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February 08, 2025 Clouds | 25°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.81  An Act relative to the issuance of liquor licenses Steven A. Baddour
S.87  An Act relative to the sale of alcohol on election day Stephen M. Brewer
S.95  An Act relative to the posting of fetal alcohol syndrome warning notices Eileen M. Donoghue
S.98  An Act providing municipal control of liquor licenses James B. Eldridge
S.101  An Act to allow for additional liquor licenses in cities and towns Jennifer L. Flanagan
S.106  An Act to consolidate the Massachusetts Identification Card and the Liquor Purchase Identification Card. Patricia D. Jehlen
S.115  An Act relative to the recorking of wine. John F. Keenan
S.128  An Act to establish an annual caterer’s license for the service of alcohol beverages at private functions Michael J. Rodrigues
S.130  An Act to deter underage drinking Richard J. Ross
S.135  An Act to reduce the furnishing or procuring of alcohol to a minor by an adult. Bruce E. Tarr
S.137  An Act relative to alcohol enforcement equality. James E. Timilty
S.1851  An Act relative to the Alcohol Beverages Control Commission. Michael J. Rodrigues
H.98  An Act relative to underage alcohol consumption F. Jay Barrows
H.119  An Act prohibiting minors from handling alcoholic beverages Todd M. Smola
H.125  An Act to reduce underage drinking Thomas M. Stanley
H.1009  An Act relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages Colleen M. Garry
H.1010  An Act relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages Colleen M. Garry
H.1012  An Act relative to identification for the sale of alcoholic beverages Michael F. Kane
H.1013  An Act relative to liquor licenses Michael F. Kane
H.1024  An Act relative to liquor licenses George N. Peterson, Jr.
H.1025  An Act relative to the sale of distilled spirits at auction Theodore C. Speliotis
H.1028  An Act relative to the sale of alcohol on legal holidays David M. Torrisi
H.1029  An Act regulating the direct shipment of wine David M. Torrisi
H.1030  An Act relative to the direct shipment of alcohol David M. Torrisi
H.1031  An Act relative to package store employees David M. Torrisi
H.1833  An Act relative to third party training and background checks for violent history for security staff at bars and clubs James M. Murphy
H.1871  An Act further regulating unfair trade practices in the sale of alcoholic beverages to wholesalers John J. Binienda
H.1874  An Act relative to the sale of liquor licenses Mark J. Cusack
H.1877  An Act relative to farmers-distillers holding wholesaler manufacturing licenses John V. Fernandes
H.1883  An Act regulating the direct shipment of wine Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1897  An Act relative to small brewers Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.2692  An Act relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors Paul K. Frost
H.2698  An Act relative to package store employees Paul McMurtry
H.2699  An Act relative to retail licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages at continuing care retirement communities Paul McMurtry
H.2700  An Act The Private Function Caterers' Act of 2011 Paul McMurtry
H.2701  An act regulating the sale of malt liquor William Smitty Pignatelli
H.3108  An Act relative to the recorking of wine Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.3267  An Act relative to liquor stores James R. Miceli