State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 237
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 237
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-2305
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
HD.2995 | authorizing the town of Groton to provide for group insurance | ||
HD.3006 | to authorize the town of Ayer to negotiate and purchase group insurance policies for employees retirees and dependents without being subject to collective bargaining | ||
H.318 | HD.3127 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 318) of Sheila C. Harrington for legislation to include nonprofit organizations in the matching grant "rail-trail" program within the Department of Economic Development. Economic Development and Emerging Technologies. | |
H.1374 | HD.349 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1374) of Sheila C. Harrington and others relative to the sittings of the Middlesex County Probate Court. The Judiciary. | |
H.1375 | HD.3001 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1375) of Sheila C. Harrington, Denise Andrews and Keiko M. Orrall for an investigation by a special commission (including members of the General Court) relative to the feasibility of organizing the Trial Court by combining efforts, resources and functions of the various court departments. The Judiciary. | |
H.1729 | HD.3017 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1729) of Sheila C. Harrington relative to the prohibition of noncompetition business agreements. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
H.1841 | HD.2997 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1841) of Sheila C. Harrington (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize the transfer of a certain parcel of land in the town of Groton. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.2356 | HD.3029 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2356) of Sheila C. Harrington for legislation to include blood-borne infectious diseases in line-of-duty death and disability benefits for police officers and fire fighters. Public Service. | |
H.3247 | HD.3016 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3247) of Sheila C. Harrington and Shaunna O'Connell for legislation to permit the sale of Olympic competition pistols by licensed firearms dealers. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
H.3356 | HD.3021 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3356) of Sheila C. Harrington and James B. Eldridge (by vote of the town) relative to reducing the number of members of the board of selectmen from five to three in the town of Ayer. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3425 | HD.3008 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3425) of Sheila C. Harrington and Eileen M. Donoghue relative to extending health insurance coverage for services rendered by certain licensed mental health or substance abuse providers. Financial Services. | |
H.3545 | HD.3730 | By Representative Harrington of Groton and Senator Flanagan, a joint petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Sheila C. Harrington and Jennifer L. Flanagan (by vote of the town) relative to the terms office for certain official in the town of Townsend. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4058 | HD.4159 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Sheila C. Harrington and others relative to the care and protection of children. The Judiciary. | |
H.4100 | HD.4243 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4100) of Sheila C. Harrington (by vote of the town) relative to validating the actions approved at the March 15, 2014 special town meeting held in the town of Ashby. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4116 | HD.4244 | By Ms. Harrington of Groton, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Sheila C. Harrington for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Richard Brophey, an employee of the Department of Unemployment Assistance. Public Service. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.