State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 312-B
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 312-B
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-1572
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.9 | SD.169 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 9) of Michael J. Barrett and Thomas A. Golden, Jr., for legislation to create a next-generation roadmap for Massachusetts climate policy. Temporary Ways and Means. | |
S.79 | SD.2383 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 79) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to require closed captioning in telecommunications in public areas. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities. | |
S.161 | SD.1682 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 161) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to protect biometric information under the security breach law. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. | |
S.282 | SD.2396 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 282) of Michael J. Barrett, Jack Patrick Lewis, Thomas M. Stanley, Paul F. Tucker and other members of the General Court for legislation to address the needs of students with disabilities turning 22 during the COVID-19 emergency. Education. | |
S.434 | SD.1722 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 434) of Michael J. Barrett, Harriette L. Chandler, Elizabeth A. Malia, Tami L. Gouveia and other members of the General Court for legislation to restore financial transparency in presidential elections. Election Laws. | |
S.494 | SD.2428 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 494) of Michael J. Barrett, Michelle L. Ciccolo and Joanne M. Comerford for legislation to reduce disposable plastic straw waste. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. | |
H.794 | HD.734 | By Representative Gouveia of Acton and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 794) of Tami L. Gouveia, Michael J. Barrett and others for legislation to lower the voting age in local elections. Election Laws. | |
S.911 | SD.1730 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 911) of Michael J. Barrett, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Rebecca L. Rausch, James B. Eldridge and others for legislation to eliminate the public counsel fee. The Judiciary. | |
S.1154 | SD.1729 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1154) of Michael J. Barrett, James B. Eldridge, Carlos González, Joanne M. Comerford and others for legislation to regulate the use of credit reports by employers. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
S.1155 | SD.2397 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1155) of Michael J. Barrett and Joanne M. Comerford for legislation relative to COVID-19 and improving workers' benefits. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
S.1156 | SD.2427 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1156) of Michael J. Barrett, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, James B. Eldridge and Danillo A. Sena for legislation to ensure bereavement leave. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
S.1257 | SD.2424 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1257) of Michael J. Barrett, Michael D. Brady, Thomas M. Stanley, Mathew J. Muratore and others for legislation to establish a commission on the history of state institutions for people with developmental and mental health disabilities in the Commonwealth. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
S.1319 | SD.1740 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1319) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation relative to the use of outdoor clotheslines. Municipalities and Regional Government. | |
S.1370 | SD.2430 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1370) of Michael J. Barrett, Michelle L. Ciccolo and Joanne M. Comerford for legislation relative to prohibiting the dispensing of food in disposable food service containers made from polystyrene or from expanded polystyrene. Public Health. | |
S.1537 | SD.1508 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1537) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to require liability insurance for gun ownership. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1538 | SD.1674 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1538) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to protect inmate safety and the expenditure of state funds. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1539 | SD.1736 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1539) of Michael J. Barrett, Jack Patrick Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, James B. Eldridge and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to military grade controlled property. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1540 | SD.2385 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1540) of Michael J. Barrett and Michelle M. DuBois for legislation relative to 3D printed weapons and “ghost guns”. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1541 | SD.2417 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1541) of Michael J. Barrett, Christopher Hendricks, Mary S. Keefe and Joanne M. Comerford for legislation to create uniform standards in use of force, increase transparency, and reduce harm. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1796 | SD.1515 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1796) of Michael J. Barrett, Maria Duaime Robinson, James B. Eldridge, Erika Uyterhoeven and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to the Massachusetts fund for vulnerable countries most affected by climate change. Revenue. | |
S.1797 | SD.1519 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1797) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to repeal certain tax exemptions for aircraft. Revenue. | |
S.1798 | SD.2415 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1798) of Michael J. Barrett, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Barry R. Finegold and Michael O. Moore for legislation to exempt electric vehicle chargers from the sales tax. Revenue. | |
S.1799 | SD.2431 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1799) of Michael J. Barrett, Jason M. Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa and Michael O. Moore for legislation to exempt zero-emission commercial vehicles from the sales tax. Revenue. | |
S.2008 | SD.2413 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2008) of Michael J. Barrett, Jason M. Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Joanne M. Comerford and other members of the General Court for legislation to increase electric vehicle charging infrastructure in new construction. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.2009 | SD.2425 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2009) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to facilitate access to public records. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.2127 | SD.2390 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2127) of Michael J. Barrett, Jason M. Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Mark C. Montigny and other members of the General Court for legislation to analyze future need for electric vehicle infrastructure within the commonwealth. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2128 | SD.2398 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2128) of Michael J. Barrett, Jason M. Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Joanne M. Comerford and other members of the General Court for legislation to facilitate electric vehicle ownership among low- and middle-income families. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2129 | SD.2408 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2129) of Michael J. Barrett, Jason M. Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Barry R. Finegold and other members of the General Court for legislation to make electric vehicles more affordable. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2130 | SD.2409 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2130) of Michael J. Barrett, Maria Duaime Robinson, Rebecca L. Rausch, James B. Eldridge and other members of the General Court for legislation to convert the MBTA bus fleet to zero-emission vehicles. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2131 | SD.2419 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2131) of Michael J. Barrett, Joanne M. Comerford, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Maria Duaime Robinson and other members of the General Court for legislation to establish a Climate Policy Commission. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2132 | SD.2420 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2132) of Michael J. Barrett, Joanne M. Comerford, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Maria Duaime Robinson and other members of the General Court for legislation to institute a governance structure for Mass Save. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2133 | SD.2477 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2133) of Michael J. Barrett, Joanne M. Comerford, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Diana DiZoglio and other members of the General Court for legislation to expand carbon pricing in the commonwealth. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2252 | SD.2399 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2252) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to ensure electric vehicle chargers in service plazas along the Mass Pike. Transportation. | |
S.2253 | SD.2401 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2253) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to assist cities and towns with electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Transportation. | |
S.2254 | SD.2402 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2254) of Michael J. Barrett for legislation to provide cities and towns data on electric vehicles. Transportation. | |
S.2255 | SD.2411 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2255) of Michael J. Barrett, Jason M. Lewis, Lindsay N. Sabadosa, Michael O. Moore and others for legislation to convert the state government fleet to electric vehicles. Transportation. | |
S.2437 | SD.2596 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2437) of Michael J. Barrett and Tami L. Gouveia (by vote of the town) for legislation to establish a real estate transfer fee upon the transfer of property in the town of Concord. Revenue. [Local approval received] | |
S.2438 | SD.2597 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2438) of Michael J. Barrett and Tami L. Gouveia (by vote of the town) for legislation to establish a building permit surcharge in the town of Concord. Housing. [Local approval received] | |
S.2647 | Filed by Mr. Barrett -- Order relative to granting the committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy until May 2, 2022 within which time to make its final report on certain current Senate documents relative to issues of continued concern to the committee. | ||
S.2840 | SD.3109 | By Mr. Barrett, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2840) of Michael J. Barrett and Thomas M. Stanley (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize the town of Lincoln to adopt and enforce local regulations restricting new fossil fuel infrastructure in certain construction. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. [Local approval received] | |
S.2910 | Filed by Mr. Barrett -- Order relative to granting the committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy until June 30, 2022 within which time to make its final report on certain current Senate documents relative to telecommunications, utilities and energy matters. | ||
H.3712 | HD.273 | By Representative Gouveia of Acton and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3712) of Tami L. Gouveia and Michael J. Barrett (by vote of the town) for legislation to grant four additional liquor licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on the premises in the town of Concord. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3719 | HD.3894 | By Representative Gouveia of Acton and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3719) of Tami L. Gouveia and Michael J. Barrett (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize 17 year old citizens to vote in town elections and town meetings in the town of Concord. Election Laws. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3731 | HD.274 | By Representative Gouveia of Acton and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3731) of Tami L. Gouveia and Michael J. Barrett (by vote of the town) for legislation to make permanent a senior means tested property tax exemption in the town of Concord. Revenue. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4091 | HD.4436 | By Representative Gentile of Sudbury and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4091) of Carmine Lawrence Gentile and Michael J. Barrett (by vote of the town) that the town of Sudbury be authorized to establish a fee for retail establishment checkout bags in said town. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4446 | HD.4745 | By Representative Gordon of Bedford and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Kenneth I. Gordon and Michael J. Barrett for legislation to designate a certain bridge on Great Road in the town of Bedford as the Major Barry Allan Seidman, USAF memorial bridge. Transportation. | |
H.5293 | HD.5329 | By Representative Gouveia of Acton and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 5293) of Tami L. Gouveia and Michael J. Barrett (by vote of the town) relative to ranked choice voting in the town of Concord. Election Laws. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.5294 | HD.5330 | By Representative Gouveia of Acton and Senator Barrett, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 5294) of Tami L. Gouveia and Michael J. Barrett (by vote of the town) that the town of Concord be authorized to establish a fee for checkout bags in said town. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.