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S.2421 |
Rosenberg, Stanley C.
An Act making technical corrections to the charter of the city known as the town of Greenfield
for both referral to the Town Attorney for a legal opinion, 7-7(f) providing for publication of the text of the measure and 7-7(g) providing for the form of ballot question, shall ... |
H.3305 |
Ciccolo, Michelle L.
An Act designating June 7 as Tourette Syndrome awareness day
annually issue a proclamation setting apart June 7 as Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day and ... John J. Lawn, Jr. for legislation to designate June 7 as Tourette Syndrome awareness day ... |
S.2152 |
Friedman, Cindy F.
An Act designating June 7 as Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day
annually issue a proclamation setting apart June 7 as Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day and ... Cindy F. Friedman for legislation to designate June 7 as Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day ... |
S.2716 |
Tarr, Bruce E.
An Act further amending the charter of the town of Middleton
SECTION 1. Subsection 1-3-1 of section 3 of chapter 1 of the charter of the town of Middleton ... SECTION 7. Subsection 2-5-2 of section 5 of said chapter 2 of said charter is hereby ... |
H.3792 |
Story, Ellen
An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to acquire certain parcels of land in the town of Amherst
of land in section1 are as follows: Parcel 7-D-6: Beginning at a point at Route 116 ... Parcel 7-D-7: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 221+46.40, offset 31.18 ... |
H.3970 CA |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H.
An Act further amending the charter of the town of Middleton
SECTION 1. Subsection 1-3-1 of section 3 of chapter 1 of the charter of the town of Middleton ... SECTION 7. Subsection 2-5-2 of section 5 of said chapter 2 of said charter is hereby ... |
H.3950 |
Parisella, Jerald A.
An Act relative to chapter 7 of the acts of 2009
SECTION 1. Chapter 7 of the acts of 2009 is hereby amended by striking out in section 1 ... SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage ... |
H.20 |
Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission |
An Act relative to Chapter 32, Section 15(7) determinations
SECTION 1. Subdivision 7 of section 15 of chapter 32 of the General Laws is hereby amended ... SECTION 2. Said subdivision is further amended by inserting the following at the end of ... |
H.3264 |
Linsky, David P.
An Act relative to the fuel tax.
SECTION 1. Section 7 of chapter 64A of the General Laws is hereby amended in the first ... SECTION 6. Said section 7 is further amended by inserting at the end thereof the following ... |
HD.4169 |
Murphy, James M.
An Act relative to fee reimbursement
appellant identified under Chapter 58A, Section 7 is successful in their appeal, then the appellee identified under Chapter 58A, Section 7 shall cover any costs assessed to the ... |
H.4597 |
Transportation (J) |
Transport Study Order - 7 Feb. 2018 - House - #1
3424, 3640, 3641 and 4120, relative to Transport Study Order - 7 Feb. 2018 - House - #1 ... Order relative to authorizing the committee on Transportation to make an investigation and ... |
S.1758 |
Ross, Richard J.
An Act relative to transparency in government with regard to consultant expenses
1. Subsection (b) of section 14C of chapter 7 of the General Laws, as appearing in the ... SECTION 2. Section 7 of chapter 6A of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended ... |
H.1047 |
Mark, Paul W.
An Act relative to surchargeable incidents
as defined by M.G.L. chapter 90 sections 7 and 16 “Operating without proper mirrors and ... as defined by M.G.L. chapter 90 section 7 “Tread depth, tires” as defined by M.G.L. ... |
H.1598 |
Murphy, James M.
An Act relative to fee reimbursement
appellant identified under Chapter 58A, Section 7 is successful in their appeal, then the appellee identified under Chapter 58A, Section 7 shall cover any costs assessed to the ... |
H.2388 |
Tucker, Paul
An Act repealing section 1-3 and 7-18 of Chapter 351 of the acts of 2016
By Mr. Tucker of Salem (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2388) of William Flynn relative to repealing certain provisions of the law regulating the ... |
H.3174 |
Gordon, Kenneth
An Act repealing section 1-3 and 7-18 of Chapter 351 of the acts of 2016
By Mr. Gordon of Bedford (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3174) of Kathryn Rifkin relative to repealing certain provisions of the law regulating the ... |
H.3199 |
Roy, Jeffrey
An Act repealing section 1-3 and 7-18 of Chapter 351 of the acts of 2016
By Mr. Roy of Franklin (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3199) of Linda L. Noel for legislation to further regulate the cultivation of marijuana and ... |
H.4649 |
Transportation (J) |
Transport Study Order - 7 Feb. 2018 - House - #2
Ordered, That the committee on Transportation be authorized to sit during a recess of the General Court to make an investigation and study of House documents numbered 1793, 1808 ... |
H.4990 |
Galvin, William C.
Filed by Mr. Galvin of Canton. July 7, 2022.
that, notwithstanding the provisions of any rule to the contrary, amendments offered to the Senate Bill relative to extending certain state of emergency accommodations (Senate, No ... |
H.4344 |
Meschino, Joan
An Act establishing a voting precinct in the town of Hingham
The board of registrars of voters and the town clerk shall divide precinct 7 into precincts 7 and 7A as set forth in SECTION 1, and ... |
S.2163 |
Tarr, Bruce E.
An Act to ensure compliance and equity in state reimbursement
SECTION 3. Section 28 of said Chapter 7 is hereby amended in line 27 by striking out the ... SECTION 4. Section 29 of said Chapter 7 is hereby amended by striking lines 71-75 in their ... |
S.2300 |
Gobi, Anne M.
An Act authorizing the town of Spencer to issue certain bonds for terms of 30 years
to said clauses (1), (1A), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (34) of said section 7 of said chapter 44 may be issued for a term ... |
S.140 |
Kennedy, Edward J.
An Act concerning food insecurity and supporting the restaurant industry
members, and their spouses, as defined in 7 U.S.C. 2012(j), or homeless individuals, as defined in 7 U.S.C. ... |
S.98 |
Kennedy, Edward J.
An Act concerning food insecurity and supporting the restaurant industry
members, and their spouses, as defined in 7 U.S.C. 2012(j), or homeless individuals, as defined in 7 U.S.C. ... |
H.3503 |
Peake, Sarah K.
An Act Relative to the Charter of the Town of Harwich
the unsupported portion shall be returned to the 7-year capital plan in year 1 of the next 7-year plan ... |