearms. | |
S.939 | SD.1990 | An Act Relative to Classification of Prisoners. | |
S.1040 | SD.1980 | An Act to Promote Wellness for Persons in the Service of the Commonwealth. | |
S.1041 | SD.1992 | An Act relative to early retirement and the termination retirement allowance . | |
S.1241 | SD.481 | An Act to establish and encourage donations to the Massachusetts Epilepsy Research Fund. | |
S.1244 | SD.1089 | An Act establish a tax credit for employer-sponsored ridesharing benefits. | |
S.1245 | SD.1655 | An Act improving the earned income tax credit for working families. | |
S.1246 | SD.1700 | An Act relative to the income tax deduction for charitable giving. | |
S.1248 | SD.1718 | An Act to prevent tax fraud. | |
S.1249 | SD.1723 | An Act relative to the "circuit breaker" property tax credit for seniors. | |
S.1250 | SD.1731 | An Act relative to refundable tax credits. | |
S.1251 | SD.1837 | An Act relative to senior citizen property taxes. | |
S.1252 | SD.1864 | An Act relative to the assessment of local taxes. | |
S.1253 | SD.1981 | An Act to Bring Fairness to Taxation of Personal Property. | |
S.1254 | SD.1984 | An Act Relative to the Alcohol Excise Tax. | |
S.1410 | SD.1924 | An Act relative to transparency in state revenues and expenditures. | |
S.1477 | SD.1076 | An Act to promote energy efficient state government. | |
S.1478 | SD.1079 | An Act relative to consumer choice of green electricity. | |
S.1479 | SD.1081 | An Act relative to the production of wind energy in Boston harbor. | |
S.1480 | SD.1495 | An Act to improve recycling rates in the commonwealth. | |
S.1481 | SD.1518 | An Act to promote energy efficient lighting, conserve energy, regulate outdoor night lighting, and reduce light pollution. | |
S.1615 | SD.449 | An Act relating to liability of health professionals in emergency response. | |
S.1616 | SD.634 | An Act relative to flexibility in alimony orders. | |
S.1617 | SD.645 | An Act relative to name changes and requests. | |
S.1618 | SD.664 | An Act relative to strengthening the Anti-Slapp Law. | |
S.1619 | SD.685 | An Act relative to the estate of homestead. | |
S.1620 | SD.757 | An Act relative to certain proceedings relating to corporations. | |
S.1621 | SD.809 | An Act on appellate jurisdiction. | |
S.1622 | SD.869 | An Act on court cost of indigent persons. | |
S.1623 | SD.906 | An Act to remove an inconsistency between c.246, sec 40 and c.235 sec 16. | |
S.1624 | SD.922 | An Act to clarify the review of actions of the chief justice for administration and management. | |
S.1625 | SD.942 | An Act relative to the management of the trial court. | |
S.1626 | SD.945 | An Act relative to the personnel advisory committee. | |
S.1627 | SD.948 | An Act relative to the first justice of the probate and family court. | |
S.1628 | SD.949 | An Act relative to employees of the trial court. | |
S.1629 | SD.951 | An Act relative to the indigent court costs statute. | |
S.1630 | SD.953 | An Act to require the reporting of satisfaction of judgments awarding money damages. | |
S.1631 | SD.964 | An Act increasing the value of an automobile that may be excluded from levy. | |
S.1632 | SD.969 | An Act regarding the issuance of a warrant where there is an imminent threat. | |
S.1633 | SD.972 | An Act regarding criminal motor vehicle citations. | |
S.1634 | SD.980 | An Act regarding the definition of a default warrant. | |
S.1635 | SD.990 | An Act regarding disposition of certain criminal offenses as civil infractions. | |
S.1636 | SD.999 | An Act regarding judicial disqualification. | |
S.1638 | SD.1027 | An Act to permit independent enforcement of restitution orders in criminal cases. | |
S.1639 | SD.1037 | An Act to authorize transfer of supplementary proceedings when the judgment debtor moves to another district. | |
S.1640 | SD.1044 | An Act relative to small claims. | |
S.1641 | SD.1046 | An Act to clarify the venue of prosecution for larceny by check. | |
S.1642 | SD.1065 | An Act to exempt certain criminal misdemeanors from the hearing provisions of G.L. C. 218. | |
S.1643 | SD.1069 | An Act relative to the jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Housing Court. | |
S.1644 | SD.1072 | An Act to promote the permanent of children with fit parents. | |
S.1645 | SD.1074 | An Act relative to further the interest of children in need of services. | |
S.1646 | SD.1078 | An Act relative to the appointment of GAL to investigate. | |
S.1647 | SD.1080 | An Act relative to the appointment of GAL to institute contempt proceedings. | |
S.1648 | SD.1084 | An Act to improve juror service. | |
S.1649 | SD.1086 | An Act to improve juror service responses. | |
S.1650 | SD.1414 | An Act relative to probate and family court filings. | |
S.1651 | SD.1456 | An Act relative to drug mandatory minimum sentences. | |
S.1652 | SD.1525 | An Act relative to the rights of children adopted by unmarried persons. | |
S.1653 | SD.1533 | An Act to improve the spousal elective share. | |
S.1654 | SD.1538 | An Act relative to punishment for the crime of domestic violence. | |
S.1655 | SD.1545 | An Act relative to the crime of murder. | |
S.1656 | SD.1547 | An Act relative to archaic crimes. | |
S.1657 | SD.1604 | An Act Relating to Costs of Appeals by the Commonwealth. | |
S.1658 | SD.1636 | An Act Relative to Police Search and Seizure. | |
S.1659 | SD.1643 | An Act to provide access to forensic and scientific analysis. | |
S.1660 | SD.1668 | An Act relative to the profits from crime. | |
S.1661 | SD.1744 | An Act establishing the crime of money laundering. | |
S.1662 | SD.1745 | An Act relating to parental choice of terminology in certain domestic relations matters. | |
S.1663 | SD.1783 | An Act relative to the parole board. | |
S.1664 | SD.1871 | An Act relative to probation violations. | |
S.1665 | SD.1887 | An Act relative to probation surrender and bail revocation. | |
S.1666 | SD.1890 | An Act to end double taxation of attorney's fees. | |
S.1667 | SD.1892 | An Act relative to the appointment of probation officers in the probate and family courts. | |
S.1668 | SD.1896 | An Act relative to judgments ordering conveyance of real estate. | |
S.1669 | SD.1898 | An Act prohibiting the release of a minor's personal information by the media. | |
S.1670 | SD.1916 | An Act relative to testimony in criminal proceedings. | |
S.1671 | SD.1961 | An Act to enhance inter-agency cooperation within the juvenile criminal justice system. | |
S.1672 | SD.1962 | An Act relative to the crime of assault and battery on a child. | |
S.1673 | SD.1964 | An Act providing protection against compelled disclosure of certain information by the news media . | |
S.1674 | SD.1966 | An Act relative to tort liability for certain charitable organizations. | |
S.1675 | SD.1967 | An Act relative to tort liability for certain charitable organizations. | |
S.1676 | SD.1993 | An Act to expand intensive parole supervision. | |
S.1677 | SD.1997 | An Act relative to sentencing laws. | |
S.1678 | SD.1998 | An Act relative to post release supervision and community reintegration. | |
S.1679 | SD.2000 | An Act to establish sentencing guidelines. | |
S.1680 | SD.2002 | An Act to improve the accuracy of eyewitness identification procedures. | |
S.1681 | SD.2005 | An Act to Repeal Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentences. | |
S.1682 | SD.2022 | An Act Relating to School Zones. | |
S.1865 | SD.1083 | An Act relative to child performer protection. | |
S.1903 | SD.486 | An Act relative to parking for handicapped individuals and disabled veterans. | |
S.1905 | SD.995 | An Act regarding the penalties for drag racing. | |
S.1906 | SD.1087 | An Act relative to hands free cell phone devices. | |
S.1908 | SD.2048 | An Act to Fund the Massachusetts Turnpike. | |
S.2289 | SD.2408 | An Act to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation. | |
S.2459 | SD.2667 | Text of amendment (134) offered by Ms. Creem to the pending Senate Ways and Means amendment (Senate, No. 4) to the House Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2010 for the maintenance of the departments, boards, commissions, institutions and certain activities of the Commonwealth, for interest, sinking fund and serial bond requirements and for certain permanent improvements | |
S.2489 | SD.2538 | An Act to Enhance Reporting Requirements for Candidates and Committees. | |
S.34 | SD.963 | An Act relative to emergency aid to the elderly, disabled and children. This bill is by request. * | |
S.35 | SD.1068 | An Act to survey the needs of children, adults and seniors who are visually impaired. This bill is by request. * | |
S.127 | SD.550 | An Act relative to the practice of cosmetology. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1039 | SD.652 | An Act relative to the retirement of school social workers. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1242 | SD.762 | An Act authorizing a tax abatement filing for Stanley and Kay Schlozman. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1243 | SD.822 | An Act providing property tax relief. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1247 | SD.1707 | An Act to exempt income from foreign sources from the Massachusetts tax code. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1476 | SD.885 | An Act relative to gas meter readings. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1904 | SD.928 | An Act improving roadway access and visibility. This bill is by request. * | |
S.1907 | SD.1395 | An Act relative to handicapped parking access. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.