State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 212
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 212
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.44 | SD.833 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 44) of Stephen M. Brewer, Carlos Henriquez, Kimberly N. Ferguson and Michael O. Moore for legislation relative to the parental notification for minors who violate probation. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities. | |
S.81 | SD.1318 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 81) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize the town of Templeton to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk off the premises. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.200 | SD.1000 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 200) of Stephen M. Brewer, Todd M. Smola, James M. Murphy, Anne M. Gobi and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to geography education. Education. | |
S.342 | SD.817 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 342) of Stephen M. Brewer, Todd M. Smola, Kimberly N. Ferguson and Jason M. Lewis for legislation relative to irrigation systems. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. | |
S.415 | SD.843 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 415) of Stephen M. Brewer, Gloria L. Fox, Martha M. Walz, Denise Andrews and other members of the General Court for legislation to ensure access to life-saving colorectal cancer and breast cancer screenings. Financial Services. | |
H.496 | HD.1610 | By Mr. Smola of Palmer and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 496) of Todd M. Smola and others for legislation to prohibit the replacement of MCAS standards with national education standards. Education. | |
S.622 | SD.832 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 622) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., Denise Andrews and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide further penalties for intentional loss or damage to gravestone or other gravemarker. The Judiciary. | |
S.623 | SD.1747 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 623) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews (by vote of the town) for legislation to request an investigation by the attornery general into the following incidents in the town of Templeton. The Judiciary. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.641 | HD.1609 | By Mr. Smola of Palmer and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 641) of Todd M. Smola and Stephen M. Brewer (by vote of the town) relative to recall elections in the town of Wales. Election Laws. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.925 | SD.1383 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 925) of Stephen M. Brewer, Kimberly N. Ferguson, Michael R. Knapik, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to include fire districts. Municipalities and Regional Government. | |
S.1110 | SD.1410 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1110) of Stephen M. Brewer, Todd M. Smola, Nicholas A. Boldyga, Karen E. Spilka and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to missing persons. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1202 | SD.841 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1202) of Stephen M. Brewer, Sean Garballey, Anne M. Gobi, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide the next of kin of a state police officer killed in the line of duty with a flag during the memorial service. Public Service. | |
S.1305 | SD.836 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1305) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi, Todd M. Smola, Nicholas A. Boldyga and other members of the General Court for legislation to establish a property tax exemption for members of the National Guard. Revenue. | |
S.1455 | SD.976 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1455) of Stephen M. Brewer and Jonathan D. Zlotnik for legislation to authorize the Department of Fish and Game to exchange the release of a conservation restriction held over certain property in the town of Winchendon for the conveyance of other property in the same town. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.1456 | SD.1231 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1456) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews for legislation to authorize the sale of land in the town of Templeton. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.1457 | SD.1340 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1457) of Stephen M. Brewer, Todd M. Smola and Anne M. Gobi for legislation to authorize the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to grant an easement upon land of the Commonwealth located in the town of Ware to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.1634 | SD.917 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1634) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi, Todd M. Smola and Michael O. Moore for legislation to authorize firefighter motorcycle license plates. Transportation. | |
S.1635 | SD.969 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1635) of Stephen M. Brewer, Stephen Kulik, Todd M. Smola, Benjamin B. Downing and other members of the General Court for legislation to promote environmentally sound transportation of agricultural products. Transportation. | |
S.1725 | SD.1344 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1725) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., Tackey Chan and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to veteran's benefits for surviving spouses. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.1726 | SD.1662 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1726) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., Denise Andrews and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to emergency medical transportation provided to veterans. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.1844 | SD.1866 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1844) of Stephen M. Brewer, Denise Andrews and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize the town of Petersham to borrow outside the debt limit for a certain town project. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.1871 | SD.1884 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Jessica Culver, an employee of the Department of Mental Health . Public Service. | |
S.1874 | SD.1830 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi for legislation to designate a certain bridge in the town of Barre as the Barre American Legion Bridge. Transportation. | |
H.1875 | HD.1608 | By Representative Smola of Palmer and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1875) of Todd M. Smola and Stephen M. Brewer (by vote of the town) relative to creating a library building fund in the town of Wales. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.1886 | SD.1892 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer, Gailanne M. Cariddi, Paul McMurtry, Michael O. Moore and other members of the General Court for legislation to regulate central service technicians. Public Health. | |
S.1927 | SD.1924 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews for legislation to authorize the Massachusetts Highway Department to grant certain easements in the town of Petersham. Transportation. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.1930 | SD.1930 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Denise Andrews for legislation to exempt part-time call firefighters in the town of Athol from the civil service law . Public Service. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.1957 | SD.1936 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Todd M. Smola for legislation relative to net school spending in fiscal year 2014. Education. | |
S.1960 | SD.1940 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1960) of Stephen M. Brewer and Todd M. Smola for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Katrina Aliengena, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services. Public Service. | |
S.1999 | SD.2000 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize the town of Oakham to continue the employment of Fire Chief Thomas Snay. Public Service. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2039 | SD.2020 | Resolutions providing for a declaration of the intent of the Senate relative to the amount and distribution of local aid to the Commonwealth’s cities, towns and regional school districts for fiscal year 2015; provided, further that timely notice to cities, towns and regional school districts relative to the amounts of school and municipal aid is essential for an orderly and rational budget process at the local level | |
S.2043 | SD.1933 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi for legislation to designate a certain bridge in the town of Barre as the Basil D. Izzi Bridge. Transportation. | |
S.2069 | SD.2014 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2069) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation relative to authorizing the transfer of certain parcels of land in the town of Hubbardston. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2081 | SD.2045 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2081) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation relative to the financing and construction of a sanitary sewer extension in the town of Hardwick. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2104 | Text of the further Senate amendment (Senator Brewer) to the Senate Bill to prevent shackling and promote safe pregnancies for female inmates (Senate, No. 2063). | ||
S.2108 | SD.2038 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2108) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi for legislation to authorize the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to grant to the town of Brookfield 6 easements over certain parcels of land in the town of Brookfield. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.2109 | SD.2058 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2109) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi and Todd M. Smola (by vote of the town) for legislation to repeal chapter 511 of the special acts of 1981. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2112 | SD.1987 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2112) of Stephen M. Brewer and Todd M. Smola for legislation to establish a special commission to identify, preserve and commemorate historic roadways in Massachusetts. Transportation. | |
S.2135 | SD.2068 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2135) of Stephen M. Brewer, Denise Andrews and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation relative to the financial condition of the town of Templeton. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2140 | SD.2072 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2140) of Stephen M. Brewer, Todd M. Smola and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation relative to a betterment assessment in the town of Sturbridge. Revenue. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2258 | Senate, June 8, 2014– Text of the Senate amendment to the House Bill relative to juvenile life sentences (House, No. 4181, amended) (being the text of Senate, No. 2246, printed as amended) | ||
S.2263 | Senate, July 10, 2014– Text of the Senate amendment to the House Bill providing for the preservation and improvement of land, parks and clean energy in the Commonwealth (House, No. 4150) (being the text of Senate, No. 2242, printed as amended) | ||
S.2300 | SD.2113 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2300) of Stephen M. Brewer, Denise Andrews and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town)for legislation to dissolve the Athol contributory retirement system. Public Service. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2304 | Senate Amendment | ||
S.2344 | Senate, July 31, 2014 -- Substituted by amendment (Senator Brewer) for the Senate Bill relative to providing the next of kin of a state police officer killed in the line of duty with a flag during the memorial service (Senate, No. 1202) | ||
S.2383 | Senate, October 14, 2014 -- Text of the Senate amendment (Senator Brewer) to the House Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2014 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects (House, No. 4508). | ||
S.2392 | Text of the Senate amendment (Senator Brewer) to the House Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2014 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects (House, No. 4514). | ||
S.2404 | SD.2198 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2404) of Stephen M. Brewer and Anne M. Gobi (by vote of the town) for legislation relative to the town of Barre. Public Service. [Local Approval Received.] | |
S.2405 | SD.2199 | By Mr. Brewer, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2405) of Stephen M. Brewer, Anne M. Gobi and Jonathan D. Zlotnik (by vote of the town) for legislation relative to the financial condition of the town of Winchendon. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3682 | HD.3878 | By Representative Gobi of Spencer and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Anne M. Gobi, Stephen M. Brewer and Peter J. Durant for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Janet Soboleski, an employee of the Department of Mental Health. Public Service. | |
H.3818 | HD.3995 | By Representative Gobi of Spencer and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3818) of Anne M. Gobi and Stephen M. Brewer (by vote of the town) that the town of Hardwick be authorized to change the parks and recreation commission from an elected board to an appointed board. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3900 | HD.4056 | By Representative Andrews of Orange and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Denise Andrews and Stephen M. Brewer for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Marycatherin Paniss, an employee of the Department of Correction. Public Service. | |
H.4565 | HD.4566 | By Representative Gobi of Spencer and Senator Brewer, a joint petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Anne M. Gobi and Stephen M. Brewer for legislation to authorize the town Phillipston to appoint members to the Templeton Developmental Center Reuse Committee. Municipalities and Regional Government. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.