State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 481
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 481
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-2180
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.82 | HD.2954 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by proposal for constitutional amendment, House, No. 82) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr. and others for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to term limits for judges. The Judiciary. | |
H.610 | HD.3240 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 610) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to the financial stability of nursing facilities. Elder Affairs. | |
H.991 | HD.3202 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 991) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to access to telemedicine services. Financial Services. | |
H.992 | HD.3228 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 992) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., Rady Mom and Edward J. Kennedy relative to the rates of reimbursement paid to providers within the carrier’s network. Financial Services. | |
H.1155 | HD.2970 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1155) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr. and others for legislation to provide insurance coverage for chemical dependency, including alcoholism, within the Division of Medical Assistance. Health Care Financing. | |
H.1624 | HD.3100 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1624) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr. and William C. Galvin for legislation to limit indemnity and insurance responsibility for general contractors and subcontractors in construction work. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
H.1715 | HD.2971 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1715) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others that insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
H.1716 | HD.3222 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1716) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., for legislation to promote high value and evidence-based behavioral health care. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
H.2269 | HD.3122 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2269) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., Angelo M. Scaccia and David M. Nangle relative to retirement for certain nuclear energy related employees of University of Massachusetts Lowell. Public Service. | |
H.2270 | HD.3125 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2270) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to requiring civil service examinations for certain benefits eligibility and referral social worker positions. Public Service. | |
H.2271 | HD.3126 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2271) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., relative to the retirement benefits of certain employees of the Department of Transitional Assistance and the Department of Housing and Community Development. Public Service. | |
H.2272 | HD.3128 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2272) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to increasing pension benefits for certain retired teachers and public employees. Public Service. | |
H.2273 | HD.3192 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2273) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others for legislation to further regulate the withdrawal of local subscribers from commissions. Public Service. | |
H.2478 | HD.2972 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2478) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and Bruce E. Tarr for an investigation by a special commission (including members of the General Court) relative to funding the construction of public safety buildings through the sales tax. Revenue. | |
H.2479 | HD.2973 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2479) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to providing tax incentives for small scale commercial development in gateway municipalities. Revenue. | |
H.2705 | HD.3260 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2705) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., relative to the depositing of public monies. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
H.2861 | HD.2770 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2861) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to service quality standards for public utilities and predictability in utility connections. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.2862 | HD.2940 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2862) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to enhancing reliability of renewable resources in the Commonwealth. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.2863 | HD.3054 | By Representative Golden of Lowell and Senator Gobi, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2863) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., Anne M. Gobi and others relative to greenhouse gas emissions standards for municipal lighting plants. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.3031 | HD.3162 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3031) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr. and Joseph F. Wagner relative to temporary registration plates. Transportation. | |
H.3298 | HD.3075 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3298) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to parental rights and child survivors of homicide. The Judiciary. | |
H.3299 | HD.3078 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3299) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., relative to judicial review of local land use decisions. The Judiciary. | |
H.3604 | HD.2950 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3604) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others that the Department of Higher Education conduct a study evaluating the availability of online courses offered as part of a dual enrollment program hosted by certified institutions of higher education located in the Commonwealth. Higher Education. | |
H.3621 | HD.2934 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3621) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to Class I renewable energy generating sources. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.3622 | HD.2935 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3622) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr. and others relative to energy storage. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.3623 | HD.2942 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3623) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others for legislation to promote the development, growth, and adoption of clean energy. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.3629 | HD.2949 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3629) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles for the purpose of implementing innovative transportation planning and fleet electrification projects. Transportation. | |
H.3667 | HD.2936 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3667) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr. and others relative to modern grid access and customer service. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.3766 | HD.3310 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3766) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others relative to the cost of cancer screenings or evaluations by health insurers. Financial Services. | |
H.3846 | HD.4234 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., for legislation to provide for a program of climate change resiliency for cities and towns in the Commonwealth. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.4222 | HD.4639 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4222) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others (by vote of the town) that the town of Chelmsford be authorized to rename the board of selectmen in said town to the select board. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4350 | HD.4825 | By Mr. Golden of Lowell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4350) of Thomas A. Golden, Jr., and others (with the approval of the city council) relative to municipal elections in the city of Lowell. Election Laws. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4378 | HD.4865 | Extension Order - Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy | |
H.4560 | HD.4923 | Extension Order - Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.